Solve a Rubik's cube: Difference between revisions

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(julia example)
(Added Wren)
Line 1,654:
The distributed copy of demo\rosetta\rubik_cfop.exw also contains routines to convert between my 136-character cube and reid notation,
and demo\rosetta\rubik_tomas.exw also contains the full 100-long test set from the original competition.
Wren has a similar problem to Go in that Lists cannot be used as Map keys. Worse still Wren doesn't support fixed size arrays so I've had to convert the Lists to space delimited Strings which is an expensive operation.
Despite this, the script is taking an average of just over a second to calculate the number of moves for each line which is probably not too bad for an interpreted language.
<lang ecmascript>/**********************************************************************
* A cube 'state' is an int array with 40 entries, the first 20
* are a permutation of {0,...,19} and describe which cubie is at
* a certain position (regarding the input ordering). The first
* twelve are for edges, the last eight for corners.
* The last 20 entries are for the orientations, each describing
* how often the cubie at a certain position has been turned
* counterclockwise away from the correct orientation. Again the
* first twelve are edges, the last eight are corners. The values
* are 0 or 1 for edges and 0, 1 or 2 for corners.
import "os" for Process
import "io" for File
var applicableMoves= [0, 262143, 259263, 74943, 74898]
var phase = 0
var affectedCubies = [
[0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3], // U
[4, 7, 6, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7], // D
[0, 9, 4, 8, 0, 3, 5, 4], // F
[2, 10, 6, 11, 2, 1, 7, 6], // B
[3, 11, 7, 9, 3, 2, 6, 5], // L
[1, 8, 5, 10, 1, 0, 4, 7] // R
var btoi = { |b| (b) ? 1 : 0 }
var applyMove = { |move, origState|
var state = origState[0..-1] // make copy so don't mutate original
var turns = move%3 + 1
var face = (move/3).floor
while (turns != 0) {
turns = turns - 1
var oldState = state[0..-1] // make a copy prior to mutation
for (i in 0..7) {
var isCorner = > 3)
var target = affectedCubies[face][i] + isCorner*12
var temp = (i&3 == 3) ? i - 3 : i + 1
var killer = affectedCubies[face][temp] + isCorner*12
var orientationDelta
if (i < 4) {
orientationDelta = > 1 && face < 4)
} else if (face < 2) {
orientationDelta = 0
} else {
orientationDelta = 2 - (i&1)
state[target] = oldState[killer]
state[target+20] = oldState[killer+20] + orientationDelta
if (turns == 0) state[target+20] = state[target+20] % (2 + isCorner)
return state
var inverse = { |move| move + 2 - 2*(move%3) }
var id = { |state|
//--- Phase 1: Edge orientations.
if (phase < 2) return state[20...32]
//--- Phase 2: Corner orientations, E slice edges.
if (phase < 3) {
var result = state[31...40]
for (e in 0..11) result[0] = result[0] | ((state[e]/8).floor << e)
return result
//--- Phase 3: Edge slices M and S, corner tetrads, overall parity.
if (phase < 4) {
var result = [0, 0, 0]
for (e in 0..11) {
var temp = ((state[e] > 7) ? 2 : state[e] & 1) << (2 * e)
result[0] = result[0] | temp
for (c in 0..7) {
var temp = ((state[c + 12] - 12) & 5) << (3 * c)
result[1] = result[1] | temp
for (i in 12..18) {
for (j in i+1..19) result[2] = result[2] ^[i] > state[j])
return result
//--- Phase 4: The rest.
return state
var startTime = System.clock
var aggregateMoves = 0
//--- Define the goal.
var goal = ["UF", "UR", "UB", "UL", "DF", "DR", "DB", "DL", "FR", "FL", "BR", "BL",
"UFR", "URB", "UBL", "ULF", "DRF", "DFL", "DLB", "DBR"]
//--- Load dataset (file name should be passed as a command line argument).
if (Process.arguments.count != 1) {
Fiber.abort("The file name should be passed as a command line argument.")
var lines =[0]).split("\n")
if (lines[-1] == "") lines.removeAt(-1) // if there's a final blank line remove it
var lineCount = lines.count
for (line in lines) {
var inputs = line.split(" ")
phase = 0
var totalMoves = 0
//--- Prepare current (start) and goal state.
var currentState = List.filled(40, 0)
var goalState = List.filled(40, 0)
for (i in 0..19) {
//--- Goal state.
goalState[i] = i
//--- Current (start) state.
