SHA-256: Difference between revisions

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Grondilu (talk | contribs)
→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: just use constant for K (might fail on PIR compilation, though)
Added ffi-based Racket solution.
Line 424:
>>> </lang>
<lang Racket>#lang racket/base
(require ffi/unsafe
(only-in file/sha1 bytes->hex-string))
;; define a quick SH256 FFI interface, similar to the Racket's default
;; SHA1 interface
(define _SHA256_CTX-pointer _pointer)
(define SHA256_Init
(and libcrypto
(get-ffi-obj 'SHA256_Init libcrypto
(_fun _SHA256_CTX-pointer -> _int)
(lambda () #f))))
(define SHA256_Update
(and libcrypto
(get-ffi-obj 'SHA256_Update libcrypto
(_fun _SHA256_CTX-pointer _pointer _long -> _int)
(lambda () #f))))
(define SHA256_Final
(and libcrypto
(get-ffi-obj 'SHA256_Final libcrypto
(_fun _pointer _SHA256_CTX-pointer -> _int)
(lambda () #f))))
(define (sha256-bytes in)
(if SHA256_Init
(let ([ctx (malloc 128)]
[tmp (make-bytes 4096)]
[result (make-bytes 32)])
(SHA256_Init ctx)
(let loop ()
(let ([n (read-bytes-avail! tmp in)])
(unless (eof-object? n)
(SHA256_Update ctx tmp n)
(SHA256_Final result ctx)
(error 'sha256-bytes "ffi SHA256 functionality not available")))
(define (sha256 in)
(bytes->hex-string (sha256-bytes in)))
;; use the defined wrapper to solve the task
(printf "~a\n" (sha256 (open-input-string "Rosetta code")))</lang>