Sort stability: Difference between revisions

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/* a stable sort will output ["US", "Birmingham"] before ["UK", "Birmingham"] */</lang>
Stable implementations:
Stable implementations: {{works with|SpiderMonkey|1.8}}, {{works with|Firefox|3}}, {{works with|Internet Explorer|6}}, {{works with|JScript|5.7}}, {{works with|OSSP js}}
{{works with|SpiderMonkey|1.8}}
{{works with|Firefox|3}}
{{works with|Internet Explorer|6}}
{{works with|JScript|5.7}}
{{works with|OSSP js}}
<pre>UK,London,US,New York,US,Birmingham,UK,Birmingham
US,Birmingham,UK,Birmingham,UK,London,US,New York</pre>
Not stable:
Not stable: {{works with|Rhino|1.7 rel 2}}, {{works with|Google Chrome|3.0}}
{{works with|Rhino|1.7 rel 2}}
Not stable: {{works with|Rhino|1.7 rel 2}}, {{works with|Google Chrome|3.0}}
<pre>UK,London,US,New York,US,Birmingham,UK,Birmingham
UK,Birmingham,US,Birmingham,UK,London,US,New York</pre>
The built-in function table.sort is not guaranteed stable.
Sort is not always stable. Ordering, which gives a list of indices such as to put the elements of the list in order, is stable. An example would be to sort the list (of lists) {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {5, 4, 3}, {9, 5, 1}}, and doing so by looking at the 2nd value of each list:
An example would be to sort the list (of lists) {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {5, 4, 3}, {9, 5, 1}}, and doing so by looking at the 2nd value of each list:
<lang Mathematica>mylist = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {5, 4, 3}, {9, 5, 1}};
Sort[mylist, (#1[[2]] < #2[[2]]) &]
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Short demonstration for sorting only on the second item of each array:
<lang perl6>use v6;
<lang perl6>
use v6;
my @cities =
['UK', 'London'],
Line 171 ⟶ 176:
.say for @cities.sort: { .[1] };</lang>
Line 187 ⟶ 191:
R uses shell sort (stable) or quick sort (unstable). An easy way to show the difference is names to vector entries, then check if names are still ordered after sorting.
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There seems to be some discussion debating whether stable sorting is worth the performance trade-off [[ 2]].
To code a stable sort[[ 2]]:
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{{works with|Scala|2.8}}
There are two sort methods defined on <tt>Seq</tt>, which is the base collection trait for all sequences. The methods are <tt>sortWith</tt> and <tt>sortBy</tt>, and differ only on the argument used. The first expects a function that will implement the "less than" method for the type of the sequence. The second expects a function from the type of the sequence into any type for which there is an <tt>Ordering</tt>, plus an implicit Ordering of the proper type.
The methods are <tt>sortWith</tt> and <tt>sortBy</tt>, and differ only on the argument used. The first expects a
function that will implement the "less than" method for the type of the sequence. The second
expects a function from the type of the sequence into any type for which there is an <tt>Ordering</tt>,
plus an implicit Ordering of the proper type.
The sort is stable.
<lang scala>scala> val list = List((1, 'c'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'a'))
list: List[(Int, Char)] = List((1,c), (1,b), (2,a))
Line 304 ⟶ 301:
scala> cities.sortBy(_ substring 4)
res47: Seq[String] = ArrayBuffer(US Birmingham, UK Birmingham, UK London, US New York)</lang>
Besides that, there is the object <tt>scala.util.Sorting</tt>, which provides <tt>quickSort<tt> and <tt>stableSort</tt>. The former is only provided on <tt>Array</tt>, but the latter is provided over both <tt>Array</tt> and <tt>Seq</tt>. These sorts operate in-place, with the one over <tt>Seq</tt> returning a sorted <tt>Array</tt>. Here is one example:
Besides that, there is the object <tt>scala.util.Sorting</tt>, which provides <tt>quickSort<tt> and <tt>stableSort</tt>. The former is only provided on <tt>Array</tt>, but the latter is provided over
both <tt>Array</tt> and <tt>Seq</tt>. These sorts operate in-place, with the one over <tt>Seq</tt>
returning a sorted <tt>Array</tt>. Here is one example:
<lang scala>scala> val cityArray = cities.toArray
cityArray: Array[String] = Array(UK London, US New York, US Birmingham, UK Birmingham)