Sealed classes and methods: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|C}}: Spoke too soon, just figured out an easy way to do this.
(Added C)
(→‎{{header|C}}: Spoke too soon, just figured out an easy way to do this.)
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It has structs rather than classes which are just a collection of fields. Methods on a struct can be simulated by functions whose first argument is a pointer to the struct.
However, there is no way toTo simulate inheritance of, one struct by another. A struct can containembed a 'parent' field of''first'' anotherin structthe type'child' butstruct thisand isthen notpass the sameaddress asof 'structthat embedding'field into the Go'parent' languagemethods.
However, there is no way that the method can tell whether it's receiving a pointer to a 'parent' instance or a pointer to a 'child' field. To use the Wren technique for simulating sealed methods, we therefore need to pass a further parameter, namely a type identifier, as the following code illustrates.
So, for the purposes of this task, we can say that structs and simulated methods in C are by their nature always sealed.
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">#include <stdio.h>
typedef enum {
} typeid;
typedef struct {
const char* name;
int age;
} parent;
typedef struct {
parent p;
} child;
void watchMovie(parent *p, typeid id) {
if (id == PARENT) {
printf("%s is watching the movie...\n", p->name);
} else if (id == CHILD) {
if (p->age < 15) {
printf("Sorry, %s, you are too young to watch the movie.\n", p->name);
} else {
printf("%s is watching the movie...\n", p->name);
int main() {
parent p = { "Donald", 42 };
child c1 = { "Lisa", 18 };
child c2 = { "Fred", 10 };
watchMovie(&p, PARENT);
watchMovie(&c1.p, CHILD);
watchMovie(&c2.p, CHILD);
Donald is watching the movie...
Lisa is watching the movie...
Sorry, Fred, you are too young to watch the movie.
