Semordnilap: Difference between revisions

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m Add note that the program downloads unixdict.txt
Jjuanhdez (talk | contribs)
Added Yabasic
Line 3,647: Line 3,647:

<syntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">dim norm$(27000), result$(270, 2)

print "Start reading unixdict.txt"
open "i:\unixdict.txt" for reading as #1

while not(eof(#1)) // read to end of file
line input #1 in_str$ // get line = word
in_str$ = trim$(in_str$) // we don//t want spaces
if len(in_str$) > 1 then // if length > 1 then reverse$
rev$ = reverse$(in_str$)
if in_str$ <> rev$ then // if in_str is not a palingdrome
count = count + 1 // increase counter
norm$(count) = in_str$ // store in the array
big$ = big$ + rev$ + " " // create big string with reverse$d words

close #1
print " ... Done"
print "Start looking for semordnilap"

for i = 1 to count
for j = 1 to amount // check to avoid the double
if result$(j, 2) = norm$(i) continue
next j
j = instr(big$, " " + norm$(i) + " ")
if j <> 0 then // found one
amount = amount + 1 // increase counter
result$(amount, 1) = norm$(i) // store normal word
result$(amount, 2) = reverse$(norm$(i)) // store reverse$ word
next i

print "Found", amount, " unique semordnilap pairs"
print "Display 5 semordnilap pairs"

count = 0
for i = 1 to amount
if len(result$(i, 1)) >= 5 then
count = count + 1
print result$(i, 1), chr$(9), result$(i, 2)
if count >= 5 break
next i

sub reverse$(norm$)
local rev$, i, l
l = len(norm$) - 1
rev$ = norm$
for i = 0 to l
mid$(rev$, l - i, 1) = mid$(norm$, i, 1)
next i
return rev$
end sub</syntaxhighlight>
Start reading unixdict.txt
... Done

Start looking for semordnilap

Found70 unique semordnilap pairs

Display 5 semordnilap pairs

diesel seidel
dirge ridge
gamma magma
groan organ
latus talus

---Program done, press RETURN---</pre>
