Smarandache prime-digital sequence: Difference between revisions

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main = do
printf "The first 25 SPDS:\n%s\n\n" $ f smarandache
mapM_ (uncurry (printf "The %8sth9sth SPDS: %15s\n")) $
nextSPDSTerms [100, 1_000, 10_000, 100_000, 1_000_000]
where f = show . take 25</lang>
<pre>The first 25 SPDS:
The first 25 SPDS:
The 100th SPDS: 33,223
The 1,000th SPDS: 3,273,527
The 10,000th SPDS: 273,322,727
The 100,000th SPDS: 23,325,232,253
The 1,000,000th SPDS: 753,373,253,723
./smarandache_optimized 115.20s25s user 0.04s45s system 8098% cpu 115.531938 total</pre>
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