Solve a Holy Knight's tour: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|JavaScript}}: added JS (ES6) version (composing generic functions)
(→‎{{header|Haskell}}: +pragma to enable compile, chunks by splitAt, hlint, hindent)
(→‎{{header|JavaScript}}: added JS (ES6) version (composing generic functions))
Line 1,716:
12 31 5
4 11 14 </pre>
By composition of generic functions, cacheing degree-sorted moves for each node.
<lang JavaScript>(() => {
'use strict';
// problems :: [[String]]
const problems = [
" 000 " //
, " 0 00 " //
, " 0000000" //
, "000 0 0" //
, "0 0 000" //
, "1000000 " //
, " 00 0 " //
, " 000 " //
"-----1-0-----" //
, "-----0-0-----" //
, "----00000----" //
, "-----000-----" //
, "--0--0-0--0--" //
, "00000---00000" //
, "--00-----00--" //
, "00000---00000" //
, "--0--0-0--0--" //
, "-----000-----" //
, "----00000----" //
, "-----0-0-----" //
, "-----0-0-----" //
// GENERIC FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------
// comparing :: (a -> b) -> (a -> a -> Ordering)
const comparing = f =>
(x, y) => {
a = f(x),
b = f(y);
return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0
// concat :: [[a]] -> [a] | [String] -> String
const concat = xs =>
xs.length > 0 ? (() => {
const unit = typeof xs[0] === 'string' ? '' : [];
return unit.concat.apply(unit, xs);
})() : [];
// 2 or more arguments
// curry :: Function -> Function
const curry = (f, ...args) => {
const go = xs => xs.length >= f.length ? (f.apply(null, xs)) :
function () {
return go(xs.concat(Array.from(arguments)));
return go([], 1));
// elem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
const elem = (x, xs) => xs.indexOf(x) !== -1;
// enumFromTo :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
const enumFromTo = (m, n) =>
length: Math.floor(n - m) + 1
}, (_, i) => m + i);
// filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
const filter = (f, xs) => xs.filter(f);
// findIndex :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe Int
const findIndex = (f, xs) => {
for (var i = 0, lng = xs.length; i < lng; i++) {
if (f(xs[i])) return {
nothing: false,
just: i
return {
nothing: true
// foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
const foldl = (f, a, xs) => xs.reduce(f, a);
// groupBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
const groupBy = (f, xs) => {
const dct = xs.slice(1)
.reduce((a, x) => {
h = > 0 ?[0] : undefined,
blnGroup = h !== undefined && f(h, x);
return {
active: blnGroup ?[x]) : [x],
sofar: blnGroup ? a.sofar : a.sofar.concat([])
}, {
active: xs.length > 0 ? [xs[0]] : [],
sofar: []
return dct.sofar.concat( > 0 ? [] : []);
// intercalate :: String -> [a] -> String
const intercalate = (s, xs) => xs.join(s);
// intersectBy::(a - > a - > Bool) - > [a] - > [a] - > [a]
const intersectBy = (eq, xs, ys) =>
(xs.length > 0 && ys.length > 0) ?
xs.filter(x => ys.some(curry(eq)(x))) : [];
// justifyRight :: Int -> Char -> Text -> Text
const justifyRight = (n, cFiller, strText) =>
n > strText.length ? (
(cFiller.repeat(n) + strText)
) : strText;
// length :: [a] -> Int
const length = xs => xs.length;
// map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
const map = (f, xs) =>;
// mappendComparing :: [(a -> b)] -> (a -> a -> Ordering)
const mappendComparing = fs => (x, y) =>
fs.reduce((ord, f) => {
if (ord !== 0) return ord;
a = f(x),
b = f(y);
return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0
}, 0);
// maximumBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> a
const maximumBy = (f, xs) =>
xs.reduce((a, x) => a === undefined ? x : (
f(x, a) > 0 ? x : a
), undefined);
// min :: Ord a => a -> a -> a
const min = (a, b) => b < a ? b : a;
// replicate :: Int -> a -> [a]
const replicate = (n, a) => {
let v = [a],
o = [];
if (n < 1) return o;
while (n > 1) {
if (n & 1) o = o.concat(v);
n >>= 1;
v = v.concat(v);
return o.concat(v);
// sortBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]
const sortBy = (f, xs) => xs.slice()
// splitOn :: String -> String -> [String]
const splitOn = (s, xs) => xs.split(s);
// take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
const take = (n, xs) => xs.slice(0, n);
// unlines :: [String] -> String
const unlines = xs => xs.join('\n');
// until :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
const until = (p, f, x) => {
let v = x;
while (!p(v)) v = f(v);
return v;
// zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
const zipWith = (f, xs, ys) =>
length: min(xs.length, ys.length)
}, (_, i) => f(xs[i], ys[i]));
// HOLY KNIGHT's TOUR FUNCTIONS -------------------------------------------
// kmoves :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
const kmoves = ([x, y]) => map(
([a, b]) => [a + x, b + y], [
[1, 2],
[1, -2],
[-1, 2],
[-1, -2],
[2, 1],
[2, -1],
