Sokoban: Difference between revisions

3,106 bytes added ,  3 years ago
(Added Wren)
Line 2,379:
We have chosen to use a double queue (deque) instead of a linked list.
<lang Nim>import deques, sets, strutils
Sokoban = object
destBoard: string
currBoard: string
nCols: Natural
playerX: Natural
playerY: Natural
Board = tuple[cur, sol: string; x, y: int]
func initSokoban(board: openArray[string]): Sokoban =
result.nCols = board[0].len
for row in 0..board.high:
for col in 0..<result.nCols:
let ch = board[row][col]
result.destBoard.add if ch notin ['$', '@']: ch else: ' '
result.currBoard.add if ch != '.': ch else: ' '
if ch == '@':
result.playerX = col
result.playerY = row
func move(sokoban: Sokoban; x, y, dx, dy: int; trialBoard: string): string =
let newPlayerPos = (y + dy) * sokoban.nCols + x + dx
if trialBoard[newPlayerPos] != ' ': return
result = trialBoard
result[y * sokoban.nCols + x] = ' '
result[newPlayerPos] = '@'
func push(sokoban: Sokoban; x, y, dx, dy: int; trialBoard: string): string =
let newBoxPos = (y + 2 * dy) * sokoban.nCols + x + 2 * dx
if trialBoard[newBoxPos] != ' ': return
result = trialBoard
result[y * sokoban.nCols + x] = ' '
result[(y + dy) * sokoban.nCols + x + dx] = '@'
result[newBoxPos] = '$'
func isSolved(sokoban: Sokoban; trialBoard: string): bool =
for i in 0..trialBoard.high:
if (sokoban.destBoard[i] == '.') != (trialBoard[i] == '$'): return false
result = true
func solve(sokoban: Sokoban): string =
var history: HashSet[string]
history.incl sokoban.currBoard
const Dirs = [(0, -1, 'u', 'U'), (1, 0, 'r', 'R'), (0, 1, 'd', 'D'), (-1, 0, 'l', 'L')]
var open: Deque[Board]
open.addLast (sokoban.currBoard, "", sokoban.playerX, sokoban.playerY)
while open.len != 0:
let (cur, sol, x, y) = open.popFirst()
for dir in Dirs:
var trial = cur
let dx = dir[0]
let dy = dir[1]
# Are we standing next to a box?
if trial[(y + dy) * sokoban.nCols + x + dx] == '$':
# Can we push it?
trial = sokoban.push(x, y, dx, dy, trial)
if trial.len != 0:
# Or did we already try this one?
if trial notin history:
let newSol = sol & dir[3]
if sokoban.isSolved(trial): return newSol
open.addLast (trial, newSol, x + dx, y + dy)
history.incl trial
# Try to change position.
trial = sokoban.move(x, y, dx, dy, trial)
if trial.len != 0 and trial notin history:
let newSol = sol & dir[2]
open.addLast (trial, newSol, x + dx, y + dy)
history.incl trial
result = "no solution"
when isMainModule:
const Level = ["#######",
"# #",
"# #",
"#. # #",
"#. $$ #",
"#.$$ #",
"#.# @#",
echo Level.join("\n")
echo initSokoban(Level).solve()</lang>
# #
# #
#. # #
#. $$ #
#.$$ #
#.# @#
Anonymous user