Solve a Rubik's cube

Revision as of 19:55, 13 September 2017 by Petelomax (talk | contribs) (added Phix)

Create a program that is capable of solving a Rubik's Cube as efficiently as possible.

Solve a Rubik's cube is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

You may use any sort of input you wish.



Uses brute-force (width/highscore-first) Fridrich-steps (ie cross,f2l,oll,pll).
Not the fastest (see THRESHOLD) or shortest results (see thistlethwaite) but the code is pretty easy to follow.
The final stage (pll) would probably benefit the most from being replaced with standard algorithms. <lang Phix>-- -- demo\rosetta\rubik_cfop.exw -- -- Each stage uses a workspace of moves tried so far, ranked by score. -- We repeatedly take the best scoring so far and try more moves, storing -- those results in a second/new workspace. The THRESHOLD value below -- determines the minimum number we should examine before discarding a -- workspace and switching to the new (one move longer) one. We only ever -- switch on change of score, and obviously the first workspace is empty, -- and the next new workspace has a maximum of 12 entries (+/-90 by 6), -- both of which will force earlier switches. -- constant THRESHOLD = 100000 -- 100000 -- very slow (100s), best results

                           --  10000 -- slow (10s), reasonable results
                           --   1000 -- fast (1s), fairly poor results
                           --    100 -- (counter-productive/slower)

string init =""" _____________---YYY--------


-- numbering: -- 1..15: ---456--------\n -- 16..30: ---901--------\n -- U -- 31..45: ---456--------\n -- 46..60: 678901234567--\n -- 61..75: 123456789012--\n -- LFRB -- 76..90: 678901234567--\n -- 91..105: ------789-----\n -- 106..120:------234-----\n -- D -- 121..136:------789-----\n\n

if length(init)!=136 then ?9/0 end if

-- -- TIP: Wrap a cube with blank paper, and write -- the numbers on it, to derive these sets. -- constant centres = {20,62,65,68,71,113}

constant edges = {{ 4, 5, 6,57,56,55}, -- ie YYY/OOO

                 {  6, 21, 36,54,53,52},   --    YYY/GGG
                 { 34, 35, 36,49,50,51},   --    YYY/RRR
                 {  4, 19, 34,46,47,48},   --    YYY/BBB
                 { 51, 66, 81,52,67,82},   --    RRR/GGG
                 { 54, 69, 84,55,70,85},   --    GGG/OOO
                 { 57, 72, 87,46,61,76},   --    OOO/BBB
                 { 48, 63, 78,49,64,79},   --    BBB/RRR
                 { 97, 98, 99,82,83,84},   --    WWW/GGG
                 { 99,114,129,85,86,87},   --    WWW/OOO
                 {127,128,129,78,77,76},   --    WWW/BBB
                 { 97,112,127,81,80,79}}   --    WWW/RRR

constant corners = {{ 4, 57,46},{34,48, 49},{36,51,52},{ 6,54,55},

               --   YOB/UBL     YBR/UFL     YRG/UFR    YGO/UBL
               --   BWO/DBL     BRW/DFL     RGW/DFR    GOW/DFL

constant facing_corners = {-16,-14,16,14}, -- (nb not 14,16)

        facing_edges   = {-15,  1,15,-1},
        fce = facing_corners&facing_edges,
        rotations = {
                     -- up (clockwise):
                     {{57,54,51,48},   -- clockwise corners
                      {46,55,52,49},   -- anticlockwise corners
                      {47,56,53,50}},  -- middle edges
                     -- left
                     {{ 4,49,127, 87},
                      {57,34, 79,129},
                      {19,64,128, 72}},
                     -- front
                     {{34,52, 97, 78},
                      {48,36, 82,127},
                      {35,67,112, 63}},
                     -- right
                      {51, 6,85,97},
                     -- back
                     {{ 6,46,129,84},
                      {54, 4, 76,99},
                      { 5,61,114,69}},
                     -- down

--Up/Left/Front/Right/Back/Down enum U=1,L=2,F=3,/*R=4,*/B=5,D=6,Dbl=#08,Shift=#10 constant U2 = U+Dbl, F2 = F+Dbl, /*R2 = R+Dbl, B2 = B+Dbl,*/ D2 = D+Dbl,

