Ruth-Aaron numbers: Difference between revisions

Added Easylang
m (Promote. multiple implementations, no questions)
(Added Easylang)
(19 intermediate revisions by 13 users not shown)
Line 32:
;*[[oeis:A006145|OEIS:A006145 - Ruth-Aaron numbers (1): sum of prime divisors of n = sum of prime divisors of n+1]]
;*[[oeis:A039752|OEIS:A039752 - Ruth-Aaron numbers (2): sum of prime divisors of n = sum of prime divisors of n+1 (both taken with multiplicity)]]
=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
Uses sieves for the prime factor sums and prime divisor sums, assumes that the first Ruth-Aaron triples are under 99 000 000.<br>
This uses a large amount of memory - too much for Algol 68G under Windows (and possibly under Linux).<br>
With max number set to 1 000 000, Algol 68G can find the first triple using factors in a few seconds (the loop to find the first divisors triple must be commented out or removed) - Real time: 0.941 s on TIO.RUN for the cutdown version.
<syntaxhighlight lang="algol68">BEGIN # find Ruth-Aaron pairs - pairs of consecutive integers where the sum #
# of the prime factors or divisors are equal #
INT max number = 99 000 000; # max number we will consider #
# construct a sieve of primes up to max number #
[ 1 : max number ]BOOL prime;
prime[ 1 ] := FALSE;
prime[ 2 ] := TRUE;
FOR i FROM 3 BY 2 TO UPB prime DO prime[ i ] := TRUE OD;
FOR i FROM 4 BY 2 TO UPB prime DO prime[ i ] := FALSE OD;
FOR i FROM 3 BY 2 TO ENTIER sqrt( UPB prime ) DO
IF prime[ i ] THEN
FOR s FROM i * i BY i + i TO UPB prime DO prime[ s ] := FALSE OD
# construct the sums of prime divisors up to max number #
[ 1 : max number ]INT ps; FOR n TO max number DO ps[ n ] := 0 OD;
FOR n TO max number DO
IF prime[ n ] THEN
FOR j FROM n BY n TO max number DO ps[ j ] PLUSAB n OD
INT max count = 30;
# first max count Ruth-Aaron (divisors) numbers #
[ 1 : max count ]INT dra;
INT count := 0;
INT prev sum := 0;
FOR n FROM 2 WHILE count < max count DO
INT this sum = ps[ n ];
IF prev sum = this sum THEN
# found another Ruth-Aaron number #
count PLUSAB 1;
IF count <= max count THEN dra[ count ] := n - 1 FI
prev sum := this sum
# first triple #
INT dra3 := 0;
INT pprev sum := ps[ 1 ];
prev sum := ps[ 2 ];
FOR n FROM 3 WHILE dra3 = 0 DO
INT this sum = ps[ n ];
IF prev sum = this sum THEN
IF pprev sum = this sum THEN
# found a Ruth-Aaron triple #
dra3 := n - 2
pprev sum := prev sum;
prev sum := this sum
# replace ps with the prime factor count #
INT root max number = ENTIER sqrt( max number );
FOR n FROM 2 TO root max number DO
IF prime[ n ] THEN
INT p := n * n;
WHILE p < root max number DO
FOR j FROM p BY p TO max number DO ps[ j ] PLUSAB n OD;
# first max count Ruth-Aaron (factors) numbers #
[ 1 : max count ]INT fra;
prev sum := ps[ 1 ];
count := 0;
FOR n FROM 2 WHILE count < 30 DO
INT this sum = ps[ n ];
IF prev sum = this sum THEN
# found another Ruth-Aaron number #
count PLUSAB 1;
fra[ count ] := n - 1
prev sum := this sum
# first triple #
prev sum := 0;
count := 0;
INT fra3 := 0;
FOR n FROM 2 WHILE fra3 = 0 DO
INT this sum = ps[ n ];
IF prev sum = this sum AND pprev sum = this sum THEN
# found a Ruth-Aaron triple #
fra3 := n - 2
pprev sum := prev sum;
prev sum := this sum
# show the numbers #
print( ( "The first ", whole( max count, 0 ), " Ruth-Aaron numbers (factors):", newline ) );
FOR n TO max count DO
print( ( whole( fra[ n ], - 6 ) ) );
IF n MOD 10 = 0 THEN print( ( newline ) ) FI
# divisors #
print( ( "The first ", whole( max count, 0 ), " Ruth-Aaron numbers (divisors):", newline ) );
FOR n TO max count DO
print( ( whole( dra[ n ], - 6 ) ) );
IF n MOD 10 = 0 THEN print( ( newline ) ) FI
# triples #
print( ( newline, "First Ruth-Aaron triple (factors): ", whole( fra3, 0 ) ) );
print( ( newline, "First Ruth-Aaron triple (divisors): ", whole( dra3, 0 ) ) )
The first 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (factors):
5 8 15 77 125 714 948 1330 1520 1862
2491 3248 4185 4191 5405 5560 5959 6867 8280 8463