var cubie = inputs[i]
while (true) {
var idx = -1
for (c in 0...goal.count) {
if (goal[c] == cubie) {
idx = c
currentState[i] = (idx >= 0) ? idx : 20
if (currentState[i] != 20) break
cubie = cubie[1..-1] + cubie[0]
currentState[i+20] = currentState[i+20] + 1
//--- Dance the funky Thistlethwaite..
phase = phase + 1
while (phase < 5) {
var nextPhase = false
//--- Compute ids for current and goal state, skip phase if equal.
var currentId =" ")
var goalId =" ")
if (currentId != goalId) {
//--- Initialize the BFS queue.
var q = [currentState, goalState]
//--- Initialize the BFS tables.
var predecessor = {}
var direction = {}
var lastMove = {}
direction[currentId] = 1
direction[goalId] = 2
//--- Dance the funky bidirectional BFS...
while (true) {
//--- Get state from queue, compute its ID and get its direction.
var oldState = q[0]
q = q[1..-1]
var oldId =" ")
var oldDir = direction[oldId]
if (oldDir == null) {
oldDir = 0
direction[oldId] = 0
//--- Apply all applicable moves to it and handle the new state.
var move = 0
while (move < 18) {
if ((applicableMoves[phase] & (1 << move)) != 0) {
//--- Apply the move.
var newState =, oldState)
var newId =" ")
var newDir = direction[newId]
if (newDir == null) {
newDir = 0
direction[newId] = 0
//--- Have we seen this state (id) from the other direction already?
//--- I.e. have we found a connection?
if (newDir != 0 && newDir != oldDir) {
//--- Make oldId represent the forwards
//--- and newId the backwards search state.
if (oldDir > 1) {
var t = newId
newId = oldId
oldId = t
move =
//--- Reconstruct the connecting algorithm.
var algorithm = [move]
while (oldId != currentId) {
var t = lastMove[oldId]
if (t == null) {
t = 0
lastMove[oldId] = 0
algorithm.insert(0, t)
oldId = predecessor[oldId]
if (oldId == null) {
oldId = ""
predecessor[oldId] = ""
while (newId != goalId) {
var t = lastMove[newId]
if (t == null) {
t = 0
lastMove[newId] = 0
newId = predecessor[newId]
if (newId == null) {
newId = ""
predecessor[newId] = ""
//--- Print and apply the algorithm.
for (i in 0...algorithm.count) {
System.write(algorithm[i]%3 + 1)
System.write(" ")
totalMoves = totalMoves + 1
currentState =[i], currentState)
nextPhase = true
//--- If we've never seen this state (id) before, visit it.
if (newDir == 0) {
direction[newId] = oldDir
