Simple windowed application: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|Euphoria}}: Euphoria EuWinGUI example added)
m (→‎{{header|Euphoria}}: EuWinGUI, Button <=> Button1, Label <=> Label1)
Line 525:
Window("EuWinGUI - Simple windowed application",100,100,360,100)
constant ButtonButton1 = Control(Button,"Click me",250,20,80,25)
constant LabelLabel1 = Control(Label,"There have been no clicks yet",10,25,200,18)
integer clicks
Line 534:
while 1 do
if EventOwner = ButtonButton1 and Event = Click then
clicks += 1
SetText(LabelLabel1,sprintf("You clicked me %d times",clicks))
end if
end while