Simple windowed application: Difference between revisions

Add XPL0
m (→‎{{header|Web 68}}: removed head/tail redundant new lines,)
(Add XPL0)
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and the resulting form definition file was converted to Web 68 by the program
<lang XPL0>include c:\cxpl\stdlib; \standard library provides mouse routines, etc.
def Ww=40, Wh=12, Wx=(80-Ww)/2, Wy=(25-Wh)/2; \window width, etc.
def Bw=11, Bh=4, Bx=Wx+(Ww-Bw)/2, By=Wy+3*(Wh-Bh)/4; \button size & position
int Clicks, Mx, My; \number of clicks and mouse coordinates
[ShowCursor(false); \turn off flashing cursor
Attrib($1F); \bright white characters on blue
SetWind(Wx, Wy, Wx+Ww, Wy+Wh, 2, true); \blue window with no scroll
DrawBox(Wx, Wy, Wx+Ww, Wy+Wh, 3); \draw borders
Cursor(Wx+5, Wy+3); Text(6, "There have been no clicks yet.");
DrawBox(Bx, By, Bx+Bw, By+Bh, 0); \draw button
Cursor(Bx+2, By+2); Text(6, "Click me");
Clicks:= 0;
repeat if GetMouseButton(0) then \left button down
[while GetMouseButton(0) do []; \wait for release
Mx:= GetMousePosition(0) / 8; \character coordinates
My:= GetMousePosition(1) / 8;
if Mx>=Bx & Mx<=Bx+Bw & My>=By & My<=By+Bh then
[Clicks:= Clicks+1; \mouse pointer is on the button
Cursor(Wx+4, Wy+3);
Text(6, "Times button has been clicked: ");
IntOut(6, Clicks);
until ChkKey; \keystroke terminates program
SetVid(3); \turn off mouse and turn on flashing cursor
