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We want to apply SA to the travelling salesman problem. There are 100 cities, numbered 0 to 99, located on a plane, at integer coordinates i,j : 0 <= i,j < 10 . The city at (i,j) has number 10*i + j. The cities are '''all''' connected : the graph is complete : you can go from one city to any other city in one step.
The salesman wants to start from city 0, visit all cities, each one time, and go back to city 0. The travel cost between two cities is the euclidian distance between there citiesthem. The total travel cost is the total path length.
A path '''s''' is a sequence (0 a b ...z 0) where (a b ..z) is a permutation of the numbers (1 2 .. 99). The path length = E(s) is the sum d(0,a) + d(a,b) + ... + d(z,0) , where d(u,v) is the distance between two cities. Naturally, we want to minimize E(s).
Line 1,564:
Final E(s): 101.66
Uses 'LCS' function from [[Longest common subsequence#FreeBASIC]]:
<syntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">Dim Shared As Double dists(0 To 9999)
' index into lookup table of Nums
Function dist(ci As Integer, cj As Integer) As Double
Return dists(cj*100 + ci)
End Function
' energy at s, to be minimized
Function Ens(path() As Integer) As Double
Dim As Double d = 0
For i As Integer = 0 To Ubound(path) - 1
d += dist(path(i), path(i+1))
Return d
End Function
' temperature function, decreases to 0
Function T(k As Double, kmax As Double, kT As Double) As Double
Return (1 - k / kmax) * kT
End Function
' variation of E, from state s to state s_next
Function dE(s() As Integer, u As Integer, v As Integer) As Double
Dim As Integer su = s(u)
Dim As Integer sv = s(v)
' old
Dim As Double a = dist(s(u-1), su)
Dim As Double b = dist(s(u+1), su)
Dim As Double c = dist(s(v-1), sv)
Dim As Double d = dist(s(v+1), sv)
' new
Dim As Double na = dist(s(u-1), sv)
Dim As Double nb = dist(s(u+1), sv)
Dim As Double nc = dist(s(v-1), su)
Dim As Double nd = dist(s(v+1), su)
If v = u+1 Then Return (na + nd) - (a + d)
If u = v+1 Then Return (nc + nb) - (c + b)
Return (na + nb + nc + nd) - (a + b + c + d)
End Function
' probability to move from s to s_next
Function P(deltaE As Double, k As Double, kmax As Double, kT As Double) As Double
Return Exp(-deltaE / T(k, kmax, kT))
End Function
' Simulated annealing
Sub sa(kmax As Double, kT As Double)
Dim As Integer s(0 To 100)
Dim As Integer temp(0 To 98)
Dim As Integer dirs(0 To 7) = {1, -1, 10, -10, 9, 11, -11, -9}
Dim As Integer i, k, u, v, cv
Dim As Double Emin
For i = 0 To 98
temp(i) = i + 1
Randomize Timer
For i = 0 To 98
Swap temp(i), temp(Int(Rnd * 99))
For i = 0 To 98
s(i+1) = temp(i)
Print "kT = "; kT
Print "E(s0) "; Ens(s())
Emin = Ens(s())
For k = 0 To kmax
If k Mod (kmax/10) = 0 Then
Print Using "k: ####### T: #.#### Es: ###.####"; k; T(k, kmax, kT); Ens(s())
End If
u = Int(Rnd * 99) + 1
cv = s(u) + dirs(Int(Rnd * 8))
