Simulated annealing

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Quoted from the Wikipedia page : Simulated annealing (SA) is a probabilistic technique for approximating the global optimum of a given function. Simulated annealing interprets slow cooling as a slow decrease in the probability of temporarily accepting worse solutions as it explores the solution space.

Simulated annealing is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Pseudo code from Wikipedia

Notations :
  T : temperature. Decreases to 0.
  s : a system state
  E(s) : Energy at s. The function we want to minimize
  ∆E : variation of E, from state s to state s_next
  P(∆E , T) : Probability to move from s to s_next. 
  	if  ( ∆E < 0 ) P = 1
  	      else P = exp ( - ∆E / T) . Decreases as T →  0
    Let s = s0  -- initial state
    For k = 0 through kmax (exclusive):
        T ← temperature(k , kmax)
        Pick a random neighbour state , s_next ← neighbour(s)
        ∆E ← E(s) - E(s_next) 
        If P(∆E , T) ≥ random(0, 1), move to the new state:
            s ← s_next
    Output: the final state s

Problem statement

We want to apply SA to the travelling salesman problem. There are 100 cities, numbered 0 to 99, located on a grid. The city at coordinates (i,j) - i,j in [0..9] - has number 10*i + j. The cities are all connected. The salesman wants to start from city 0, visit all cities, each one time, and go back to city 0.

A path s is a sequence (0 a b ...z 0) where (a b ..z) is a permutation of the numbers (1 2 .. 99). The path length = E(s) is the sum d(0,a) + d(a,b) + ... + d(z,0) , where d(u,v) is the euclidian distance between two cities. Naturally, we want to minimize E(s).

Distances between cities
d ( 0, 7) → 7
d ( 0, 99) → 12.7279
d ( 23, 78) → 7.0711
d ( 33, 44) → 1.4142 // sqrt(2)


Apply SA to the travelling salesman problem, using the following set of parameters/functions :

  • kT = 1
  • temperature(k, kmax) = kT * (1 - k/kmax)
  • neighbour(s) : Pick a random city u > 0 . Pick a random neighbour city v > 0 of u , among u's 8 (max) neighbours on the grid. Swap u and v in s . This gives the new state s_next.
  • kmax = 1000_000
  • s0 = a random permutation

For k = 0, 100000, 200000 , .. diplay k,T,E(s). Display the final state s_final, and E(s_final).

Illustrated example Temperature charts

Numerical example

kT = 1
E(s0) = 529.9158

k:  0         T:  1       Es:  529.9158
k:  100000    T:  0.9     Es:  201.1726
k:  200000    T:  0.8     Es:  178.1723
k:  300000    T:  0.7     Es:  154.7069
k:  400000    T:  0.6     Es:  148.1412
k:  500000    T:  0.5     Es:  133.856
k:  600000    T:  0.4     Es:  129.5684
k:  700000    T:  0.3     Es:  112.6919
k:  800000    T:  0.2     Es:  105.799
k:  900000    T:  0.1     Es:  102.8284
k:  1000000   T:  0       Es:  102.2426

E(s_final) =    102.2426    
Path  s_final =   ( 0 10 11 21 31 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 91 81 71 73 83 84 74 64 54 55 65 75 76 66
 67 77 78 68 58 48 47 57 56 46 36 37 27 26 16 15 5 6 7 17 18 8 9 19 29 28 38 39 49 59 69 
79 89 99 98 88 87 97 96 86 85 95 94 93 92 82 72 62 61 51 41 42 52 63 53 43 32 22 12 13 
23 33 34 44 45 35 25 24 14 4 3 2 1 0)  

Extra credit

Tune the parameter kT, or use different temperature() and/or neighbour() functions to demonstrate a quicker convergence, or a better optimum.