        Us = U+Shift, Fs = F+Shift, Bs = B+Shift, Rs = R+Shift, Ds = D+Shift


integer f2l = 0 -- (28==done) integer edge_score = 0 -- (0..12 for f2l [as U cleared],

                       --  0..24 for oll and pll stages)

function score(string cube, integer stage) integer res = 0, c, cc, k

   f2l = 0
   for i=1 to length(centres) do
       c = centres[i]
       cc = cube[c]
       for j=1 to length(fce) do -- (the 8 next to c)
           k = c+fce[j]
           if cube[k]=cc then
               res += 1
               f2l += (stage>CROSS and k>=61)
           end if
       end for
   end for
   -- give extra credit for edges paired with corners
   edge_score = 0  -- += (0|1|2) for the 12 edges:
   if stage>CROSS then
       for i=1 to length(edges) do
           sequence ei = edges[i]  -- as 123
           --                      --    456
           -- then if {1,4}=={2,5} then edge_score += 1, 
           -- plus if {2,5}=={3,6} then edge_score += 1.
           edge_score += (cube[ei[1]]=cube[ei[2]] and
                          cube[ei[4]]=cube[ei[5]]) +
                         (cube[ei[2]]=cube[ei[3]] and
       end for
   end if
   return res

end function

function oll_score(string cube) -- (should only be invoked if f2l==28) integer res = 0 -- (true if res=8) integer cu = centres[U]

   if cube[cu]!='Y' then ?9/0 end if
   for i=1 to length(fce) do
       integer fcei = fce[i]
       res += (cube[cu+fcei]='Y')
   end for
   return res

end function

function rotate_face(string cube, integer face) -- -- face is 1..6 for clockwise (ULFRBD), -- plus #08(Dbl) for a 180 (clockwise), -- plus #10(Shift) for anti-clockwise. --

   integer dbl = 1+(and_bits(face,Dbl)=Dbl)
   bool cw = 1-floor(face/Shift)
   face = remainder(face,Dbl)
   integer cf = centres[face]
   sequence rf = {sq_add(facing_corners,cf),
   for d=1 to dbl do
       for i=1 to length(rf) do
           sequence rfi = rf[i]
           if cw then rfi = reverse(rfi) end if
           integer rfi1 = cube[rfi[1]]
           for j=1 to 3 do
               cube[rfi[j]] = cube[rfi[j+1]]
           end for
           cube[rfi[4]] = rfi1
       end for
   end for
   return cube

end function

function apply_moves(string cube, sequence moves)

   for i=1 to length(moves) do
       cube = rotate_face(cube,moves[i])
   end for
   return cube

end function

constant ULFRBD = "ULFRBD"

function moves_to_string(sequence moves) -- convert eg {1,20,11} to "UR'F2" string res = "" integer l = length(moves)

   for i=1 to l do
       integer face = moves[i]
       integer dbl = and_bits(face,Dbl)=Dbl
       bool anticw = floor(face/Shift)
       face = remainder(face,Dbl)
       res &= ULFRBD[face]
       if dbl then
           res &= '2'
       elsif anticw then
           res &= '\
       end if
   end for
   res &=sprintf("  (%d move%s)     ",{l,iff(l=1?"":"s")})
   return res

end function

-- -- The seen dictionary. -- Without this, since it uses a breadth/highscore-first -- algorithm, after f2l (for instance) it would probably -- just do U and U' as the new high scores, forever. -- (The THRESHOLD constant mitigates that to some extent) -- integer seen = new_dict()

function solve_stage(string cube, integer stage) atom t1 = time()+1 string moves = "", moves2 sequence workspace, w2,