lastMove[newId] = move
predecessor[newId] = oldId
move = move + 1
if (nextPhase) break
phase = phase + 1
System.print(" (moves %(totalMoves))")
aggregateMoves = aggregateMoves + totalMoves
var endTime = System.clock
var elapsedTime = ((endTime - startTime) * 1000).round
System.print("\nAverage number of moves = %(aggregateMoves/lineCount)")
System.print("\nAverage time = %(elapsedTime/lineCount) milliseconds")</lang>
Using the original dataset of 100 lines, the results were as follows:
<pre style="height:45ex">
U1 U2 (moves 2)
U2 (moves 1)
U1 (moves 1)
F1 F2 (moves 2)
F2 (moves 1)
F1 (moves 1)
R1 R2 (moves 2)
R2 (moves 1)
R1 (moves 1)
D1 D2 (moves 2)
D2 (moves 1)
D1 (moves 1)
B1 B2 (moves 2)
B2 (moves 1)
B1 (moves 1)
L1 L2 (moves 2)
L2 (moves 1)
L1 (moves 1)
U2 B3 B2 (moves 3)
L2 U3 (moves 2)
R1 U1 (moves 2)
D3 L3 (moves 2)
D3 L2 (moves 2)
D2 F3 F2 (moves 3)
R2 F3 (moves 2)
R1 F2 F2 R2 F2 (moves 5)
D1 D2 U2 (moves 3)
L1 B2 F2 L2 R2 B2 F2 (moves 7)
L1 L2 D3 (moves 3)
D1 F2 (moves 2)
U2 R3 (moves 2)
L1 L2 U3 (moves 3)
U1 R2 (moves 2)
U1 R3 (moves 2)
F1 U2 (moves 2)
U2 R3 R2 (moves 3)
F2 D1 F3 (moves 3)
F2 D3 D2 U2 (moves 4)
L3 D2 R3 (moves 3)
D2 R3 R2 D3 (moves 4)
F1 R1 B2 B2 R2 B2 (moves 6)
L1 B2 F2 (moves 3)
U1 R2 B3 B2 (moves 4)
R2 F3 R2 (moves 3)
L2 D3 R3 R2 (moves 4)
L2 F3 L2 L2 F2 L2 (moves 6)
F1 R1 B3 D3 B2 D3 L3 U2 L3 U2 L2 U2 L2 U3 R2 U1 F2 L2 U2 B2 L2 F2 U2 L2 U2 F2 D2 F2 U2 (moves 29)
L1 L2 U3 R2 (moves 4)
L3 B3 B2 R3 R2 (moves 5)
B2 U1 R3 R2 (moves 4)
L3 B3 L2 (moves 3)
D1 B2 L3 L2 (moves 4)
B1 B2 R3 F2 F2 R2 F2 (moves 7)
D1 F3 D1 D2 (moves 4)
R1 B3 D1 R2 F3 L1 U2 F2 D3 B2 D1 L3 U1 F2 R2 U1 L2 U1 F2 U2 R2 U3 F2 U3 F2 D2 F2 L2 F2 L2 F2 U2 F2 D2 L2 (moves 35)
F1 R1 U3 D1 B3 U3 D2 L3 B2 R1 F2 D3 L3 U2 R2 D1 R2 B2 U2 L2 U3 U2 F2 U2 L2 B2 R2 D2 R2 D2 B2 L2 F2 U2 (moves 34)
U1 R1 F3 L1 R2 U3 L1 D2 F2 U3 L3 L2 U1 F2 D3 F2 F2 U2 D2 L2 U2 F2 R2 F2 D2 R2 U2 (moves 27)
R1 D3 R3 F3 R1 D3 F2 U1 R3 D2 U1 R3 F2 U1 L2 U3 F2 U1 B2 D2 L2 D3 F2 F2 U2 F2 D2 L2 U2 L2 F2 L2 U2 R2 (moves 34)
D2 R1 B1 L1 F3 U2 D3 L2 R1 D3 B2 U1 F2 L3 F2 U3 B2 U3 B2 L2 U3 B2 U3 F2 U2 F2 U2 L2 F2 R2 B2 D2 L2 D2 F2 (moves 35)
B3 U2 L1 F3 F2 U1 R3 D1 F2 R3 D3 B2 R3 B2 U1 F2 U3 R2 U1 R2 U3 R2 L2 F2 U2 R2 F2 D2 R2 B2 U2 R2 B2 (moves 33)