10647 12351 14587 16932 17080 18490 20450 24895 26642 26649
The first 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (divisors):
5 24 49 77 104 153 369 492 714 1682
2107 2299 2600 2783 5405 6556 6811 8855 9800 12726
13775 18655 21183 24024 24432 24880 25839 26642 35456 40081
First Ruth-Aaron triple (factors): 417162
First Ruth-Aaron triple (divisors): 89460294
<syntaxhighlight lang="arturo">fRuthAaron?: function [n]-> (sum n) = sum n+1
dRuthAaron?: function [n]-> (sum unique n) = sum unique n+1
print "First 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (factors):"
loop split.every: 10 select.first:30 1..∞ => fRuthAaron? 'x ->
print map x 's -> pad to :string s 5
print ""
print "First 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (divisors):"
loop split.every: 10 select.first:30 1..∞ => dRuthAaron? 'x ->
print map x 's -> pad to :string s 5</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>First 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (factors):
5 8 15 77 125 714 948 1330 1520 1862
2491 3248 4185 4191 5405 5560 5959 6867 8280 8463
10647 12351 14587 16932 17080 18490 20450 24895 26642 26649
First 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (divisors):
5 24 49 77 104 153 369 492 714 1682
2107 2299 2600 2783 5405 6556 6811 8855 9800 12726
13775 18655 21183 24024 24432 24880 25839 26642 35456 40081</pre>
This takes about 2 minutes 24 seconds (3.2GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5).
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
Line 121 ⟶ 268:
dsum2 = dsum3;
Line 138 ⟶ 285:
First Ruth-Aaron triple (divisors): 89460294
{{works with|Delphi|6.0}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="Delphi">
{These routines would normally be in a library, but are shown here for clarity}
function IsPrime(N: int64): boolean;
{Fast, optimised prime test}
var I,Stop: int64;
if (N = 2) or (N=3) then Result:=true
else if (n <= 1) or ((n mod 2) = 0) or ((n mod 3) = 0) then Result:= false
while I<=Stop do
if ((N mod I) = 0) or ((N mod (I + 2)) = 0) then exit;
procedure StoreNumber(N: integer; var IA: TIntegerDynArray);
{Expand and store number in array}
procedure GetPrimeFactors(N: integer; var Facts: TIntegerDynArray);
{Get all the prime factors of a number}
var I: integer;
if (N mod I) = 0 then
N:=N div I;
else I:=GetNextPrime(I);
until N=1;
procedure GetPrimeDivisors(N: integer; var Facts: TIntegerDynArray);
{Get all unique prime factors of a number}
var I: integer;
if (N mod I) = 0 then
N:=N div I;
while (N mod I) = 0 do N:=N div I;
else I:=GetNextPrime(I);
until N=1;
procedure RuthAaronNumbers(Memo: TMemo; UseFactors: boolean);
var N,Sum1,Sum2,Cnt: integer;
var S: string;
function GetFactorSum(N: integer): integer;
{Get the sum of the prime factors or divisors}
var IA: TIntegerDynArray;
var I: integer;
if UseFactors then GetPrimeFactors(N,IA)
else GetPrimeDivisors(N,IA);
for I:=0 to High(IA) do Result:=Result+IA[I];
{Get first sum}
for N:=1 to High(integer) do
{Get next sum}
{Look for matching sums = Ruth-Aaron numbers}
if Sum1=Sum2 then
if Cnt>=30 then break;
If (Cnt mod 10)=0 then S:=S+CRLF;
Memo.Lines.Add('Count = '+IntToStr(Cnt));
procedure ShowRuthAaronNumbers(Memo: TMemo);
Memo.Lines.Add('The first 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers using factors');
RuthAaronNumbers(Memo, True);
Memo.Lines.Add('The first 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers using divisors');
RuthAaronNumbers(Memo, False);
The first 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers using factors
5 8 15 77 125 714 948 1330 1520 1862
2491 3248 4185 4191 5405 5560 5959 6867 8280 8463
10647 12351 14587 16932 17080 18490 20450 24895 26642 26649
Count = 30
The first 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers using divisors
5 24 49 77 104 153 369 492 714 1682
2107 2299 2600 2783 5405 6556 6811 8855 9800 12726
13775 18655 21183 24024 24432 24880 25839 26642 35456 40081
Count = 30
Elapsed Time: 5.991 Sec.
