Sleeping Beauty problem: Difference between revisions

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Sleeping Beauty volunteers to be put into a deep sleep on a Sunday. There is then a fair coin toss.
If this coin toss comes up heads, Sleeping Beauty wakes once (on Monday) and asked to
estimatedestimate the probability that the coin toss was heads. Her estimate is recorded and she is
then put back to sleep for 2 days until Wednesday, at which time the experiment's results are tallied.
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If instead the coin toss is tails, Sleeping Beauty wakes as before on Monday and asked to
estimatedestimate the probability the coin toss was heads, but is then given a drug which makes her forget
that she had been woken on Monday before being put back to sleep again,. butShe then wakes only 1 day
later, on Tuesday. She is then asked (on Tuesday) again to guess the probability that the coin toss
was heads or tails. She is then put back to sleep and awakes as before 1 day later, on Wednesday.