Simple windowed application: Difference between revisions

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<lang Autohotkey>Gui,; Add, Text, vGuiText, There have been no clicks yet ;Create addsimple awindowed Text-Controlapplication
Gui, Add, ButtonText, gClickButton xmvTextCtl, clickThere have been no clicks meyet ; add a ButtonText-Control
Gui, Add, Button, gButtonClick xm, click me ; add a Button-Control
Gui, Show, , Simple windowed application ; show the Window
returnReturn ; end of the autoexectionauto-execute section
ClickButtonButtonClick: ; the subroutine executed each time the Button-Control is clicked
count count++ ; increment the click-counting var
GuiControl, , GuiText TextCtl, %count% ; update the Text-Control with the click-counting var
returnReturn ; end of the subroutine
ClickButton: ; the subroutine executed each time the Button-Control is clicked
count ++ ; increment the click-counting var
GuiControl, , GuiText , %count% ; update the Text-Control with the click-counting var
return ; end of the subroutine
; exit process when window is closed
GuiClose: ; the subroutine executed when the Window is closed
ExitApp ; exit this process</lang>
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