L1 F3 L2 D3 U1 F3 L1 B2 R1 U1 D1 B2 R3 U1 L2 U1 B2 U1 F2 U3 L2 D1 F2 U3 F2 U2 D2 R2 U2 L2 F2 R2 U2 F2 R2 (moves 35)
F1 R3 U2 F3 B2 U1 L1 U1 R3 B2 U1 R3 R2 U3 L2 U1 B2 U2 R2 U3 L2 U3 F2 L2 U2 F2 U2 B2 L2 D2 L2 F2 L2 F2 U2 (moves 35)
U2 D3 B3 U1 L2 D1 R1 U3 L3 D2 U1 R3 U3 B2 D3 R2 F2 U3 F2 U3 U2 B2 D2 B2 L2 F2 R2 D2 R2 (moves 29)
D2 L3 U3 F3 B2 U3 L1 U2 R3 D2 L3 U2 L2 U3 R2 B2 D3 F2 R2 U3 U2 L2 U2 F2 U2 D2 R2 F2 U2 B2 D2 (moves 31)
F1 L1 U1 L1 B3 U3 L1 F2 L1 B2 F2 U3 L3 F2 D3 B2 D3 R2 U1 F2 U3 L2 U3 U2 F2 D2 B2 U2 F2 R2 F2 L2 (moves 32)
B1 L1 U3 F3 B2 U1 L3 B2 R3 L3 U3 L3 D2 B2 D3 F2 L2 U2 R2 U3 F2 U3 F2 L2 U2 B2 L2 U2 B2 F2 R2 U2 F2 (moves 33)
F2 L3 F1 D3 B3 B2 U3 R1 D3 U3 L3 L2 R2 U3 B2 D1 B2 U3 R2 U3 F2 L2 F2 L2 U2 F2 B2 R2 B2 L2 (moves 30)
D3 F3 U1 B2 U3 L1 D1 R3 U3 F2 L3 U1 F2 U2 L2 U3 L2 B2 R2 L2 D1 F2 F2 L2 U2 F2 L2 U2 R2 D2 B2 R2 L2 (moves 33)
F2 R3 U2 F3 U2 L2 B2 D1 F2 R3 B2 D1 L3 D2 R2 B2 D1 R2 B2 U1 L2 B2 R2 B2 R2 D2 L2 D2 F2 L2 B2 L2 F2 (moves 33)
U1 R3 F3 D3 R3 B2 L3 D1 F2 U1 R3 L2 U1 B2 D1 L2 U3 R2 U1 L2 U3 F2 U3 F2 U2 B2 L2 D2 L2 U2 R2 F2 (moves 32)
F1 R1 F1 D3 B3 F3 U1 R2 F2 U1 L3 U1 F2 U2 R2 U1 R2 U3 L2 U3 D2 L2 F2 L2 F2 U2 B2 U2 L2 F2 (moves 30)
F3 R3 L2 B3 U1 B2 U1 F2 U2 B2 R3 D2 L3 B2 U1 F2 U3 L2 U1 B2 D3 L2 U1 L2 U2 L2 D2 R2 F2 D2 F2 U2 R2 U2 (moves 34)
D1 B3 D2 L1 F3 U3 F2 D2 L3 F2 L3 D3 L3 D1 L2 B2 U3 R2 U1 R2 U3 L2 U3 L2 D2 R2 D2 F2 R2 F2 L2 D2 U2 F2 U2 (moves 35)
U1 B1 D1 R3 F3 U1 B2 R1 U3 L1 D3 B2 U1 R3 U2 F2 L2 U3 R2 U1 B2 D3 B2 U1 L2 F2 U2 D2 L2 U2 B2 R2 B2 L2 D2 L2 (moves 36)
U3 F1 L1 F3 B2 U1 B2 R2 D1 R1 U2 L3 U1 F2 R2 U3 L2 U3 B2 F2 R2 F2 B2 U2 R2 F2 L2 U2 L2 (moves 29)
U1 B2 L1 B3 F3 U1 F2 B2 R2 D3 R3 U3 L3 B2 U1 F2 U3 F2 U3 L2 U2 F2 R2 B2 R2 U2 F2 U2 F2 U2 F2 (moves 31)
U1 B1 U3 D1 F3 U2 D3 R3 D1 U1 L1 F2 L3 D2 L2 U1 F2 B2 R2 U3 F2 U1 L2 U2 R2 F2 D2 F2 U2 L2 B2 U2 F2 (moves 33)
D1 F3 U2 R1 B3 L1 B2 R1 U3 L2 D3 F2 R3 L2 D2 L2 D3 L2 F2 U3 F2 B2 D2 L2 B2 L2 B2 D2 L2 F2 U2 F2 U2 (moves 33)
R1 B1 D3 F3 D1 R3 D3 B2 L2 B2 U2 L3 L2 U2 B2 L2 U2 F2 U3 U2 F2 L2 D2 L2 B2 U2 R2 F2 L2 B2 (moves 30)
U1 D2 F1 L1 B3 D1 B2 D3 L2 R1 D3 L2 U2 R3 D2 F2 U3 F2 R2 U1 B2 U1 F2 U3 B2 R2 U2 L2 U2 B2 D2 F2 L2 B2 F2 U2 (moves 36)
U1 L1 D1 L1 F3 L1 U1 L3 U3 L1 D1 R3 F2 U2 R2 U1 F2 U2 F2 L2 D1 F2 U3 F2 U2 R2 D2 F2 R2 B2 L2 B2 D2 B2 (moves 34)
L3 D3 U1 F3 U2 F2 D3 R3 B2 D3 U3 L3 R2 U2 L2 D3 R2 U1 L2 U2 F2 U3 F2 U3 U2 L2 U2 R2 B2 R2 B2 U2 F2 U2 (moves 34)