integer wslen, high = 1,

       s, c2c = 0, o = 0

bool done

   if stage=CROSS then
       -- first, blank out all corners, and   
       -- all edges without a white on them.
       for i=1 to length(rotations) do
           for j=1 to 2 do -- (just corners)
               for k=1 to 4 do
               end for
           end for
       end for
       for i=1 to length(edges) do
           integer {?,m1,?,?,m2,?} = edges[i]
           if cube[m1]!='W'
           and cube[m2]!='W' then
               cube[m1] = '-'
               cube[m2] = '-'
           end if
       end for
       wslen = 8
       s = score(cube,CROSS)
       done = (s=8)
   elsif stage=F2L then
       -- first, blank out all pieces with a yellow
       for i=1 to length(corners) do
           integer {c1,c2,c3} = corners[i]
           if cube[c1]='Y'
           or cube[c2]='Y'
           or cube[c3]='Y' then
               cube[c1] = '-'
               cube[c2] = '-'
               cube[c3] = '-'
           end if
       end for
       for i=1 to length(edges) do
           integer {?,m1,?,?,m2,?} = edges[i]
           if cube[m1]='Y'
           and cube[m2]='Y' then
               cube[m1] = '-'
               cube[m2] = '-'
           end if
       end for
       wslen = 57+12
       s = score(cube,F2L)
       done = (f2l=28)
       wslen = 77+24
       s = score(cube,stage)
       if f2l!=28 then ?9/0 end if
       if stage=OLL then
           done = (oll_score(cube)=8)
       else -- (stage=PLL)
           done = (s=48)
       end if
   end if
   if not done then
       workspace = repeat({},wslen)
       w2 = workspace
       init = cube
       workspace[high] = {""}
       integer move_count = 1
       while 1 do
           if workspace[high]={} then
               while high and workspace[high]={} do high -= 1 end while
               if high=0 or (stage!=CROSS and c2c>THRESHOLD) then
                   move_count += 1
                   workspace = w2
                   w2 = repeat({},wslen)
                   c2c = 0
                   high = wslen
                   while workspace[high]={} do high -= 1 end while
               end if
           end if
           moves = workspace[high][1]
           workspace[high] = workspace[high][2..$]
           cube = apply_moves(init,moves)
           for face=U to D do
               -- (originally this loop did 180s as well, but that
               --  gave them far too much dominance, esp during pll.
               --  instead we now coalese those that survive a 90.)
               for m=0 to Shift by Shift do
                   integer mi = face+m
                   sequence cube2 = rotate_face(cube,mi)
                   if getd_index(cube2,seen)=0 then
                       s = score(cube2,stage)
                       if stage=CROSS then
                           done = (s=8)
                       elsif stage=F2L then
                           done = (f2l=28)
                           if f2l=28 then
                               o = oll_score(cube2)
                               o = 0
                           end if
                           if stage=OLL then
                               done = (o=8)
                               done = (s=48)
                           end if
                       end if
                       moves2 = moves
                       if length(moves2) and moves2[$]=mi then
                           moves2[$] = face+Dbl
                           moves2 &= mi
                       end if
                       if done then
                           return moves2
                       end if
                       s += 1+edge_score*2+o
                       w2[s] = append(w2[s],moves2)
                       c2c += 1
                   end if
               end for
           end for
           if time()>t1 then
               printf(1,"working... %d moves, %d positions\r",{move_count,dict_size(seen)})
               t1 = time()+1
               if get_key()=#1B then exit end if
           end if
       end while   
   end if
   return ""   -- (already solved case)

end function

constant stage_desc = { "make cross",

                       "solve first two layers",
                       "orientate last layer",
                       "permute last layer" }

procedure main() string cube sequence moves integer total_moves = 0 atom t0 = time()

   -- "hardest case" from
   moves = {F, Us, F2, Ds, B, U, Rs, Fs, L, Ds, 
            Rs, Us, L, U, Bs, D2, Rs, F, U2, D2}
   cube = apply_moves(init,moves)
   if length(moves)<=20 then
       printf(1,"scramble: %s\n",{moves_to_string(moves)})
   end if
   puts(1,substitute(cube,"-"," "))
   for stage=CROSS to PLL do
       moves = solve_stage(cube, stage)
       total_moves += length(moves)
       cube = apply_moves(cube,moves)
       printf(1,"%s: %s\n",{stage_desc[stage],moves_to_string(moves)})
       if length(moves) then
           puts(1,substitute(cube,"-"," "))
       end if
   end for
   printf(1,"\nsolution of %d total moves found in %3.2fs\n",{total_moves,time()-t0})

end procedure main()</lang>


The "hardest case" from with a high threshold. You can try this manually. Disclaimer: the results are not always quite as good as this!

