Set puzzle: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: bring up-to-date, since .combinations is now built-in)
(added autohotkey)
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:purple, three, oval, open
:purple, three, oval, open

<lang autohotkey>; Generate deck; card encoding from Perl6
Loop, 81
deck .= ToBase(A_Index-1, 3)+1111 ","
deck := RegExReplace(deck, "3", "4")

; Shuffle
deck := shuffle(deck)

msgbox % clipboard := allValidSets(9, 4, deck)
msgbox % clipboard := allValidSets(12, 6, deck)

; Render a hand (or any list) of cards
PrettyHand(hand) {
Loop, Parse, hand, `,
StringSplit, i, A_LoopField
s .= "`t" Color%i1% "`t" Symbl%i2% "`t" Numbr%i3% "`t" Shape%i4% "`n"
Return s

; Get all unique valid sets of three cards in a hand.
allValidSets(n, m, deck) {
While j != m
j := 0
,hand := draw(n, deck)
,s := "Dealt " n " cards:`n" . prettyhand(hand)
StringSplit, set, hand, `,
comb := comb(n,3)
Loop, Parse, comb, `n
StringSplit, i, A_LoopField, %A_Space%
If isValidSet(set%i1%, set%i2%, set%i3%)
s .= "`nSet " ++j ":`n" . prettyhand(set%i1% "," set%i2% "," set%i3%)
Return s

; Convert n to arbitrary base using recursion
toBase(n,b) { ; n >= 0, 1 < b < StrLen(t), t = digits
Static t := "0123456789ABCDEF"
Return (n < b ? "" : ToBase(n//b,b)) . SubStr(t,mod(n,b)+1,1)

; Knuth shuffle from
shuffle(list) { ; shuffle comma separated list, converted to array
StringSplit a, list, `, ; make array (length = a0)
Loop % a0-1 {
Random i, A_Index, a0 ; swap item 1,2... with a random item to the right of it
t := a%i%, a%i% := a%A_Index%, a%A_Index% := t
Loop % a0 ; construct string from sorted array
s .= "," . a%A_Index%
Return SubStr(s,2) ; drop leading comma

; Randomly pick a hand of cards from the deck
draw(n, deck) {
Loop, % n
Random, i, 1, 81
cards := deck
Loop, Parse, cards, `,
(A_Index = i) ? (hand .= A_LoopField ",") : (cards .= A_LoopField ",")
deck := cards
Return SubStr(hand, 1, -1)

; Test if a particular group of three cards is a valid set
isValidSet(a, b, c) {
StringSplit, a, a
StringSplit, b, b
StringSplit, c, c
Return !((a1|b1|c1 ~= "[3,5,6]") + (a2|b2|c2 ~= "[3,5,6]") + (a3|b3|c3 ~= "[3,5,6]") + (a4|b4|c4 ~= "[3,5,6]"))

; Get all combinations, from
comb(n,t) { ; Generate all n choose t combinations of 1..n, lexicographically
IfLess n,%t%, Return
Loop %t%
c%A_Index% := A_Index
i := t+1, c%i% := n+1
Loop {
Loop %t%
i := t+1-A_Index, c .= c%i% " "
c .= "`n" ; combinations in new lines
j := 1, i := 2
If (c%j%+1 = c%i%)
c%j% := j, ++j, ++i
Else Break
If (j > t)
Return c
c%j% += 1
{{out|Sample output}}
<pre>Dealt 9 cards:
purple diamond three striped
green diamond two open
green oval one striped
red oval two solid
purple squiggle two striped
red diamond three open
red diamond three open
green oval one solid
red oval two solid

Set 1:
purple squiggle two striped
red oval two solid
green diamond two open

Set 2:
green oval one solid
red diamond three open
purple squiggle two striped

Set 3:
green oval one solid
red diamond three open
purple squiggle two striped

Set 4:
red oval two solid
purple squiggle two striped
green diamond two open

Dealt 12 cards:
purple oval two open
purple diamond three solid
green squiggle three striped
green squiggle one solid
purple squiggle one striped
purple squiggle one solid
green diamond two solid
purple squiggle one striped
red diamond two striped
green diamond one open
green oval one open
red squiggle one open

Set 1:
purple squiggle one striped
purple diamond three solid
purple oval two open

Set 2:
purple squiggle one striped
purple diamond three solid
purple oval two open

Set 3:
green diamond one open
red diamond two striped
purple diamond three solid

Set 4:
green oval one open
green diamond two solid
green squiggle three striped

Set 5:
red squiggle one open
purple squiggle one striped
green squiggle one solid

Set 6:
red squiggle one open
purple squiggle one striped
green squiggle one solid</pre>