L1 B1 U2 D1 F3 B2 U3 R3 D2 U3 L2 U3 L3 F2 U3 R2 U1 F2 R2 L2 D3 F2 F2 B2 L2 D2 F2 R2 D2 B2 R2 F2 L2 (moves 33)
L1 B1 U3 F3 U1 L2 D3 L1 B2 R1 L3 U3 L3 U3 L2 D3 L2 U1 L2 B2 F2 U3 L2 D2 L2 U2 R2 F2 D2 B2 U2 R2 U2 (moves 33)
F1 U1 B3 F3 B2 U2 D3 L3 U3 L3 U3 R2 D3 B2 D2 L2 U3 R2 U2 F2 U3 F2 L2 D2 L2 R2 F2 L2 U2 L2 D2 U2 F2 U2 (moves 34)
D1 L3 R1 F2 U2 F3 U3 F2 D3 L3 D2 L3 U2 L3 D1 L2 U3 R2 D1 B2 U1 L2 R2 U2 L2 D2 B2 R2 F2 L2 D2 U2 F2 U2 (moves 34)
L2 R3 D1 F3 D3 L1 U3 L3 D2 L3 B2 L2 U1 R2 U2 F2 U3 F2 L2 F2 L2 B2 U2 R2 U2 R2 B2 U2 B2 (moves 29)
L2 U2 R1 B3 F3 U1 L1 D3 F2 U2 R3 U2 L3 L2 U2 L2 D2 L2 F2 U3 F2 U2 L2 U2 B2 U2 R2 D2 R2 B2 (moves 30)
L2 F1 U2 F3 D3 R3 U1 D3 L3 D1 U1 L3 R2 D3 R2 F2 D2 B2 U3 F2 U1 F2 D2 L2 B2 U2 L2 U2 R2 B2 F2 U2 (moves 32)
F3 D2 F3 L2 B2 D3 L2 U3 B2 L3 L2 F2 L2 D3 L2 B2 U3 L2 L2 U2 F2 D2 L2 D2 L2 B2 L2 F2 L2 U2 (moves 30)
F3 R2 U3 F3 U3 R3 D2 R2 D1 F2 U2 L3 D3 L2 D3 R2 U1 F2 U3 L2 U1 F2 L2 B2 D2 B2 L2 F2 U2 L2 F2 D2 (moves 32)
B1 R1 U1 D3 F3 R2 U1 L2 R2 D2 B2 U3 L3 R2 F2 U1 L2 B2 U1 F2 U3 L2 U3 R2 U2 F2 D2 F2 L2 B2 L2 U2 F2 (moves 33)
L3 D3 U1 B3 L2 F2 D3 L3 R1 U1 R3 L2 D3 F2 R2 U3 F2 R2 U3 L2 D2 R2 U2 B2 U2 B2 L2 U2 R2 F2 U2 (moves 31)
L1 F3 L2 R1 B3 L1 U3 L1 R1 D3 F2 D1 R3 B2 R2 U1 F2 L2 D1 R2 F2 D2 L2 R2 B2 R2 B2 U2 L2 U2 (moves 30)
U1 F1 U3 L1 B3 D1 L2 B2 R1 D3 R3 F2 L3 U3 F2 B2 L2 U3 B2 D3 L2 U3 L2 D2 R2 F2 D2 L2 F2 D2 F2 (moves 31)
D2 L3 U1 F3 U1 D3 L1 F2 D3 R3 F2 U3 R3 L2 U1 L2 U3 L2 U1 F2 L2 U1 R2 U3 F2 U2 L2 D2 B2 U2 L2 F2 U2 F2 U2 (moves 35)
F3 L2 F3 U1 L1 U1 D2 L3 U3 L3 B2 U1 F2 U1 F2 D2 R2 U3 L2 U2 F2 U3 R2 F2 D2 L2 D2 R2 F2 U2 F2 U2 F2 U2 (moves 34)
U2 L3 B3 U2 R3 U3 L2 B2 U1 R3 R2 D3 R2 U1 R2 U3 F2 U1 F2 U3 F2 U2 L2 F2 R2 F2 D2 L2 D2 L2 B2 (moves 31)
F1 B1 R3 F3 U3 F3 B2 D1 B2 R1 U3 L1 U2 L3 F2 U3 F2 R2 U1 R2 U2 B2 D3 F2 U3 F2 B2 L2 U2 F2 L2 D2 B2 F2 L2 B2 (moves 36)
B2 D3 B3 U2 B2 D3 L3 D1 R1 U2 L3 L2 U3 B2 U1 B2 D2 R2 U3 F2 U3 U2 L2 U2 F2 D2 F2 U2 B2 L2 D2 F2 R2 F2 (moves 34)
Average number of moves = 16.72
Average time = 1005.78 milliseconds
When run with a file containing the single line:
a typical result was:
U3 F1 L1 F3 B2 U1 B2 R2 D1 R1 U2 L3 U1 F2 R2 U3 L2 U3 B2 F2 R2 F2 B2 U2 R2 F2 L2 U2 L2 (moves 29)
Average number of moves = 29
Average time = 665 milliseconds