Self-describing numbers: Difference between revisions

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This is a brute-force algorithm. To speed-up, it uses integers instead of strings and the variable “digits” is allocated once, placed in global scope and accessed directly by the two functions (something I generally avoid). We have been able to check until 1_000_000_000.
<lang nim>import strutils

<lang nim>import algorithm, sequtils, std/monotimes, times
proc count(s, sub): int =
var i = 0
while true:
i = s.find(sub, i)
if i < 0:
inc i
inc result

type Digit = 0..9
proc isSelfDescribing(n): bool =

let s = $n
var digits = newSeqOfCap[Digit](10)
for i, ch in s:

if s.count($i) != parseInt("" & ch):
proc getDigits(n: Positive) =
var n =
while n != 0:
digits.add n mod 10
n = n div 10

proc isSelfDescribing(n: Natural): bool =
for i, d in digits:
if digits.count(i) != d:
return false
return false
return true
result = true

let t0 = getMonoTime()
for n in 1 .. 1_000_000_000:
if n.isSelfDescribing:
echo n, " in ", getMonoTime() - t0

echo "\nTotal time: ", getMonoTime() - t0</lang>

<pre>1210 in 154 microseconds and 723 nanoseconds
2020 in 376 microseconds and 687 nanoseconds
21200 in 2 milliseconds, 804 microseconds, and 259 nanoseconds
3211000 in 165 milliseconds, 490 microseconds, and 749 nanoseconds
42101000 in 2 seconds, 89 milliseconds, 515 microseconds, and 202 nanoseconds
521001000 in 27 seconds, 712 milliseconds, 35 microseconds, and 660 nanoseconds

Total time: 52 seconds, 969 milliseconds, 578 microseconds, and 698 nanoseconds</pre>
for x in 0 .. 4_000_000:
if isSelfDescribing(x): echo x</lang>
