Snake and ladder: Difference between revisions

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import rand
snl = {4: 14, 9: 31, 17: 7, 20: 38, 28: 84, 40: 59, 51: 67, 54: 34,
62: 19, 63: 81, 64: 60, 71: 91, 87: 24, 93: 73, 95: 75, 99: 78}
fn main() {
// three players starting on square one
mut players := [1,1,1]
mut ns := 0
for {
for i, s in players {
ns = turn(i + 1, s)
if ns == 100 {
println("Player ${i+1} wins!")
players[i] = ns
fn turn(player int, square int) int {
mut square2 := square
mut roll, mut next := 0, 0
for {
roll = rand.int_in_range(1, 7) or {println('Error: invalid number') exit(1)}
print("Player $player, on square $square2, rolls a $roll")
if square2 + roll > 100 {println(" but cannot move.")}
else {
square2 += roll
println(" and moves to square ${square2}.")
if square2 == 100 {return 100}
next = snl[square2]
if next!= 0 {next = snl[square2]}
else {next = square2}
if square2 < next {
println("Yay! Landed on a ladder. Climb up to ${next}.")
if next == 100 {return 100}
square2 = next
if square2 > next {
println("Oops! Landed on a snake. Slither down to ${next}.")
square2 = next
if roll < 6 {return square2}
println("Rolled a 6 so roll again. \n")
return next
Player 1, on square 1, rolls a 6 and moves to square 7.
Rolled a 6 so roll again.
Player 1, on square 7, rolls a 2 and moves to square 9.
Yay! Landed on a ladder. Climb up to 31.
Player 2, on square 1, rolls a 1 and moves to square 2.
Player 3, on square 1, rolls a 5 and moves to square 6.
Player 1, on square 31, rolls a 2 and moves to square 33.
Player 2, on square 2, rolls a 1 and moves to square 3.
Player 3, on square 6, rolls a 5 and moves to square 11.
Player 1, on square 33, rolls a 3 and moves to square 36.
Player 2, on square 3, rolls a 1 and moves to square 4.
Yay! Landed on a ladder. Climb up to 14.
Player 2, on square 84, rolls a 6 and moves to square 90.
Rolled a 6 so roll again.
Player 2, on square 90, rolls a 1 and moves to square 91.
Player 3, on square 98, rolls a 6 but cannot move.
Rolled a 6 so roll again.
Player 3, on square 98, rolls a 4 but cannot move.
Player 1, on square 94, rolls a 2 and moves to square 96.
Player 2, on square 91, rolls a 3 and moves to square 94.
Player 3, on square 98, rolls a 5 but cannot move.
Player 1, on square 96, rolls a 4 and moves to square 100.
Player 1 wins!