scramble: FU'F2D'BUR'F'LD'R'U'LUB'D2R'FU2D2  (20 moves)

make cross: DLBRFL  (6 moves)

solve first two layers: FUL'R'FLRF'LRB'R'U'BU'B'U'B  (18 moves)

orientate last layer: R'F'U'FUR  (6 moves)

permute last layer: RU'L'UR'U2LU'L'U2LU'  (12 moves)

solution of 42 total moves found in 81.33s


Translation/de-golf(hrumph) of Tomas Sirgedas' winning entry from as held in 2004.
Faster and shorter solutions (in most cases) than cfop, however probably nigh on impossible to debug/enhance... <lang Phix>-- -- demo\rosetta\rubik_tomas.exw -- function xor_string(string s)

   return xor_bits(s[1],xor_bits(s[2],iff(length(s)=3?s[3]:'!')))

end function

function xor_all(sequence s)

   for i=1 to length(s) do
       s[i] = xor_string(s[i])
   end for
   return s

end function

constant d1 = xor_all(split("UF DF UB DB UR DR UL DL FR FL BR BL UFR DBR UBL DFL DLB ULF DRF URB")) -- This is Mike Reid's notation, 12 sides then 8 corners, which may be rotated - hence we xor the -- characters for fast lookup. The above string represents a cube in the solved state.

constant d2 = {18,12,17,15,0, 9,1,8,16,14,19,13,2,10,3,11,12,18,13,19,4,8,5,10,

              14,16,15,17,6,11,7,9,17,12,19,14,6, 0,4, 2,18,15,16,13,1,7,3, 5}

--?sort(d2): (0..11 appear twice, 12..19 appear thrice - edges/corners is pretty much all I can say)

constant d3 = {13,16,15,1,3,


-- these apppear to be swapped during initialisation, dunno why...

integer cur_phase, search_mode, history_idx sequence history_mov = repeat(0,48),

        history_rpt = repeat(0,48),
        hash_table = repeat(repeat(6,6912),48)
        -- (hash_table can/should be preserved for different problems)

sequence cubelet_pos = repeat(0,48),

        cubelet_twi = repeat(0,48)

procedure rot(integer cur_phase)

   if cur_phase<4 then
       for i=0 to 3 do
           integer di = cur_phase*8+i+1,
                   j = d2[di]+1,
                   k = d2[di+4]+1
           cubelet_twi[j] = mod(cubelet_twi[j]+2-mod(i,2),3)
           cubelet_twi[k] = xor_bits(cubelet_twi[k],cur_phase<2)
       end for
   end if
   for i=0 to 6 do
       integer di = cur_phase*8+i+1,
               j = d2[di+(i!=3)]+1,
               k = d2[di]+1
       -- swap(cubelet[j]], cubelet[k]);
       {cubelet_pos[j],cubelet_pos[k]} = {cubelet_pos[k],cubelet_pos[j]}
       {cubelet_twi[j],cubelet_twi[k]} = {cubelet_twi[k],cubelet_twi[j]}
   end for

end procedure

function hashf()

   int ret = 0;
   switch cur_phase do
       case 0:
               for i=0 to 10 do
                   ret += ret + cubelet_twi[i+1]
               end for
               return ret;
       case 1:
               for i=0 to 6 do
                   ret = ret*3 + cubelet_twi[i+12+1]
               end for
               for i=0 to 10 do
                   ret += ret + (cubelet_pos[i+1]>7)
               end for
               return ret-7;
       case 2:
               sequence inva = repeat(0,48),
                        b = repeat(0,48)
               for i=0 to 7 do
                   integer ci12p = cubelet_pos[i+12+1], 
                           ci12p3 = and_bits(ci12p,3)
                   if ci12p<16 then
                       inva[ci12p3+1] = ret
                       ret += 1
                       b[i-ret+1] = ci12p3 
                   end if
               end for
               for i=0 to 6 do
                   ret += ret + (cubelet_pos[i+1]>3);
               end for
               for i=0 to 6 do
                   ret += ret + (cubelet_pos[i+12+1]>15);
               end for
               integer ib2 = xor_bits(inva[b[1]+1],inva[b[2]+1])*2,
                       ib3 = xor_bits(inva[b[1]+1],inva[b[3]+1]),
                       ib4 = xor_bits(inva[b[1]+1],inva[b[4]+1])
               return ret*54 + ib2 + (ib3 > ib4) - 3587708
   end switch
   for i=0 to 4 do
       ret *= 24;
       for cp=0 to 3 do
           for k=0 to cp-1 do
               if cubelet_pos[i*4+cp+1] < cubelet_pos[i*4+k+1] then
                   ret += cp + iff(cp=3?cp:0)
               end if
           end for
       end for
   end for
   return floor(ret/2)