If cv <= 0 Or cv >= 100 Then Continue For
If Abs(dist(s(u), cv)) > 5 Then Continue For
v = s(cv)
Dim As Double deltae = dE(s(), u, v)
If deltae < 0 Or P(deltae, k, kmax, kT) >= Rnd Then
Swap s(u), s(v)
Emin = Emin + deltae
End If
Next k
Print "E(s_final) "; Emin
Print "Path:"
For i = 0 To Ubound(s)
If i > 0 And i Mod 10 = 0 Then Print
Print Using "####"; s(i);
End Sub
' distances
For i As Integer = 0 To 9999
Dim As Integer ab = (i \ 100)
Dim As Integer cd = i Mod 100
Dim As Integer a = (ab \ 10)
Dim As Integer b = ab Mod 10
Dim As Integer c = (cd \ 10)
Dim As Integer d = cd Mod 10
dists(i) = Sqr((a-c)^2 + (b-d)^2)
Next i
Dim As Double kT = 1, kmax = 1e6
sa(kmax, kT)
<pre>kT = 1
E(s0) 510.1804163299929
k: 0 T: 1.0000 Es: 510.1804
k: 100000 T: 0.9000 Es: 195.1253
k: 200000 T: 0.8000 Es: 182.4579
k: 300000 T: 0.7000 Es: 153.4156
k: 400000 T: 0.6000 Es: 150.7938
k: 500000 T: 0.5000 Es: 141.6804
k: 600000 T: 0.4000 Es: 128.4290
k: 700000 T: 0.3000 Es: 123.2713
k: 800000 T: 0.2000 Es: 117.4202
k: 900000 T: 0.1000 Es: 116.0060
k: 1000000 T: 0.0000 Es: 116.0060
E(s_final) 116.0060090954848
0 11 10 20 21 32 22 12 2 3
13 14 34 33 23 24 35 25 16 15
4 5 6 7 9 8 18 19 29 39
49 48 38 28 27 17 26 36 47 37
45 46 57 56 55 54 44 43 42 52
51 41 31 30 40 50 60 61 83 73
63 62 72 71 70 80 90 91 81 82
92 93 94 96 97 98 99 89 79 69
59 58 68 67 77 87 88 78 76 66
65 75 86 95 85 84 74 64 53 1
Line 1,997 ⟶ 2,138:
1e6 0 101.657
0 1 2 3 4 13 23 24 34 44 43 33 32 31 41 42 52 51 61 62 53 54 64 65 55 45 35 25 15 14 5 6 7 17 16 26 27 37 36 46 47 48 38 28 18 8 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 78 68 58 57 56 66 67 77 76 75 85 86 87 88 89 99 98 97 96 95 94 84 74 73 63 72 82 83 93 92 91 90 80 81 71 70 60 50 40 30 20 21 22 12 11 10 0</syntaxhighlight>
'''Adapted from [[#Wren|Wren]]'''
'''Works with jq, the C implementation of jq'''
'''Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq'''
This adaptation does not cache the distances
and can be used for any square grid of cities.
Since jq does not include a PRN generator, we assume an
external source of randomness, such as /dev/urandom.
Specifically, the following program assumes an invocation
of jq along the lines of:
< /dev/urandom tr -cd '0-9' | fold -w 1 | jq -Rcnr -f sa.jq
Since gojq does not include jq's `_nwise/1`, here is a suitable def:
# Require $n > 0
def _nwise($n):
def _n: if length <= $n then . else .[:$n] , (.[$n:] | _n) end;
if $n <= 0 then "_nwise: argument should be non-negative" else _n end;
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">
## Pseuo-random numbers and shuffling
# Output: a prn in range(0;$n) where $n is `.`
def prn:
if . == 1 then 0
else . as $n
| ([1, (($n-1)|tostring|length)]|max) as $w
| [limit($w; inputs)] | join("") | tonumber
| if . < $n then . else ($n | prn) end
def randFloat:
(1000|prn) / 1000;
def knuthShuffle:
length as $n
| if $n <= 1 then .
