Shortest common supersequence: Difference between revisions

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{{works with|jq}}
'''Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq'''
<lang jq># largest common substring
# Uses recursion, taking advantage of jq's TCO
def lcs:
. as [$x, $y]
| if ($x|length == 0) or ($y|length == 0) then ""
else $x[:-1] as $x1
| $y[:-1] as $y1
| if $x[-1:] == $y[-1:] then ([$x1, $y1] | lcs) + $x[-1:]
else ([$x, $y1] | lcs) as $x2
| ([$x1, $y] | lcs) as $y2
| if ($x2|length) > ($y2|length) then $x2 else $y2 end
def scs:
def eq($s;$i; $t;$j): $s[$i:$i+1] == $t[$j:$j+1];
. as [$u, $v]
| lcs as $lcs
| reduce range(0; $lcs|length) as $i ( { ui: 0, vi: 0, sb: "" };
until( .ui == ($u|length) or eq($u;.ui; $lcs;$i);
.ui as $ui
| .sb += $u[$ui:$ui+1]
| .ui += 1 )
| until(.vi == ($v|length) or eq($v;.vi; $lcs;$i);
.vi as $vi
| .sb += $v[$vi:$vi+1]
| .vi += 1 )
| .sb += $lcs[$i:$i+1]
| .ui += 1
| .vi += 1
| if .ui < ($u|length) then .sb = .sb + $u[.ui:] else . end
| if .vi < ($v|length) then .sb = .sb + $v[.vi:] else . end
| .sb ;
[ "abcbdab", "bdcaba" ] | scs</lang>