end function

function do_search(integer dpt)

   integer h = hashf(), 
           q = (floor(cur_phase/2)*19+8)*power(2,7),
           hmq = mod(h,q)+1,
           hfq = floor(h/q)+1,
           d = (dpt < hash_table[cur_phase+1][hmq] or 
                dpt < hash_table[cur_phase+4+1][hfq])
   if d xor search_mode then
       if search_mode then
           if dpt <= depth_to_go[h+1] then
               return not h;
               depth_to_go[h+1] = dpt;
           end if
       end if
       hash_table[cur_phase+1][hmq] = min(hash_table[cur_phase+1][hmq],dpt);
       hash_table[cur_phase+5][hfq] = min(hash_table[cur_phase+5][hfq],dpt);
       for k=0 to 5 do
           for i=0 to 3 do
               if (k>=cur_phase*2 or i=1) and i<=2 then
                   history_idx += 1
                   history_mov[history_idx] = k
                   history_rpt[history_idx] = i
                   if do_search(dpt-search_mode*2+1) then return 1 end if
                   history_idx -= 1
               end if
           end for
       end for
   end if
   return 0

end function

function pack_moves() string moves = "" integer n = 0, this, last, last_rpt

   if history_idx!=0 then
       -- add a dummy move to trigger the last move print:
       last = xor_bits(history_mov[history_idx],1) -- F<->B, etc
       history_idx += 1
       history_mov[history_idx] = last
       history_rpt[history_idx] = 0
       last = history_mov[1]
       last_rpt = 0
       for i=1 to history_idx do
           this = history_mov[i]
           if this!=last then
               -- coalesce eg F1F2 to F' (unless you wanna fix do_search()!)
               if last_rpt then
                   moves &= "FBRLUD"[last+1] & {"","2","'"}[last_rpt]
                   n += 1
               end if
               last = this
               last_rpt = history_rpt[i]+1
               last_rpt = mod(last_rpt+history_rpt[i]+1,4)
           end if
       end for
   end if
   return {moves,n,iff(n=1?"":"s")}

end function

function tomas(sequence args)

   search_mode = 0
   history_idx = 0
   depth_to_go = repeat(0,5*power(2,20))
   for i=0 to 19 do
       cubelet_pos[i+1] = i
   end for
   for i=0 to 3 do
       cur_phase = i
       {} = do_search(0)
   end for
   args = split(args)
   for i=0 to 19 do
       string s = args[i+1]    -- (may be rotated, eg RU or UR)
       integer p = find(xor_string(s),d1)
       if p=0 then ?9/0 end if -- sensible message(bad args)?
       cubelet_pos[i+1] = p-1
       int x = max(find('U',s), find('D',s));
       cubelet_twi[i+1] = iff(x!=0 ? x-1 : s[1]>'F')
   end for
   for i=0 to 4 do
       integer j = d3[i+1]+1,
               k = d3[i+6]+1
       -- swap(cubelet[j], cubelet[k]);        
       {cubelet_pos[j],cubelet_pos[k]} = {cubelet_pos[k],cubelet_pos[j]}
       {cubelet_twi[j],cubelet_twi[k]} = {cubelet_twi[k],cubelet_twi[j]}
   end for
   search_mode = 1;
   for cp=0 to 3 do
       cur_phase = cp
       for i=0 to 19 do
           if do_search(i) then exit end if
       end for
   end for
   return pack_moves()

end function

printf(1,"%s (%d move%s)\n",tomas("UL DL RF UB FD BR DB UF DR UR BL FL FDR BLU DLB URB RUF FLD BRD FUL"))</lang>

UF'R'FB2R2B2LD2L2DLR2U'F2UF2U2F2L2UF2DF2U2R2U2R2B2D2R2F2L2B2D2 (35 moves)

The distributed copy of demo\rosetta\rubik_cfop.exw also contains routines to convert between my 136-character cube and reid notation, and demo\rosetta\rubik_tomas.exw also contains the full 100-long test set from the original competition.