Smallest square that begins with n: Difference between revisions

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41209 4225 4356 441 45369 4624 4761 484 49
<lang Nim>import strutils
const Max = 49
func starts(k: int): (int, int) =
## Return the starting values of "k".
## The first one is less than Max.
## If the first one is in 1..9, the second one is 0 else it is in 1..9.
var k = k
while k > Max: k = k div 10
result[0] = k
if k < 10: return
while k > 9: k = k div 10
result[1] = k
var squares: array[1..Max, int] # Maps "n" to the smallest square beginning with "n".
var count = Max # Number of squares still to found.
var n = 0
while count > 0:
inc n
let n2 = n * n
let (s1, s2) = n2.starts()
if squares[s1] == 0:
squares[s1] = n2
dec count
if s2 != 0 and squares[s2] == 0:
squares[s2] = n2
dec count
for i, n2 in squares:
stdout.write ($n2).align(5)
stdout.write if i mod 7 == 0: '\n' else: ' '</lang>
<pre> 1 25 36 4 529 64 729
81 9 100 1156 121 1369 144
1521 16 1764 1849 196 2025 2116
225 2304 2401 25 2601 2704 289
2916 3025 3136 324 3364 3481 35344
36 3721 3844 3969 400 41209 4225
4356 441 45369 4624 4761 484 49</pre>