func divsum n alldiv .
f = 2
q = n / f
if n mod f = 0
if alldiv = 1
s1 += f
if f <> f0
s1 += f
f0 = f
n = q
f += 1
until f > n
return s1
proc ruth_aaron alldiv . .
n = 2
s = divsum n alldiv
if s = s0
write n - 1 & " "
c += 1
s0 = s
n += 1
until c >= 30
print "first 30 ruth-aaron numbers (factors):"
ruth_aaron 1
print ""
print ""
print "first 30 ruth-aaron numbers (divisors):"
ruth_aaron 0
first 30 ruth-aaron numbers (factors):
5 8 15 77 125 714 948 1330 1520 1862 2491 3248 4185 4191 5405 5560 5959 6867 8280 8463 10647 12351 14587 16932 17080 18490 20450 24895 26642 26649
first 30 ruth-aaron numbers (divisors):
5 24 49 77 104 153 369 492 714 1682 2107 2299 2600 2783 5405 6556 6811 8855 9800 12726 13775 18655 21183 24024 24432 24880 25839 26642 35456 40081
{{works with|Factor|0.99 2022-04-03}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="factor">USING: assocs.extras grouping io kernel lists lists.lazy math
math.primes.factors prettyprint ranges sequences ;
: pair-same? ( ... n quot: ( ... m -- ... n ) -- ... ? )
[ dup 1 + ] dip same? ; inline
: RA-f? ( n -- ? ) [ factors sum ] pair-same? ;
: RA-d? ( n -- ? ) [ group-factors sum-keys ] pair-same? ;
: filter-naturals ( quot -- list ) 1 lfrom swap lfilter ; inline
: RA-f ( -- list ) [ RA-f? ] filter-naturals ;
: RA-d ( -- list ) [ RA-d? ] filter-naturals ;
: list. ( list -- )
30 swap ltake list>array 10 group simple-table. ;
"First 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (factors):" print
RA-f list. nl
"First 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (divisors):" print
RA-d list.</syntaxhighlight>
First 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (factors):
5 8 15 77 125 714 948 1330 1520 1862
2491 3248 4185 4191 5405 5560 5959 6867 8280 8463
10647 12351 14587 16932 17080 18490 20450 24895 26642 26649
First 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (divisors):
5 24 49 77 104 153 369 492 714 1682
2107 2299 2600 2783 5405 6556 6811 8855 9800 12726
13775 18655 21183 24024 24432 24880 25839 26642 35456 40081
<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">Function DivSum(N As Integer, AllDiv As Boolean) As Integer
Dim As Integer Q, F = 2, F0 = 0, S1 = 0
Q = N/F
If (N Mod F) = 0 Then
If AllDiv Then
S1 += F
If F <> F0 Then S1 += F : F0 = F
End If
N = Q
F += 1
End If
Loop Until F > N
Return S1
End Function
Sub Ruth_Aaron(AllDiv As Boolean)
Dim As Integer S, C = 0, S0 = 0, N = 2
S = DivSum(N, AllDiv)
If S = S0 Then
Print Using "######"; N-1;
C += 1
If (C Mod 10) = 0 Then Print
End If
S0 = S
N += 1
Loop Until C >= 30
End Sub
Print "First 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (factors):"
Ruth_Aaron(True) '
Print !"\nFirst 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (divisors):"
Ruth_Aaron(False) '
<pre>First 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (factors):
5 8 15 77 125 714 948 1330 1520 1862
2491 3248 4185 4191 5405 5560 5959 6867 8280 8463
10647 12351 14587 16932 17080 18490 20450 24895 26642 26649
First 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (divisors):
5 24 49 77 104 153 369 492 714 1682
2107 2299 2600 2783 5405 6556 6811 8855 9800 12726
13775 18655 21183 24024 24432 24880 25839 26642 35456 40081</pre>
Takes about 4.5 minutes.
