Sleeping Beauty problem: Difference between revisions

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(Added Algol 68)
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Results of experiment: Sleeping Beauty should estimate a credence of: 0.332540916
Results of experiment: Sleeping Beauty should estimate a credence of: 0.332540916

=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
In Algol 68, the generated random numbers are in the semi-open range [0.0..1.0).
<syntaxhighlight lang="algol68">
BEGIN # sleeping beauty problem - translated from the Wren sample #
PROC sleeping beauty = ( INT reps )REAL:
INT wakings := 0, heads := 0;
FOR i TO reps DO
wakings +:= 1;
IF next random < 0.5 THEN # [0..0.5) = heads, [0.5..1.0) = tails say #
heads +:= 1
wakings +:= 1
print( ( "Wakings over ", whole( reps, 0 ), " repetitions = ", whole( wakings, 0 ), newline ) );
( heads / wakings ) * 100
END; # sleeping beauty #

REAL pc = sleeping beauty( 1 000 000 );
print( ( "Percentage probability of heads on waking = ", fixed( pc, -10, 6 ), "%", newline ) )
Wakings over 1000000 repetitions = 1499978
Percentage probability of heads on waking = 33.335289%</pre>