[-2, 1],
[-2, -1]
// rowPosns :: Int -> String -> [(Int, Int)]
const rowPosns = (iRow, s) => {
return foldl((a, x, i) => (elem(x, ['0', '1']) ? (
[i, iRow]
) : a), [], splitOn('', s));
// hash :: (Int, Int) -> String
const hash = ([col, row]) => col.toString() + '.' + row.toString();
// startPosn :: [String] -> Maybe (Int, Int)
const startPosn = rows => {
const mb = findIndex(s => s.indexOf('1') !== -1, rows);
return mb.nothing ? {
nothing: true
} : (() => {
const iRow = mb.just;
return [
findIndex(s => s === '1', rows[iRow])
.just, iRow
// Start node, and degree-sorted cache of moves from each node
// All node references are hash strings (for this cache)
// problemModel :: [[String]] -> {cache: {nodeKey: [nodeKey], start:String}}
const problemModel = boardLines => {
steps = foldl((a, xs, i) =>
a.concat(rowPosns(i, xs)), [], boardLines),
courseMoves = (xs, [x, y]) => intersectBy(
([a, b], [c, d]) => a === c && b === d, kmoves([x, y]), xs
return {
start: hash(startPosn(boardLines)),
boardWidth: boardLines.length > 0 ? boardLines[0].length : 0,
stepCount: steps.length,
cache: (() => {
const moveCache = foldl((a, xy) => (
a[hash(xy)] = map(hash, courseMoves(steps, xy)),
), {}, steps),
lstMoves = Object.keys(moveCache),
dctDegree = foldl((a, k) =>
(a[k] = moveCache[k].length,
a), {}, lstMoves);
return foldl((a, k) => (
a[k] = sortBy(comparing(x => dctDegree[x]), moveCache[k]),
), {}, lstMoves);
// firstSolution :: {nodeKey: [nodeKey]} -> Int -> nodeKey, nodeKey, [nodeKey] ->
// -> {path::[nodeKey], pathLen::Int, found::Bool}
const firstSolution = (dctMoves, intTarget, strStart, strNodeKey, path) => {
intPath = path.length,
moves = dctMoves[strNodeKey];
if ((intTarget - intPath) < 2 && elem(strStart, moves)) {
return {
nothing: false,
just: [strStart, strNodeKey].concat(path),
pathLen: intTarget
nexts = filter(k => !elem(k, path), moves),
intNexts = nexts.length,
lstFullPath = [strNodeKey].concat(path);
// Until we find a full path back to start
return until(
x => (x.nothing === false || x.i >= intNexts),
x => {
idx = x.i,
dctSoln = firstSolution(
dctMoves, intTarget, strStart, nexts[idx], lstFullPath
return {
i: idx + 1,
nothing: dctSoln.nothing,
just: dctSoln.just,
pathLen: dctSoln.pathLen
}, {
nothing: true,
just: [],
i: 0
// maybeTour :: [String] -> {
// nothing::Bool, Just::[nodeHash], i::Int: pathLen::Int }
const maybeTour = trackLines => {
dctModel = problemModel(trackLines),
strStart = dctModel.start;
return firstSolution(
dctModel.cache, dctModel.stepCount, strStart, strStart, []
// groupLine :: Int -> Int -> String -> Maybe (Int, Int) ->
// [(Int, Int, String)] -> String
const groupLine = curry((intCell, strFiller, maybeStart, xs) => {
blnSoln = maybeStart.nothing,
[startCol, startRow] = blnSoln ? [0, 0] : maybeStart.just;
return foldl((a, [iCol, iRow, sVal], i, xs) => ({
col: iCol + 1,
txt: a.txt +
concat(replicate((iCol - a.col) * intCell, strFiller)) +
intCell, strFiller,
(blnSoln ? sVal : (
iRow === startRow &&
iCol === startCol ? '1' : '0'))
}), {
col: 0,
txt: ''
// solutionString :: [String] -> Int -> String
const solutionString = (boardLines, iProblem) => {
dtePre =,
intCols = boardLines.length > 0 ? boardLines[0].length : 0,
soln = maybeTour(boardLines),
intMSeconds = - dtePre;
if (soln.nothing) return 'No solution found …';
kCol = 0,
kRow = 1,
kSeq = 2,
steps = soln.just,
lstTriples = zipWith((h, n) => {
const [col, row] = map(
x => parseInt(x, 10), splitOn('.', h)
return [col, row, n.toString()];
enumFromTo(1, soln.pathLen)),
cellWidth = length(maximumBy(
comparing(x => length(x[kSeq])), lstTriples
)[kSeq]) + 1,
lstGroups = groupBy(
(a, b) => a[kRow] === b[kRow],
mappendComparing([x => x[kRow], x => x[kCol]]),
startXY = take(2, lstTriples[0]),
strMap = 'PROBLEM ' + (parseInt(iProblem, 10) + 1) + '.\n\n' +
unlines(map(groupLine(cellWidth, ' ', {
nothing: false,
just: startXY
}), lstGroups)),
strSoln = 'First solution found in c.' +
intMSeconds + ' milliseconds:\n\n' +
unlines(map(groupLine(cellWidth, ' ', {
nothing: true,
just: startXY
}), lstGroups)) + '\n\n';
return strMap + '\n\n' + strSoln;
// TEST -------------------------------------------------------------------
return unlines(map(solutionString, problems));
(Executed in Atom editor, using 'Script' package).
<pre>PROBLEM 1.
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
First solution found in c.24 milliseconds:
25 14 23
8 26 15
13 24 7 22 27 16 31
9 36 11 30 28
12 6 21 32 17
1 10 35 20 3 18 29
2 5 33
34 19 4
1 0
0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
First solution found in c.7223 milliseconds:
1 3
50 52
56 53 2 49 4
48 51 54
46 55 5 10
45 42 35 40 47 11 6 13 8 15
44 37 9 16
43 36 41 34 39 19 12 7 14 17
38 33 27 18
26 23 20
32 21 30 25 28
24 22
31 29
[Finished in 7.331s]</pre>
