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From the refactored C++ version with more precise typing. The NumbrixPuzzle struct is created at compile-time, so its asserts and exceptions can catch most malformed puzzles at compile-time.
<lang d>import std.stdio, std.conv, std.string, std.range, std.array, std.typecons, std.algorithm;

struct {
alias BitSet8 = ubyte; // A set of 8 bits.
alias Cell = uint;
enum : string { unavailableInCell = "#", availableInCell = "." }
enum : Cell { unavailableCell = Cell.max, availableCell = 0 }

this(in string inPuzzle) pure @safe {
const rawPuzzle =!(row => row.split).array;
assert(rawPuzzle.all!(row => row.length == rawPuzzle[0].length)); // Is rectangular.

gridWidth = rawPuzzle[0].length;
gridHeight = rawPuzzle.length;
immutable nMaxCells = gridWidth * gridHeight;
grid = new Cell[nMaxCells];
auto knownMutable = new bool[nMaxCells + 1];
uint nAvailableMutable = nMaxCells;
bool[Cell] seenCells; // To avoid duplicate input numbers.

uint i = 0;
foreach (const piece; rawPuzzle.join) {
if (piece == unavailableInCell) {
grid[i++] = unavailableCell;
} else if (piece == availableInCell) {
grid[i] = availableCell;
} else {
immutable cell =!Cell;
assert(cell > 0 && cell <= nMaxCells);
assert(cell !in seenCells);
seenCells[cell] = true;
knownMutable[cell] = true;
grid[i] = cell;


known = knownMutable.idup;
nAvailable = nAvailableMutable;

@disable this();

auto solve() pure nothrow @safe @nogc
out(result) {
if (!result.isNull) {
// Can't verify 'result' here because it's const.
// assert(!result.get.join.canFind(availableCell.text));

auto values = grid.filter!(c => c != unavailableCell);
auto interval = iota(reduce!min(values.front, values.dropOne),
reduce!max(values.front, values.dropOne) + 1);
assert(values.walkLength == interval.length);
assert(interval.all!(c => values.count(c) == 1)); // Quadratic.
} body {
auto result = grid
.map!(c => (c == unavailableCell) ? unavailableInCell : c.text)
alias OutRange = Nullable!(typeof(result));

const start = findStart;
if (start.isNull)
return OutRange();

search(start.r, start.c, start.cell + 1, 1);
if (start.cell > 1) {
immutable direction = -1;
search(start.r, start.c, start.cell + direction, direction);

if (grid.any!(c => c == availableCell))
return OutRange();
return OutRange(result);


bool search(in uint r, in uint c, in Cell cell, in int direction)
pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
if ((cell > nAvailable && direction > 0) || (cell == 0 && direction < 0) ||
(cell == nAvailable && known[cell]))
return true; // One solution found.

immutable neighbors = getNeighbors(r, c);

if (known[cell]) {
foreach (immutable i, immutable rc; shifts) {
if (neighbors & (1u << i)) {
immutable c2 = c + rc[0],
r2 = r + rc[1];
if (grid[r2 * gridWidth + c2] == cell)
if (search(r2, c2, cell + direction, direction))
return true;
return false;

foreach (immutable i, immutable rc; shifts) {
if (neighbors & (1u << i)) {
immutable c2 = c + rc[0],
r2 = r + rc[1],
pos = r2 * gridWidth + c2;
if (grid[pos] == availableCell) {
grid[pos] = cell; // Try.
if (search(r2, c2, cell + direction, direction))
return true;
grid[pos] = availableCell; // Restore.
return false;

BitSet8 getNeighbors(in uint r, in uint c) const pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
typeof(return) usable = 0;

foreach (immutable i, immutable rc; shifts) {
immutable c2 = c + rc[0],
r2 = r + rc[1];
if (c2 >= gridWidth || r2 >= gridHeight)
if (grid[r2 * gridWidth + c2] != unavailableCell)
usable |= (1u << i);

return usable;

auto findStart() const pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
alias Triple = Tuple!(uint,"r", uint,"c", Cell,"cell");
Nullable!Triple result;

auto cell = Cell.max;
foreach (immutable r; 0 .. gridHeight) {
foreach (immutable c; 0 .. gridWidth) {
immutable pos = gridWidth * r + c;
if (grid[pos] != availableCell &&
grid[pos] != unavailableCell && grid[pos] < cell) {
cell = grid[pos];
result = Triple(r, c, cell);

return result;

static immutable int[2][4] shifts = [[0, -1], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [1, 0]];
immutable uint gridWidth, gridHeight;
immutable int nAvailable;
immutable bool[] known; // Given known cells of the puzzle.
Cell[] grid; // Flattened mutable game grid.

void main() {
// enum NumbrixPuzzle to catch malformed puzzles at compile-time.
enum puzzle1 = ". . . . . . . . .
. . 46 45 . 55 74 . .
. 38 . . 43 . . 78 .
. 35 . . . . . 71 .
. . 33 . . . 59 . .
. 17 . . . . . 67 .
. 18 . . 11 . . 64 .
. . 24 21 . 1 2 . .
. . . . . . . . .".NumbrixPuzzle;

enum puzzle2 = ". . . . . . . . .
. 11 12 15 18 21 62 61 .
. 6 . . . . . 60 .
. 33 . . . . . 57 .
. 32 . . . . . 56 .
. 37 . 1 . . . 73 .
. 38 . . . . . 72 .
. 43 44 47 48 51 76 77 .
. . . . . . . . .".NumbrixPuzzle;

enum puzzle3 = "17 . . . 11 . . . 59
. 15 . . 6 . . 61 .
. . 3 . . . 63 . .
. . . . 66 . . . .
23 24 . 68 67 78 . 54 55
. . . . 72 . . . .
. . 35 . . . 49 . .
. 29 . . 40 . . 47 .
31 . . . 39 . . . 45".NumbrixPuzzle;

foreach (puzzle; [puzzle1, puzzle2, puzzle3]) {
auto solution = puzzle.solve; // Solved at run-time.
if (solution.isNull)
writeln("No solution found for puzzle.\n");
writefln("One solution:\n%(%-(%2s %)\n%)\n", solution);
<pre>One solution:
49 50 51 52 53 54 75 76 81
48 47 46 45 44 55 74 77 80
37 38 39 40 43 56 73 78 79
36 35 34 41 42 57 72 71 70
31 32 33 14 13 58 59 68 69
30 17 16 15 12 61 60 67 66
29 18 19 20 11 62 63 64 65
28 25 24 21 10 1 2 3 4
27 26 23 22 9 8 7 6 5

One solution:
9 10 13 14 19 20 63 64 65
8 11 12 15 18 21 62 61 66
7 6 5 16 17 22 59 60 67
34 33 4 3 24 23 58 57 68
35 32 31 2 25 54 55 56 69
36 37 30 1 26 53 74 73 70
39 38 29 28 27 52 75 72 71
40 43 44 47 48 51 76 77 78
41 42 45 46 49 50 81 80 79

One solution:
17 16 13 12 11 10 9 60 59
18 15 14 5 6 7 8 61 58
19 20 3 4 65 64 63 62 57
22 21 2 1 66 79 80 81 56
23 24 69 68 67 78 77 54 55
26 25 70 71 72 75 76 53 52
27 28 35 36 73 74 49 50 51
30 29 34 37 40 41 48 47 46
31 32 33 38 39 42 43 44 45</pre>

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