else {i: $n, a: .}
| until(.i == 0;
.i += -1
| (.i + 1 | prn) as $j
| .a[.i] as $t
| .a[.i] = .a[$j]
| .a[$j] = $t)
| .a
## Generic utilities
def divmod($j):
(. % $j) as $mod
| [(. - $mod) / $j, $mod] ;
def hypot($a;$b):
($a*$a) + ($b*$b) | sqrt;
def lpad($len): tostring | ($len - length) as $l | (" " * $l) + .;
def round($ndec): pow(10;$ndec) as $p | . * $p | round / $p;
def sum(s): reduce s as $x (0; . + $x);
def swap($i; $j):
.[$i] as $tmp
| .[$i] = .[$j]
| .[$j] = $tmp;
### The cities
# all 8 neighbors for an $n x $n grid
def neighbors($n): [1, -1, $n, -$n, $n-1, $n+1, -$n-1, $n+1];
# Distance between two cities $x and $y in an .n * .n grid
def dist($x; $y):
.n as $n
| ($x | divmod($n)) as [$xi, $xj]
| ($y | divmod($n)) as [$yi, $yj]
| hypot( $xi-$yi; $xj - $yj );
### Simulated annealing
# The energy of the input state (.s), to be minimized
# Input: {s, n}
def Es:
.s as $path
| sum( range(0; $path|length - 1) as $i
| dist($path[$i]; $path[$i+1]) );
# temperature function, decreases to 0
def T($k; $kmax; $kT):
(1 - ($k / $kmax)) * $kT;
# variation of E, from one state to the next state
# Input: {s, n}
def dE($u; $v):
.s as $s
| $s[$u] as $su
| $s[$v] as $sv
# old
| dist($s[$u-1]; $su) as $a
| dist($s[$u+1]; $su) as $b
| dist($s[$v-1]; $sv) as $c
| dist($s[$v+1]; $sv) as $d
# new
| dist($s[$u-1]; $sv) as $na
| dist($s[$u+1]; $sv) as $nb
| dist($s[$v-1]; $su) as $nc
| dist($s[$v+1]; $su) as $nd
| if ($v == $u+1) then ($na + $nd) - ($a + $d)
elif ($u == $v+1) then ($nc + $nb) - ($c + $b)
else ($na + $nb + $nc + $nd) - ($a + $b + $c + $d)
# probability of moving from one state to another
def P($deltaE; $k; $kmax; $kT):
T($k; $kmax; $kT) as $T
| if $T == 0 then 0
else (-$deltaE / $T) | exp
# Simulated annealing for $n x $n cities
def sa($kmax; $kT; $n):
def format($k; $T; $E):
[ "k:", ($k | lpad(10)),
"T:", ($T | round(2) | lpad(4)),
"Es:", $E ]
| join(" ");
neighbors($n) as $neighbors # potential neighbors
| ($n*$n) as $n2
# random path from 0 to 0
| {s: ([0] + ([ range(1; $n2)] | knuthShuffle) + [0]) }
| .n = $n # for dist/2
| .Emin = Es # E0
| "kT = \($kT)",
"E(s0) \(.Emin)\n",
( foreach range(0; 1+$kmax) as $k (.;
.emit = null
| if ($k % (($kmax/10)|floor)) == 0
then .emit = format($k; T($k; $kmax; $kT); Es)
else .
| (($n2-1)|prn + 1) as $u # a random city apart from the starting point
| (.s[$u] + $neighbors[8|prn]) as $cv # a neighboring city, perhaps
| if ($cv <= 0 or $cv >= $n2) # check the city is not bogus
then . # continue
elif dist(.s[$u]; $cv) > 5 # check true neighbor
then . # continue
else .s[$cv] as $v # city index
| dE($u; $v) as $deltae
| if ($deltae < 0 or # always move if negative
P($deltae; $k; $kmax; $kT) >= randFloat)
then .s |= swap($u; $v)
| .Emin += $deltae
(select($k == $kmax)
| "\nE(s_final) \(.Emin)",
# output final state
(.s | map(lpad(3)) | _nwise(10) | join(" ")) ) ));
# Cities on a 10 x 10 grid
sa(1e6; 1; 10)
kT = 1
E(s0) 511.63434626356127
k: 0 T: 1 Es: 511.63434626356127
k: 100000 T: 0.9 Es: 183.44842684951274
k: 200000 T: 0.8 Es: 173.6522166458839
k: 300000 T: 0.7 Es: 191.88956498870922
k: 400000 T: 0.6 Es: 161.63509965859427
k: 500000 T: 0.5 Es: 173.6829125726551
k: 600000 T: 0.4 Es: 135.5154326151275
k: 700000 T: 0.3 Es: 174.33930236055193
k: 800000 T: 0.2 Es: 141.907500599355
k: 900000 T: 0.1 Es: 141.76740977979034
k: 1000000 T: 0 Es: 148.13930861301918
E(s_final) 148.13930861301935
0 1 2 11 10 20 21 22 23 24
14 5 4 3 13 12 32 42 33 25
15 16 6 7 8 9 19 29 39 28
18 17 27 26 36 46 35 34 43 52
41 30 31 44 45 55 56 38 37 49
48 47 65 64 54 53 51 72 91 81
80 71 70 61 62 40 50 60 92 82
83 73 63 57 67 66 75 74 84 93
94 95 78 77 68 58 87 76 86 99
89 79 69 59 88 98 97 96 85 90
Line 3,768 ⟶ 4,116:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">import "random" for Random
import "./math" for Math
import "./fmt" for Fmt
// distances
