Sort a list of object identifiers: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|REXX}}: elided a comment, ared parenthesis for clarity.)
(→‎{{header|AppleScript}}: Added a functional draft.)
Line 109:
Place the call to the sort handler in a <tt>considering numeric strings</tt> statement.
Line 179 ⟶ 178:
<pre>{"", "", "", "", "", ""}</pre>
As a composition of pure functions:
<lang applescript>use AppleScript version "2.4"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions
------------- SORTED LIST OF OBJECT IDENTIFIERS ------------
-- sortedIdentifiers :: [String] -> [String]
on sortedIdentifiers(xs)
script compareIdentifiers
on |λ|(x, y)
script go
on |λ|(a, xy)
if 0 ≠ a then
compare(|1| of xy, |2| of xy)
end if
end |λ|
end script
foldl(go, 0, zip(x, y))
end |λ|
end script
map(intercalate("."), ¬
sortBy(compareIdentifiers, ¬
map(compose(curry(my map)'s ¬
|λ|(my readint), splitOn(".")), xs)))
end sortedIdentifiers
---------------------------- TEST --------------------------
on run
"", ¬
"", ¬
"", ¬
"", ¬
"", ¬
end run
--------------------- LIBRARY FUNCTIONS --------------------
-- Tuple (,) :: a -> b -> (a, b)
on Tuple(a, b)
-- Constructor for a pair of values, possibly of two different types.
{type:"Tuple", |1|:a, |2|:b, length:2}
end Tuple
-- compare :: a -> a -> Ordering
on compare(a, b)
if a < b then
else if a > b then
end if
end compare
-- compose (<<<) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
on compose(f, g)
property mf : mReturn(f)
property mg : mReturn(g)
on |λ|(x)
mf's |λ|(mg's |λ|(x))
end |λ|
end script
end compose
-- concatMap :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b]
on concatMap(f, xs)
set lng to length of xs
set acc to {}
tell mReturn(f)
repeat with i from 1 to lng
set acc to acc & (|λ|(item i of xs, i, xs))
end repeat
end tell
return acc
end concatMap
-- curry :: ((a, b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c
on curry(f)
on |λ|(a)
on |λ|(b)
|λ|(a, b) of mReturn(f)
end |λ|
end script
end |λ|
end script
end curry
-- drop :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
-- drop :: Int -> String -> String
on drop(n, xs)
set c to class of xs
if script is not c then
if string is not c then
if n < length of xs then
items (1 + n) thru -1 of xs
end if
if n < length of xs then
text (1 + n) thru -1 of xs
end if
end if
take(n, xs) -- consumed
return xs
end if
end drop
-- findIndices :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [Int]
on findIndices(p, xs)
-- List of zero-based indices of
-- any matches for p in xs.
property f : mReturn(p)
on |λ|(x, i, xs)
if f's |λ|(x, i, xs) then
{i - 1}
end if
end |λ|
end script
concatMap(result, xs)
end findIndices
-- foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
on foldl(f, startValue, xs)
tell mReturn(f)
set v to startValue
set lng to length of xs
repeat with i from 1 to lng
set v to |λ|(v, item i of xs, i, xs)
end repeat
return v
end tell
end foldl
-- fst :: (a, b) -> a
on fst(tpl)
if class of tpl is record then
|1| of tpl
item 1 of tpl
end if
end fst
-- intercalate :: String -> [String] -> String
on intercalate(delim)
on |λ|(xs)
set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to ¬
{my text item delimiters, delim}
set s to xs as text
set my text item delimiters to dlm
end |λ|
end script
end intercalate
-- map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
on map(f, xs)
-- The list obtained by applying f
-- to each element of xs.
tell mReturn(f)
set lng to length of xs
set lst to {}
repeat with i from 1 to lng
set end of lst to |λ|(item i of xs, i, xs)
end repeat
return lst
end tell
end map
-- mReturn :: First-class m => (a -> b) -> m (a -> b)
on mReturn(f)
-- 2nd class handler function lifted into 1st class script wrapper.
if script is class of f then
property |λ| : f
end script
end if
end mReturn
-- Returns a sequence-matching function for findIndices etc
-- matching :: [a] -> (a -> Int -> [a] -> Bool)
-- matching :: String -> (Char -> Int -> String -> Bool)
on matching(pat)
if class of pat is text then
set xs to characters of pat
set xs to pat
end if
set lng to length of xs
set bln to 0 < lng
if bln then
set h to item 1 of xs
set h to missing value
end if
on |λ|(x, i, src)
(h = x) and xs = ¬
(items i thru min(length of src, -1 + lng + i) of src)
end |λ|
end script
end matching
-- min :: Ord a => a -> a -> a
on min(x, y)
if y < x then
end if
end min
-- partition :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
on partition(f, xs)
tell mReturn(f)
set ys to {}
set zs to {}
repeat with x in xs
set v to contents of x
if |λ|(v) then
set end of ys to v
set end of zs to v
end if
end repeat
end tell
Tuple(ys, zs)
end partition
-- readInt :: String -> Int
on readint(s)
s as integer
end readint
-- snd :: (a, b) -> b
on snd(tpl)
if class of tpl is record then
|2| of tpl
item 2 of tpl
end if
end snd
-- Enough for small scale sorts.
-- Use instead sortOn (Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a])
-- which is equivalent to the more flexible sortBy(comparing(f), xs)
-- and uses a much faster ObjC NSArray sort method
-- sortBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]
on sortBy(f, xs)
if length of xs > 1 then
set h to item 1 of xs
set f to mReturn(f)
on |λ|(x)
f's |λ|(x, h) ≤ 0
end |λ|
end script
set lessMore to partition(result, rest of xs)
sortBy(f, |1| of lessMore) & {h} & ¬
sortBy(f, |2| of lessMore)
end if
end sortBy
-- splitOn :: [a] -> [a] -> [[a]]
-- splitOn :: String -> String -> [String]
on splitOn(pat)
on |λ|(src)
if class of src is text then
set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to ¬
{my text item delimiters, pat}
set xs to text items of src
set my text item delimiters to dlm
return xs
set lng to length of pat
script residue
on |λ|(a, i)
Tuple(fst(a) & ¬
{init(items snd(a) thru (i) of src)}, lng + i)
end |λ|
end script
set tpl to foldl(residue, ¬
Tuple({}, 1), findIndices(matching(pat), src))
return fst(tpl) & {drop(snd(tpl) - 1, src)}
end if
end |λ|
end script
end splitOn
-- unlines :: [String] -> String
on unlines(xs)
-- A single string formed by the intercalation
-- of a list of strings with the newline character.
set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to ¬
{my text item delimiters, linefeed}
set s to xs as text
set my text item delimiters to dlm
end unlines
-- zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
on zip(xs, ys)
zipWith(my Tuple, xs, ys)
end zip
-- zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
on zipWith(f, xs, ys)
set lng to min(length of xs, length of ys)
set lst to {}
if 1 > lng then
return {}
tell mReturn(f)
repeat with i from 1 to lng
set end of lst to |λ|(item i of xs, item i of ys)
end repeat
return lst
end tell
end if
end zipWith</lang>