Snake: Difference between revisions

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(Adding an example of Snake in FSharp)
m (Craft Basic moved to the BASIC section.)
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==={{header|Craft Basic}}===
[[File:Craft Basic Snake.png|right]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="basic">rem Snake example game for Craft Basic
rem by Gemino Smothers 2022

define gfxx = 330, gfxy = 296
define upkey = 0, rightkey = 0, downkey = 0, leftkey = 0, esckey = 0
define speed = 0, delay = 0, score = 0, game = 1
define maxsize = 1000, size = 9, direction = int(rnd * 4) + 1
define rx = int(rnd * (gfxx - 24)) + 12
define ry = int(rnd * (gfxy - 40)) + 25

dim sx[maxsize]
dim sy[maxsize]

let sx[0] = gfxx / 2
let sy[0] = gfxy / 2

title "Snake!"

resize 0, 0, gfxx + 10, gfxy + 56

fill on
bgcolor 128, 64, 0

alert "Snake! by Gemino Smothers 2022"
alert "Get the gray little rodents and avoid hitting yourself or walls."
alert "Use arrow keys to move. Esc to exit."

input "Enter game speed between 0 to 100+", speed

fgcolor 0, 80, 0
rect 0, 0, gfxx, gfxy


button upkey, 38
button rightkey, 39
button downkey, 40
button leftkey, 37
button esckey, 27

if upkey = 1 and direction <> 3 then

let direction = 1


if rightkey = 1 and direction <> 4 then

let direction = 2


if downkey = 1 and direction <> 1 then

let direction = 3


if leftkey = 1 and direction <> 2 then

let direction = 4


fgcolor 0, 80, 0
oval sx[size], sy[size], 15, 15

let i = size + 1


let i = i - 1
let c = i - 1

if sx[0] = sx[i] and sy[0] = sy[i] = 1 then

let game = 0


let sx[i] = sx[c]
let sy[i] = sy[c]

fgcolor 0, 255, 0
oval sx[i], sy[i], 15, 15

loop i > 1

fgcolor 0, 0, 255
oval sx[0] + 5, sy[0] + 5, 3, 3
oval sx[0] + 9, sy[0] + 5, 3, 3

if direction = 1 then

let sy[0] = sy[0] - 15


if direction = 2 then

let sx[0] = sx[0] + 15


if direction = 3 then

let sy[0] = sy[0] + 15


if direction = 4 then

let sx[0] = sx[0] - 15


if sx[0] <= -10 or sx[0] >= gfxx or sy[0] <= -10 or sy[0] >= gfxy = 1 then

let game = 0


if sx[0] + 15 >= rx and sx[0] <= rx + 15 and sy[0] + 15 >= ry and sy[0] <= ry + 15 = 1 then

playwave "examples\tada.wav"

fgcolor 0, 80, 0
rect 0, 0, gfxx, gfxy

let rx = int(rnd * (gfxx - 24)) + 12
let ry = int(rnd * (gfxy - 40)) + 25

let size = size + 3
let score = score + 1


fgcolor 100,100,100
oval rx, ry, 15, 15

fgcolor 255, 0, 0
oval rx + 5, ry + 5, 3, 3
oval rx + 9, ry + 5, 3, 3

fgcolor 255, 255, 0
cursor 1, 1
print "Score: ", score

let delay = clock



loop clock < delay + speed

loop esckey <> 1 and game = 1

playwave "examples\boom.wav"

alert "Game over! Score: ", score


Line 1,669: Line 1,837:

=={{header|Craft Basic}}==
[[File:Craft Basic Snake.png|right]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="basic">rem Snake example game for Craft Basic
rem by Gemino Smothers 2022

define gfxx = 330, gfxy = 296
define upkey = 0, rightkey = 0, downkey = 0, leftkey = 0, esckey = 0
define speed = 0, delay = 0, score = 0, game = 1
define maxsize = 1000, size = 9, direction = int(rnd * 4) + 1
define rx = int(rnd * (gfxx - 24)) + 12
define ry = int(rnd * (gfxy - 40)) + 25

dim sx[maxsize]
dim sy[maxsize]

let sx[0] = gfxx / 2
let sy[0] = gfxy / 2

title "Snake!"

resize 0, 0, gfxx + 10, gfxy + 56

fill on
bgcolor 128, 64, 0

alert "Snake! by Gemino Smothers 2022"
alert "Get the gray little rodents and avoid hitting yourself or walls."
alert "Use arrow keys to move. Esc to exit."

input "Enter game speed between 0 to 100+", speed

fgcolor 0, 80, 0
rect 0, 0, gfxx, gfxy


button upkey, 38
button rightkey, 39
button downkey, 40
button leftkey, 37
button esckey, 27

if upkey = 1 and direction <> 3 then

let direction = 1


if rightkey = 1 and direction <> 4 then

let direction = 2


if downkey = 1 and direction <> 1 then

let direction = 3


if leftkey = 1 and direction <> 2 then

let direction = 4


fgcolor 0, 80, 0
oval sx[size], sy[size], 15, 15

let i = size + 1


let i = i - 1
let c = i - 1

if sx[0] = sx[i] and sy[0] = sy[i] = 1 then

let game = 0


let sx[i] = sx[c]
let sy[i] = sy[c]

fgcolor 0, 255, 0
oval sx[i], sy[i], 15, 15

loop i > 1

fgcolor 0, 0, 255
oval sx[0] + 5, sy[0] + 5, 3, 3
oval sx[0] + 9, sy[0] + 5, 3, 3

if direction = 1 then

let sy[0] = sy[0] - 15


if direction = 2 then

let sx[0] = sx[0] + 15


if direction = 3 then

let sy[0] = sy[0] + 15


if direction = 4 then

let sx[0] = sx[0] - 15


if sx[0] <= -10 or sx[0] >= gfxx or sy[0] <= -10 or sy[0] >= gfxy = 1 then

let game = 0


if sx[0] + 15 >= rx and sx[0] <= rx + 15 and sy[0] + 15 >= ry and sy[0] <= ry + 15 = 1 then

playwave "examples\tada.wav"

fgcolor 0, 80, 0
rect 0, 0, gfxx, gfxy

let rx = int(rnd * (gfxx - 24)) + 12
let ry = int(rnd * (gfxy - 40)) + 25

let size = size + 3
let score = score + 1


fgcolor 100,100,100
oval rx, ry, 15, 15

fgcolor 255, 0, 0
oval rx + 5, ry + 5, 3, 3
oval rx + 9, ry + 5, 3, 3

fgcolor 255, 255, 0
cursor 1, 1
print "Score: ", score

let delay = clock



loop clock < delay + speed

loop esckey <> 1 and game = 1

playwave "examples\boom.wav"

alert "Game over! Score: ", score

