Solve a Hidato puzzle: Difference between revisions

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'''Adapted from [[#Wren|Wren]]'''
'''Works with jq, the C implementation of jq'''
'''Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq'''
'''Works with jaq, the Rust implementation of jq'''
The solution presented here takes advantage of jq's support for backtracking.
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">
### Generic functions
def lpad($len): tostring | ($len - length) as $l | (" " * $l) + .;
### Hidato Puzzle
# "." ~ -1 (dead cell)
# "_" ~ 0 (to be assigned a number)
def printBoard:
.board[] as $row
| reduce $row[] as $c ("";
if $c == -1 then . + " . "
elif $c > 0 then . + ($c | lpad(3))
else . + " __"
# output: { board, given, start}
# "." signifies a dead cell
def setUp($in):
{ board:[], given:[], start:[] }
| ($in|length) as $nRows
| [range(0;$nRows) | ($in[.]|split(" "))] as $puzzle
| ($puzzle[0]|length) as $nCols
| .board = [range(0; $nRows+2) | null]
| reduce range(0; .board|length) as $i (. ; .board[$i] = [range(0; $nCols+2) | -1])
| reduce range(0; $nRows) as $r (.;
$puzzle[$r] as $row
| reduce range(0; $nCols) as $c (.;
$row[$c] as $cell
| if $cell == "_"
then .board[$r + 1][$c + 1] = 0
elif $cell != "."
then ($cell | tonumber) as $value
| .board[$r + 1][$c + 1] = $value
| .given += [$value]
| if $value == 1 then .start = [$r + 1, $c + 1] end
end ))
| .given |= sort ;
# Generate all solutions, that is, emit empty on failure.
# $r is a row, $c is a column, $n is the number we're looking for,
# $next is the index in .given of the next given number.
def solve($r; $c; $n; $next):
if $n > .given[-1] then . # all done
else .board[$r][$c] as $back
| if ($back != 0 and $back != $n) then empty
elif $back == 0 and .given[$next] == $n then empty
(if $back == $n then (1+$next) else $next end) as $next2
| if $n != $back then .board[$r][$c] = $n end # avoid unnecessary copying
| ( (-1, 0, 1) as $i
| (-1, 0, 1) as $j
| solve($r + $i; $c + $j; $n + 1; $next2)
def example: [
"_ 33 35 _ _ . . .",
"_ _ 24 22 _ . . .",
"_ _ _ 21 _ _ . .",
"_ 26 _ 13 40 11 . .",
"27 _ _ _ 9 _ 1 .",
". . _ _ 18 _ _ .",
". . . . _ 7 _ _",
". . . . . . 5 _"
| printBoard,
( first( solve(.start[0]; .start[1]; 1; 0) )
| printBoard)
As for [[#Wren|Wren]].