<syntaxhighlight lang="go">package main
import (
func prune(a []int) []int {
prev := a[0]
b := []int{prev}
for i := 1; i < len(a); i++ {
if a[i] != prev {
b = append(b, a[i])
prev = a[i]
return b
func main() {
var resF, resD, resT, factors1 []int
factors2 := []int{2}
factors3 := []int{3}
var sum1, sum2, sum3 int = 0, 2, 3
var countF, countD, countT int
for n := 2; countT < 1 || countD < 30 || countF < 30; n++ {
factors1 = factors2
factors2 = factors3
factors3 = rcu.PrimeFactors(n + 2)
sum1 = sum2
sum2 = sum3
sum3 = rcu.SumInts(factors3)
if countF < 30 && sum1 == sum2 {
resF = append(resF, n)
if sum1 == sum2 && sum2 == sum3 {
resT = append(resT, n)
if countD < 30 {
factors4 := make([]int, len(factors1))
copy(factors4, factors1)
factors5 := make([]int, len(factors2))
copy(factors5, factors2)
factors4 = prune(factors4)
factors5 = prune(factors5)
if rcu.SumInts(factors4) == rcu.SumInts(factors5) {
resD = append(resD, n)
fmt.Println("First 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (factors):")
fmt.Println("\nFirst 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (divisors):")
fmt.Println("\nFirst Ruth-Aaron triple (factors):")
resT = resT[:0]
factors1 = factors1[:0]
factors2 = factors2[:1]
factors2[0] = 2
factors3 = factors3[:1]
factors3[0] = 3
countT = 0
for n := 2; countT < 1; n++ {
factors1 = factors2
factors2 = factors3
factors3 = prune(rcu.PrimeFactors(n + 2))
sum1 = sum2
sum2 = sum3
sum3 = rcu.SumInts(factors3)
if sum1 == sum2 && sum2 == sum3 {
resT = append(resT, n)
fmt.Println("\nFirst Ruth-Aaron triple (divisors):")
First 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (factors):
[5 8 15 77 125 714 948 1330 1520 1862 2491 3248 4185 4191 5405 5560 5959 6867 8280 8463 10647 12351 14587 16932 17080 18490 20450 24895 26642 26649]
First 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (divisors):
[5 24 49 77 104 153 369 492 714 1682 2107 2299 2600 2783 5405 6556 6811 8855 9800 12726 13775 18655 21183 24024 24432 24880 25839 26642 35456 40081]
First Ruth-Aaron triple (factors):
First Ruth-Aaron triple (divisors):
<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.List.Split ( chunksOf )
divisors :: Int -> [Int]
divisors n = [d | d <- [2 .. n] , mod n d == 0]
--for obvious theoretical reasons the smallest divisor of a number bare 1
--must be prime
primeFactors :: Int -> [Int]
primeFactors n = snd $ until ( (== 1) . fst ) step (n , [] )
step :: (Int , [Int] ) -> (Int , [Int] )
step (n , li) = ( div n h , li ++ [h] )
h :: Int
h = head $ divisors n
primeDivisors :: Int -> [Int]
primeDivisors n = S.toList $ S.fromList $ primeFactors n
solution :: (Int -> [Int] ) -> [Int]
solution f = snd $ until ( (== 30 ) . length . snd ) step ([2 , 3] , [] )
step :: ([Int] , [Int] ) -> ([Int] , [Int])
step ( neighbours , ranums ) = ( map ( + 1 ) neighbours , if (sum $ f
$ head neighbours ) == (sum $ f $ last neighbours) then
ranums ++ [ head neighbours ] else ranums )
formatNumber :: Int -> String -> String
formatNumber width num
|width > l = replicate ( width -l ) ' ' ++ num
|width == l = num
|width < l = num
l = length num
main :: IO ( )
