Sanitize user input: Difference between revisions

m (syntax highlighting fixup automation)
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;Related tasks
* [[Parametrized SQL statement]]
'''Adapted from [[#Wren]]'''
The jq program presented here will accept both "stop" and the end-of-stream
as a signal to finish gathering names.
The main program, `interact`, is somewhat convoluted because
jq does not currently offer much support for the type of interaction
envisioned in the question. It would be easy to simplify things
by using `stderr` for the prompt, but currently `stderr` cannot be
used to print "raw" strings.
<syntaxhighlight lang=jq>
def Person::new(firstName; lastName):
{firstName: firstName,
lastName: lastName };
def Person::tostring: .firstName + " " + .lastName;
def blacklist: [
"drop", "delete", "erase", "kill", "wipe", "remove",
"file", "files", "directory", "directories",
"table", "tables", "record", "records", "database", "databases",
"system", "system32", "system64", "rm", "rf", "rmdir", "format", "reformat"
def punct: "'-"; # allowable punctuation
def permissible:
def ok: "[A-Za-z\(punct)]+";
test("^" + ok +"$");
# Emit null or else the text of an error message
def checkInput:
. as $name
| (permissible and (((punct|contains($name[0:1])) or (punct|contains($name[-1:]))) | not)) as $ok
| if $ok
if blacklist|index($name|ascii_downcase) then "Sorry, that name is unacceptable."
else null
else "Sorry, that name contains unacceptable characters."
end ;
# Attempt to obtain a valid response until "stop" or EOS.
# Set .invalid and .answer of the incoming object.
def ask:
.invalid = false
# Use `first(inputs)` to avoid error on EOS.
| (first(inputs) // null) as $x
| if $x | IN(null, "stop") then .answer = true # i.e. stop
else .invalid = ($x|checkInput)
| .answer = (if .invalid then null else $x end)
end ;
# $max is the maximum number of full names to request (-1 for arbitrarily many)
def interact($max):
# An array of Person
def summary:
"The following \(length) person(s) have been added to the database:",
(.[] | Person::tostring);
["first", "last"] as $prompts
| label $out
# .question is the question number we are currently focused on.
# .emit is the string to emit if it has been set.
| foreach range(0; infinite) as $i (
{question: 0, emit: null, array: []};
if .array | length == $max
then .finished = .array
elif .emit then ask
| if .answer == true then .finished = .array
elif .invalid then .emit = .invalid + " Please re-enter:"
else .emit = null
| if .question == 0
then .first = .answer | .question = 1
else .last = .answer | .question = 0
| .array = .array + [Person::new(.first; .last)]
else .
# update .emit
| if .finished then .emit = null
elif .emit then .
else .emit = "Enter your \($prompts[.question]) name : "
if .finished then ., break $out
elif .emit then .
else empty
| (select(.emit) | .emit),
(select(.finished) | .array | summary) ;
jq -nrR -f sanitize-user-input.jq
Enter your first name :
Sorry, that name contains unacceptable characters. Please re-enter:
Enter your last name :
Enter your first name :
The following 1 person(s) have been added to the database:
John Doe
