Sealed classes and methods: Difference between revisions

Added FreeBasic
m (→‎{{header|Phix}}: added "more sensible way")
(Added FreeBasic)
Line 21:
* [[Inheritance/Single]]
* [[Inheritance/Multiple]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">Type Parent
nombre As ZString * 7
edad As Byte
Declare Operator Cast () As String
End Type
Operator Parent.cast As String
Return this.nombre & " is watching the movie..."
End Operator
Type Child Extends Parent
Declare Operator Cast As String
End Type
Operator Child.cast As String
If this.edad < 15 Then
Return "Sorry, " & this.nombre & ", you are too young to watch the movie."
Return this.nombre & " is watching the movie..."
End If
End Operator
Dim As Parent p1, p2
p1.nombre = "Donald" : p1.edad = 42
p2.nombre = "Dougal" : p2.edad = 12
Print p1
Print p2
Dim As Child c1, c2
c1.nombre = "Lisa" : c1.edad = 18
c2.nombre = "Fred" : c2.edad = 10
Print c1
Print c2
<pre>Donald is watching the movie...
Dougal is watching the movie...
Lisa is watching the movie...
Sorry, Fred, you are too young to watch the movie.</pre>
