Separate the house number from the street name: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|REXX}}: added the REXX language.)
Line 656: Line 656:
"Schmidener Weg 3" -> ("Schmidener Weg" "3")
"Schmidener Weg 3" -> ("Schmidener Weg" "3")
"Karl-Weysser-Str. 6" -> ("Karl-Weysser-Str." "6")
"Karl-Weysser-Str. 6" -> ("Karl-Weysser-Str." "6")

<lang rexx>/*REXX program splits an European mail address into an address and a house number. */
!= '│' /*a pipe-ish symbol for $ concatenation*/
$= "Plataanstraat 5" ! ,
"Straat 12" ! ,
"Straat 12 II" ! ,
"Dr. J. Straat 12" ! ,
"Dr. J. Straat 12 a" ! ,
"Dr. J. Straat 12-14" ! ,
"Laan 1940 - 1945 37" ! ,
"Plein 1940 2" ! ,
"1213-laan 11" ! ,
"16 april 1944 Pad 1" ! ,
"1e Kruisweg 36" ! ,
"Laan 1940-'45 66" ! ,
"Laan '40-'45" ! ,
"Langeloërduinen 3 46" ! ,
"Provincialeweg N205 1" ! ,
"Rivium 2e Straat 59." ! ,
"Nieuwe gracht 20rd" ! ,
"Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2" ! ,
"Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2" ! ,
"Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3" ! ,
"Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4" ! ,
"Bahnhofstr. 4" ! ,
"Wertstr. 10" ! ,
"Lindenhof 1" ! ,
"Nordesch 20" ! ,
"Weilstr. 6" ! ,
"Harthauer Weg 2" ! ,
"Mainaustr. 49" ! ,
"August-Horch-Str. 3" ! ,
"Marktplatz 31" ! ,
"Schmidener Weg 3" ! ,
"Karl-Weysser-Str. 6"
do j=1 until $==''; parse var $ addr '│' $
@.j=space(addr); w=max(w, length(@.j) )
end /*j*/ /* [↑] parse $ string, make @ array.*/
w=w+2 /*expand the width for the display. */
say center('address', w) center('house number', 12)
say center('', w, "═") center('' , 12, "═")
#=j-1 /*define the number of addresses in $.*/

do k=1 for #; sp=split(@.k) /*split each @. address: addr, house#*/
HN=subword(@.k, sp+1); if HN=='' then HN=' (none) ' /*handle a null house#*/
say left( subword(@.k, 1, sp), w) HN
end /*k*/
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
split: procedure; parse arg txt; n=words(txt); s=n-1; p=word(txt,s); e=word(txt,n)
if p>1939 & p<1946 | s<2 then p=. ; if verify("'",e,"M")\==0 then return n
pl=verify(0123456789, left(p,1), 'M')\==0
if (verify('/', e, "M")\==0 & pl) | datatype(p, 'W') | ,
(datatype(e, 'N') & pl & \verify("'", p, "M")) then s=s-1
if s==0 then s=n /*if no split, then relocate split to ∞*/
return s /* [↑] indicate where to split the txt*/</lang>
{{out|output|text=&nbsp; when using the default (internal) input:}}
address house number
═══════════════════════ ════════════
Plataanstraat 5
Straat 12
Straat 12 II
Dr. J. Straat 12
Dr. J. Straat 12 a
Dr. J. Straat 12-14
Laan 1940 - 1945 37
Plein 1940 2
1213-laan 11
16 april 1944 Pad 1
1e Kruisweg 36
Laan 1940-'45 66
Laan '40-'45 (none)
Langeloërduinen 3 46
Provincialeweg N205 1
Rivium 2e Straat 59.
Nieuwe gracht 20rd
Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2
Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2
Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3
Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4
Bahnhofstr. 4
Wertstr. 10
Lindenhof 1
Nordesch 20
Weilstr. 6
Harthauer Weg 2
Mainaustr. 49
August-Horch-Str. 3
Marktplatz 31
Schmidener Weg 3