Sierpinski triangle/Graphical: Difference between revisions

Add 8086 assembly
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(Add 8086 assembly)
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An example of Sierpinski's triangle (order = 8) looks like this: <br/><br/>
=={{header|8086 Assembly}}==
This program will draw a Sierpinski triangle of the given order on a CGA (or EGA/VGA/etc) screen.
It uses 320x200 mode, so the maximum order is 7.
<lang asm> ;;; Display a Sierpinski triangle on a CGA screen
;;; (order 7 is the maximum that fits in 200 lines)
mode: equ 0Fh ; INT 10H call to get current video mode
puts: equ 9h ; MS-DOS call to print string
cgaseg: equ 0B800h ; Location of CGA video memory
cpu 8086
bits 16
org 100h
section .text
cmp [80h],byte 2 ; Argument length should be 2 (space + digit)
jne eusage
mov al,[82h] ; Get digit
sub al,'0'+2 ; 2->0, 7->5
cmp al,5 ; Then it must be <=5
jbe argok
eusage: mov dx,usage ; Print usage string
estop: mov ah,puts
int 21h
ret ; And stop
argok: add al,2 ; Add 2, setting AL to the order
mov [order],al ; Store the order
mov ah,mode ; Get the current video mode
int 10h
cmp al,7 ; If MDA, we don't have graphics support
mov dx,errcga
je estop
mov [vmode],al ; Otherwise, store the old mode
mov ax,4 ; and switch to mode 4 (320x200 graphics)
int 10h
mov ch,1 ; Size = 2^order
mov cl,[order]
shl ch,cl
xor dh,dh ; Start at coords (0,0)
mov bp,cgaseg ; Point ES at the CGA memory
mkscr: mov es,bp
xor di,di ; Start at the beginning
mkline: xor dl,dl ; Start at coords (0,Y)
mkbyte: xor al,al ; A byte has 4 pixels in it
mov cl,4
mkpx: shl al,1 ; Make room for next pixel
shl al,1
test dl,dh ; X & Y == 0?
jnz nextpx
or al,3 ; X & Y == 0, set pixel on
nextpx: inc dl ; Increment X coordinate
dec cl ; More pixels in this byte?
jnz mkpx ; If so, add them in
stosb ; Otherwise, write it out to CGA memory
cmp dl,ch ; And if the line is not done yet,
jb mkbyte ; do the next byte on this line.
shr dl,1 ; Move ahead to start of next line
shr dl,1
mov ax,80 ; 80 bytes per line
sub al,dl
add di,ax
add dh,2 ; Memory is interlaced so we're 2 lines further
cmp dh,ch ; If we're not done yet,
jb mkline ; Do the next line.
add bp,200h ; Move ahead 8k to the area for the odd lines
cmp bp,0BA00h ; Unless we were already there
mov dh,1 ; We'll have to start at line 1
jbe mkscr
xor ah,ah ; Wait for a keypress to get back to DOS
int 16h
xor ah,ah ; Then, restore the old video mode,
mov al,[vmode]
int 10h
ret ; And exit to DOS
section .data
usage: db 'SIERPCGA [2..7] - display Sierpinski triangle of order N$'
errcga: db 'Need at least CGA.$'
section .bss
order: resb 1 ; Order of Sierpinski triangle
vmode: resb 1 ; Store old video mode (to restore later)</lang>
