SHA-256: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: [Z[m+]]= works now, so let's use it)
(→‎{{header|Perl}}: Added longer implementation.)
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The preferred way to do a task like this is to use an already written module, for example:
<lang Perl>#!/usr/bin/perl
<lang Perl>#!/usr/bin/perl
use strict ;
use strict ;
Line 1,049: Line 1,050:
print "SHA-256('$phrase'): $digest\n" ;
print "SHA-256('$phrase'): $digest\n" ;
<pre>SHA-256('Rosetta code'): 764faf5c61ac315f1497f9dfa542713965b785e5cc2f707d6468d7d1124cdfcf
<pre>SHA-256('Rosetta code'): 764faf5c61ac315f1497f9dfa542713965b785e5cc2f707d6468d7d1124cdfcf

On the other hand, one of perl's mottos is There Is More Than One Way To Do It, so of course
you could write your own implementation if you wanted to.
<lang Perl>
package Digest::SHA256::PP;

use strict;
use warnings;

use constant WORD => 2**32;
use constant MASK => WORD - 1;

my @h;
my @k;

for my $p ( 2 .. 311 ) {
# Horrible primality test, but sufficient for this task.
next if ("1" x $p) =~ /^(11+?)\1+$/;
# The choice to generate h and k instead of hard coding
# them is inspired by the Perl 6 implementation.
my $c = $p ** ( 1/3 );
push @k, int( ($c - int $c) * WORD );
next if @h == 8;
my $s = $p ** ( 1/2 );
push @h, int( ($s - int $s) * WORD );

sub new {
my %self = ( state => [@h], str => "", len => 0 );
bless \%self, shift;

my $rightrotate = sub {
my $lo = $_[0] >> $_[1];
my $hi = $_[0] << (32 - $_[1]);
($hi | $lo);

# This is adapted from the wikipedia entry on SHA2.
my $compress = sub {
my ($state, $bytes) = @_;
my @w = unpack 'N*', $bytes;
@w == 16 or die 'internal error';
my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h) = @$state;
until( @w == 64 ) {
my $s0 = $w[-15] >> 3;
my $s1 = $w[-2] >> 10;
$s0 ^= $rightrotate->($w[-15], $_) for 7, 18;
$s1 ^= $rightrotate->($w[-2], $_) for 17, 19;
push @w, ($w[-16] + $s0 + $w[-7] + $s1) & MASK;
my $i = 0;
for my $w (@w) {
my $ch = ($e & $f) ^ ((~$e) & $g);
my $maj = ($a & $b) ^ ($a & $c) ^ ($b & $c);
my ($S0, $S1) = (0, 0);
$S1 ^= $rightrotate->( $e, $_ ) for 6, 11, 25;
$S0 ^= $rightrotate->( $a, $_ ) for 2, 13, 22;
my $temp1 = $h + $S1 + $ch + $k[$i++] + $w;
my $temp2 = $S0 + $maj;
($h, $g, $f, $e, $d, $c, $b, $a) =
($g, $f, $e, ($d+$temp1)&MASK, $c, $b, $a, ($temp1+$temp2)&MASK);
my $j = 0;
$state->[$j++] += $_ for $a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h;

use constant can_Q => eval { length pack 'Q>', 0 };

sub add {
my ($self, $bytes) = @_;
$self->{len} += 8 * length $bytes;
if( !can_Q and $self->{len} >= WORD ) {
my $hi = int( $self->{len} / WORD );
$self->{big} += $hi;
$self->{len} -= $hi * WORD;
my $len = length $self->{str};
if( ($len + length $bytes) < 64 ) {
$self->{str} .= $bytes;
return $self;
my $off = 64 - $len;
$compress->( $self->{state}, $self->{str} . substr( $bytes, 0, $off ) );
$len = length $_[0];
while( $off+64 <= $len ) {
$compress->( $self->{state}, substr( $bytes, $off, 64 ) );
$off += 64;
$self->{str} = substr( $bytes, $off );

sub addfile {
my ($self, $fh) = @_;
my $s = "";
while( read( $fh, $s, 2**13 ) ) {
$self->add( $s );

sub digest {
my $self = shift;
my $final = $self->{str};
$final .= chr 0x80;
while( ( 8+length $final ) % 64 ) {
$final .= chr 0;
if( can_Q ) {
$final .= pack 'Q>', $self->{len};
} else {
$self->{big} ||= 0;
$final .= pack 'NN', $self->{big}, $self->{len};
$compress->( $self->{state}, substr $final, 0, 64, "" ) while length $final;
if( wantarray ) {
map pack('N', $_), @{ $self->{state} };
} else {
pack 'N*', @{ $self->{state} };

sub hexdigest {
if( wantarray ) {
map unpack( 'H*', $_), &digest;
} else {
unpack 'H*', &digest;

unless( caller ) {
my @testwith = (@ARGV ? @ARGV : 'Rosetta code');
for my $str (@testwith) {
my $digester = __PACKAGE__->new;
print "'$str':\n";
print join(" ", $digester->hexdigest), "\n";

'Rosetta code':
764faf5c 61ac315f 1497f9df a5427139 65b785e5 cc2f707d 6468d7d1 124cdfcf