Selection bias in clinical sciences: Difference between revisions

Added Perl
m (→‎{{header|Raku}}: insignificant changes)
(Added Perl)
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adjustment for ties: 0.417533
<syntaxhighlight lang="perl" line>use v5.036;
use List::AllUtils <sum indexes firstidx>;
use constant DOSE_FOR_REGULAR => 100;
my ($nSubjects,$duration,$interval) = (10000, 180, 30);
my (@dosage) = (0) x $nSubjects;
my (@category) = (UNTREATED) x $nSubjects;
my (@hadcovid) = (False) x $nSubjects;
sub update {
my $pCovid = 1e-3;
my $pStartTreatment = 5e-3;
my $pRedose = 1/4;
my @dRange = <3 6 9>;
for my $i (0 .. $nSubjects-1) {
unless ($hadcovid[$i]) {
if (rand() < $pCovid) {
$hadcovid[$i] = True
} else {
my $dose = $dosage[$i];
if ($dose==0 && rand() < $pStartTreatment or $dose > 0 && rand() < $pRedose) {
$dosage[$i] = $dose += $dRange[3*rand()];
$category[$i] = ($dose > DOSE_FOR_REGULAR) ? REGULAR : IRREGULAR
sub kruskal (@sets) {
my @ranked = sort @{$sets[0]}, @{$sets[1]}, @{$sets[2]};
my $n = @ranked;
my @sr = (0) x @sets;
my $ix = firstidx { $_ == 1 } @ranked;
my ($arf,$art) = ($ix/2, ($ix+$n)/2);
for my $i (0..2) {
$sr[$i] += $_ ? $art : $arf for @{$sets[$i]}
my $H = sum map { my $s = $sr[$_]; $s**2 / @{$sets[$_]} } 0..$#sr;
12/($n*($n+1)) * $H - 3 * ($n + 1)
my $midpoint = int $duration / 2;
say "Total subjects: $nSubjects\n";
for my $day (1 .. $duration) {
if (0 == $day % $interval or $day == $duration or $day == $midpoint) {
@sunt = @hadcovid[ indexes { $_ == UNTREATED } @category];
@sirr = @hadcovid[ indexes { $_ == IRREGULAR } @category];
@sreg = @hadcovid[ indexes { $_ == REGULAR } @category];
( $unt, $irr, $reg) = (scalar(@sunt), scalar(@sirr), scalar(@sreg) );
($hunt,$hirr,$hreg) = ( sum(@sunt), sum(@sirr), sum(@sreg) // 0);
if (0 == $day % $interval) {
printf "Day %d:\n", $day;
printf "Untreated: N = %4d, with infection = %4d\n", $unt,$hunt;
printf "Irregular Use: N = %4d, with infection = %4d\n", $irr,$hirr;
printf "Regular Use: N = %4d, with infection = %4d\n\n",$reg,$hreg;
if ($day == $midpoint or $day == $duration) {
my $stage = $day == $midpoint ? 'midpoint' : 'study end';
printf "At $stage, Infection case percentages are:\n";
printf " Untreated : %6.2f\n", 100*$hunt/$unt;
printf " Irregulars: %6.2f\n", 100*$hirr/$irr;
printf " Regulars : %6.2f\n\n", 100*$hreg/$reg;
printf "Final statistics: H = %.2f\n", kruskal ( \@sunt, \@sirr, \@sreg );
<pre>Total subjects: 10000
Day 30:
Untreated: N = 8640, with infection = 283
Irregular Use: N = 1360, with infection = 18
Regular Use: N = 0, with infection = 0
Day 60:
Untreated: N = 7499, with infection = 532
Irregular Use: N = 2338, with infection = 75
Regular Use: N = 163, with infection = 1
Day 90:
Untreated: N = 6537, with infection = 709
Irregular Use: N = 2382, with infection = 144
Regular Use: N = 1081, with infection = 12
At midpoint, Infection case percentages are:
Untreated : 10.85
Irregulars: 6.05
Regulars : 1.11
Day 120:
Untreated: N = 5739, with infection = 855
Irregular Use: N = 2102, with infection = 216
Regular Use: N = 2159, with infection = 52
Day 150:
Untreated: N = 5091, with infection = 1012
Irregular Use: N = 1792, with infection = 270
Regular Use: N = 3117, with infection = 134
Day 180:
Untreated: N = 4468, with infection = 1126
Irregular Use: N = 1669, with infection = 315
Regular Use: N = 3863, with infection = 243
At study end, Infection case percentages are:
Untreated : 25.20
Irregulars: 18.87
Regulars : 6.29
Final statistics: H = 218.74</pre>
