Set consolidation: Difference between revisions

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'''See also:'''
'''See also:'''

We start with specifying a generic package Set_Cons that provides the neccessary tools, such as contructing and manipulating sets, truning them, ect.:

<lang Ada>generic
type Element is (<>);
with function Image(E: Element) return String;
package Set_Cons is

type Set is private;

-- constructor and manipulation functions for type Set
function "+"(E: Element) return Set;
function "+"(Left, Right: Element) return Set;
function "+"(Left: Set; Right: Element) return Set;
function "-"(Left: Set; Right: Element) return Set;

-- compare, unite or output a Set
function Nonempty_Intersection(Left, Right: Set) return Boolean;
function Union(Left, Right: Set) return Set;
function Image(S: Set) return String;

type Set_Vec is array(Positive range <>) of Set;

-- output a Set_Vec
function Image(V: Set_Vec) return String;

type Set is array(Element) of Boolean;

end Set_Cons;</lang>

Here is the implementation of Set_Cons:

<lang Ada>package body Set_Cons is

function "+"(E: Element) return Set is
S: Set := (others => False);
S(E) := True;
return S;
end "+";

function "+"(Left, Right: Element) return Set is
return (+Left) + Right;
end "+";

function "+"(Left: Set; Right: Element) return Set is
S: Set := Left;
S(Right) := True;
return S;
end "+";

function "-"(Left: Set; Right: Element) return Set is
S: Set := Left;
S(Right) := False;
return S;
end "-";

function Nonempty_Intersection(Left, Right: Set) return Boolean is
for E in Element'Range loop
if Left(E) and then Right(E) then return True;
end if;
end loop;
return False;
end Nonempty_Intersection;

function Union(Left, Right: Set) return Set is
S: Set := Left;
for E in Right'Range loop
if Right(E) then S(E) := True;
end if;
end loop;
return S;
end Union;

function Image(S: Set) return String is

function Image(S: Set; Found: Natural) return String is
for E in S'Range loop
if S(E) then
if Found = 0 then
return Image(E) & Image((S-E), Found+1);
return "," & Image(E) & Image((S-E), Found+1);
end if;
end if;
end loop;
return "";
end Image;

return "{" & Image(S, 0) & "}";
end Image;

function Image(V: Set_Vec) return String is
if V'Length = 0 then
return "";
return Image(V(V'First)) & Image(V(V'First+1 .. V'Last));
end if;
end Image;

end Set_Cons;</lang>

Given that package, the task is easy:

<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO, Set_Cons;

procedure Set_Consolidation is

type El_Type is (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K);

function Image(El: El_Type) return String is
return El_Type'Image(El);
end Image;

package Helper is new Set_Cons(Element => El_Type, Image => Image);
use Helper;

function Consolidate(List: Set_Vec) return Set_Vec is
for I in List'First .. List'Last - 1 loop
for J in I+1 .. List'Last loop
-- if List(I) and List(J) share an element
-- then recursively consolidate
-- (List(I) union List(J)) followed by List(K), K not in {I, J}
if Nonempty_Intersection(List(I), List(J)) then
return Consolidate
(Union(List(I), List(J))
& List(List'First .. I-1)
& List(I+1 .. J-1)
& List(J+1 .. List'Last));
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
return List;
end Consolidate;

Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Image(Consolidate((A+B) & (C+D))));
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Image(Consolidate((A+B) & (B+D))));
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Image(Consolidate((A+B) & (C+D) & (D+B))));
(Image(Consolidate((H+I+K) & (A+B) & (C+D) & (D+B) & (F+G+H))));
end Set_Consolidation;</lang>

This generates the following output:


<lang bracmat>( ( consolidate
<lang bracmat>( ( consolidate
Line 61: Line 224:

<lang c>#include <stdio.h>
<lang c>#include <stdio.h>