Simple turtle graphics: Difference between revisions

Simple implementation that draws shapes onto a two dimensional grid.
(Simple implementation that draws shapes onto a two dimensional grid.)
Line 13:
::* Both functions should return the turtle to the location it was at and facing in the same direction as it was immediately before the function was executed.
<lang ada>
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Characters; use Ada.Characters;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings; use Ada.Strings;
-- procedure main - begins program execution
procedure main is
type Sketch_Pad is array(1 .. 50, 1 .. 50) of Character;
thePen : Boolean := True; -- pen raised by default
sketch : Sketch_Pad;
ycorr, xcorr : Integer := 25;
-- specifications
function penPosition(thePen : in out Boolean) return String;
procedure initGrid(sketch : in out Sketch_Pad);
procedure commandMenu(thePen : in out Boolean; xcorr : in out Integer;
ycorr : in out Integer);
procedure showMenu(xcorr : in out Integer; ycorr : in out Integer;
thePen : in out Boolean; sketch : in Sketch_Pad);
procedure moveCursor(thePen : in Boolean; sketch : in out Sketch_Pad;
xcorr : in out Integer; ycorr : in out Integer;
ch : in Integer);
procedure showGrid(sketch : in Sketch_Pad);
-- procedure initGrid - creates the sketchpad and initializes elements
procedure initGrid(sketch : in out Sketch_Pad) is
sketch := (others => (others => ' '));
end initGrid;
-- procedure showMenu - displays the menu for the application
procedure showMenu(xcorr : in out Integer; ycorr : in out Integer;
thePen : in out Boolean; sketch : in Sketch_Pad) is
choice : Integer := 0;
while choice /= 4 loop
Put_Line("Enter 1 to print the grid map");
Put_Line("Enter 2 for command menu");
Put_Line("Enter 3 to raise pen up / down");
Put_Line("Enter 4 to exit the application");
choice := integer'value(Get_Line);
exit when choice = 4;
case choice is
when 1 => showGrid(sketch);
when 2 => commandMenu(thePen, xcorr, ycorr);
when 3 => Put_Line("Pen is "
& penPosition(thePen));
when others => Put_Line("Invalid input");
end case;
end loop;
end showMenu;
-- function penPosition - checks changes the state of whether the pen is
-- raised up or down. If value is True, pen is rasied up
function penPosition(thePen : in out Boolean) return String is
str1 : constant String := "raised UP";
str2 : constant String := "raised DOWN";
if thePen = True then
thePen := False;
return str2;
thePen := True;
end if;
return str1;
end penPosition;
-- procedure command menu - provides a list of directions for the turtle
-- to move along the grid
procedure commandMenu(thePen : in out Boolean; xcorr : in out Integer;
ycorr : in out Integer) is
choice : Integer := 0;
while choice <= 0 or choice > 5 loop
Put("Command Menu");
Put_Line("To move North enter 1");
Put_Line("To move South enter 2");
Put_Line("To move East enter 3");
Put_Line("To move West enter 4");
Put_Line("To return to previous menu enter 5");
choice := integer'value(Get_Line);
case choice is
when 1 => moveCursor(thePen, sketch, xcorr, ycorr, choice);
when 2 => moveCursor(thePen, sketch, xcorr, ycorr, choice);
when 3 => moveCursor(thePen, sketch, xcorr, ycorr, choice);
when 4 => moveCursor(thePen, sketch, xcorr, ycorr, choice);
when 5 => showMenu(xcorr, ycorr, thePen, sketch);
when others => Put_Line("Invalid choice");
end case;
end loop;
end commandMenu;
-- procedure moveCursor - moves the cursor around the board by taking the
-- x and y coordinates from the user. If the pen is down, a character is
-- printed at that location. If the pen is up, nothing is printed but the
-- cursor still moves to that position
procedure moveCursor(thePen : in Boolean; sketch : in out Sketch_Pad;
xcorr : in out Integer; ycorr : in out Integer;
ch : in Integer) is
if thePen = True then -- pen up so move cursor but do not draw
case ch is
when 1 => xcorr := xcorr - 1; ycorr := ycorr;
sketch(xcorr, ycorr) := ' ';
when 2 => xcorr := xcorr + 1; ycorr := ycorr;
sketch(xcorr, ycorr) := ' ';
when 3 => xcorr := xcorr; ycorr := ycorr + 1;
sketch(xcorr, ycorr) := ' ';
when 4 => xcorr := xcorr; ycorr := ycorr - 1;
sketch(xcorr, ycorr) := ' ';
when others => Put("Unreachable Code");
end case;
else -- pen is down so move cursor and draw
case ch is
when 1 => xcorr := xcorr - 1; ycorr := ycorr;
sketch(xcorr, ycorr) := '#';
when 2 => xcorr := xcorr + 1; ycorr := ycorr;
sketch(xcorr, ycorr) := '#';
when 3 => xcorr := xcorr; ycorr := ycorr + 1;
sketch(xcorr, ycorr) := '#';
when 4 => xcorr := xcorr; ycorr := ycorr - 1;
sketch(xcorr, ycorr) := '#';
when others => Put("Unreachable Code");
end case;
end if;
end moveCursor;
-- procedure showGrid - prints the sketchpad showing the plotted moves
procedure showGrid(sketch : in Sketch_Pad) is
for I in sketch'Range(1) loop
for J in sketch'Range(2) loop
end loop;
end loop;
end showGrid;
showMenu(xcorr, ycorr, thePen, sketch);
end main;