Ruth-Aaron numbers: Difference between revisions

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First Ruth-Aaron triple (divisors):
First Ruth-Aaron triple (divisors):

<lang haskell>import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.List.Split ( chunksOf )

divisors :: Int -> [Int]
divisors n = [d | d <- [2 .. n] , mod n d == 0]

--for obvious theoretical reasons the smallest divisor of a number bare 1
--must be prime
primeFactors :: Int -> [Int]
primeFactors n = snd $ until ( (== 1) . fst ) step (n , [] )
step :: (Int , [Int] ) -> (Int , [Int] )
step (n , li) = ( div n h , li ++ [h] )
h :: Int
h = head $ divisors n

primeDivisors :: Int -> [Int]
primeDivisors n = S.toList $ S.fromList $ primeFactors n

solution :: (Int -> [Int] ) -> [Int]
solution f = snd $ until ( (== 30 ) . length . snd ) step ([2 , 3] , [] )
step :: ([Int] , [Int] ) -> ([Int] , [Int])
step ( neighbours , ranums ) = ( map ( + 1 ) neighbours , if (sum $ f
$ head neighbours ) == (sum $ f $ last neighbours) then
ranums ++ [ head neighbours ] else ranums )

formatNumber :: Int -> String -> String
formatNumber width num
|width > l = replicate ( width -l ) ' ' ++ num
|width == l = num
|width < l = num
l = length num

main :: IO ( )
main = do
let ruth_aaron_pairs = solution primeFactors
maxlen = length $ show $ last ruth_aaron_pairs
numberlines = chunksOf 8 $ map show ruth_aaron_pairs
ruth_aaron_divisors = solution primeDivisors
maxlen2 = length $ show $ last ruth_aaron_divisors
numberlines2 = chunksOf 8 $ map show ruth_aaron_divisors
putStrLn "First 30 Ruth-Aaaron numbers ( factors ) :"
mapM_ (\nlin -> putStrLn $ foldl1 ( ++ ) $ map (\st -> formatNumber (maxlen + 2) st )
nlin ) numberlines
putStrLn " "
putStrLn "First 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers( divisors ):"
mapM_ (\nlin -> putStrLn $ foldl1 ( ++ ) $ map (\st -> formatNumber (maxlen2 + 2) st )
nlin ) numberlines2</lang>
<pre>First 30 Ruth-Aaaron numbers ( factors ) :
5 8 15 77 125 714 948 1330
1520 1862 2491 3248 4185 4191 5405 5560
5959 6867 8280 8463 10647 12351 14587 16932
17080 18490 20450 24895 26642 26649
First 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers( divisors ):
5 24 49 77 104 153 369 492
714 1682 2107 2299 2600 2783 5405 6556
6811 8855 9800 12726 13775 18655 21183 24024
24432 24880 25839 26642 35456 40081