Solve a Hopido puzzle: Difference between revisions

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<lang scala>// version 1.2.0

val board = listOf(

val moves = listOf(
-3 to 0, 0 to 3, 3 to 0, 0 to -3,
2 to 2, 2 to -2, -2 to 2, -2 to -2

lateinit var grid: List<IntArray>
var totalToFill = 0

fun solve(r: Int, c: Int, count: Int): Boolean {
if (count > totalToFill) return true
val nbrs = neighbors(r, c)
if (nbrs.isEmpty() && count != totalToFill) return false
nbrs.sortBy { it[2] }
for (nb in nbrs) {
val rr = nb[0]
val cc = nb[1]
grid[rr][cc] = count
if (solve(rr, cc, count + 1)) return true
grid[rr][cc] = 0
return false

fun neighbors(r: Int, c: Int): MutableList<IntArray> {
val nbrs = mutableListOf<IntArray>()
for (m in moves) {
val x = m.first
val y = m.second
if (grid[r + y][c + x] == 0) {
val num = countNeighbors(r + y, c + x) - 1
nbrs.add(intArrayOf(r + y, c + x, num))
return nbrs

fun countNeighbors(r: Int, c: Int): Int {
var num = 0
for (m in moves)
if (grid[r + m.second][c + m.first] == 0) num++
return num

fun printResult() {
for (row in grid) {
for (i in row) {
print(if (i == -1) " " else "%2d ".format(i))

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val nRows = board.size + 6
val nCols = board[0].length + 6
grid = List(nRows) { IntArray(nCols) { -1} }
for (r in 0 until nRows) {
for (c in 3 until nCols - 3) {
if (r in 3 until nRows - 3) {
if (board[r - 3][c - 3] == '0') {
grid[r][c] = 0
var pos = -1
var rr: Int
var cc: Int
do {
do {
rr = pos / nCols
cc = pos % nCols
while (grid[rr][cc] == -1)

grid[rr][cc] = 1
if (solve(rr, cc, 2)) break
grid[rr][cc] = 0
while (pos < nRows * nCols)


1 22 14 21
18 10 7 17 11 8 16
5 24 27 4 23 26 13
2 19 9 15 20
6 25 12

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