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(→‎{{header|Tcl}}: corrections)
(Slate implementation)
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4 Bush
4 Bush

<lang slate>
define: #haystack -> ('Zig,Zag,Wally,Ronald,Bush,Krusty,Charlie,Bush,Bozo' splitWith: $,).
{'Washington'. 'Bush'} do: [| :needle |
(haystack indexOf: needle)
ifNil: [inform: word ; ' is not in the haystack']
ifNotNilDo: [| :firstIndex lastIndex |
inform: word ; ' is in the haystack at index ' ; firstIndex printString.
lastIndex: (haystack lastIndexOf: word).
lastIndex isNotNil /\ (lastIndex > firstIndex) ifTrue:
[inform: 'last occurrence of ' ; word ; ' is at index ' ; lastIndex]]].
