Sockets: Difference between revisions

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Encapsulating the <code>Socket</code>'s <code>OutputStream</code> in a <code>PrintStream</code> (for data) or <code>PrintWriter</code> (for text) may be easier in more complex programs for their auto-flush abilities, encoding management, and their overloaded <code>print</code> and <code>println</code> methods. The <code>write</code> method from the original <code>OutputStream</code> will still be available.
Encapsulating the <code>Socket</code>'s <code>OutputStream</code> in a <code>PrintStream</code> (for data) or <code>PrintWriter</code> (for text) may be easier in more complex programs for their auto-flush abilities, encoding management, and their overloaded <code>print</code> and <code>println</code> methods. The <code>write</code> method from the original <code>OutputStream</code> will still be available.
Requires: LuaSocket
<lang lua>socket = require "socket"
host, port = "", 256

sid = socket.udp()
sid:sendto( "hello socket world", host, port )