main = do
let ruth_aaron_pairs = solution primeFactors
maxlen = length $ show $ last ruth_aaron_pairs
numberlines = chunksOf 8 $ map show ruth_aaron_pairs
ruth_aaron_divisors = solution primeDivisors
maxlen2 = length $ show $ last ruth_aaron_divisors
numberlines2 = chunksOf 8 $ map show ruth_aaron_divisors
putStrLn "First 30 Ruth-Aaaron numbers ( factors ) :"
mapM_ (\nlin -> putStrLn $ foldl1 ( ++ ) $ map (\st -> formatNumber (maxlen + 2) st )
nlin ) numberlines
putStrLn " "
putStrLn "First 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers( divisors ):"
mapM_ (\nlin -> putStrLn $ foldl1 ( ++ ) $ map (\st -> formatNumber (maxlen2 + 2) st )
nlin ) numberlines2</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>First 30 Ruth-Aaaron numbers ( factors ) :
5 8 15 77 125 714 948 1330
1520 1862 2491 3248 4185 4191 5405 5560
5959 6867 8280 8463 10647 12351 14587 16932
17080 18490 20450 24895 26642 26649
First 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers( divisors ):
5 24 49 77 104 153 369 492
714 1682 2107 2299 2600 2783 5405 6556
6811 8855 9800 12726 13775 18655 21183 24024
24432 24880 25839 26642 35456 40081
Line 145 ⟶ 745:
<langsyntaxhighlight Jlang="j"> NB. using factors
30{.1 2+/~I. 2 =/\ +/@q: 1+i.100000
5 6
Line 209 ⟶ 809:
26642 26643
35456 35457
40081 40082</langsyntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
public final class RuthAaronNumbers {
public static void main(String[] aArgs) {
System.out.println("The first 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (factors):");
firstRuthAaronNumbers(30, NumberType.FACTOR);
System.out.println("The first 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (divisors):");
firstRuthAaronNumbers(30, NumberType.DIVISOR);
System.out.println("First Ruth-Aaron triple (factors): " + firstRuthAaronTriple(NumberType.FACTOR));
System.out.println("First Ruth-Aaron triple (divisors): " + firstRuthAaronTriple(NumberType.DIVISOR));
private enum NumberType { DIVISOR, FACTOR }
private static void firstRuthAaronNumbers(int aCount, NumberType aNumberType) {
primeSumOne = 0;
primeSumTwo = 0;
for ( int n = 2, count = 0; count < aCount; n++ ) {
primeSumTwo = switch ( aNumberType ) {
case DIVISOR -> primeDivisorSum(n);
case FACTOR -> primeFactorSum(n);
if ( primeSumOne == primeSumTwo ) {
count += 1;
System.out.print(String.format("%6d", n - 1));
if ( count == aCount / 2 ) {
primeSumOne = primeSumTwo;
private static int firstRuthAaronTriple(NumberType aNumberType) {
primeSumOne = 0;
primeSumTwo = 0;
primeSumThree = 0;
int n = 2;
boolean found = false;
while ( ! found ) {
primeSumThree = switch ( aNumberType ) {
case DIVISOR -> primeDivisorSum(n);
case FACTOR -> primeFactorSum(n);
if ( primeSumOne == primeSumTwo && primeSumTwo == primeSumThree ) {
found = true;
n += 1;
primeSumOne = primeSumTwo;
primeSumTwo = primeSumThree;
return n - 2;
private static int primeDivisorSum(int aNumber) {
return primeSum(aNumber, new HashSet<Integer>());
private static int primeFactorSum(int aNumber) {
return primeSum(aNumber, new ArrayList<Integer>());
private static int primeSum(int aNumber, Collection<Integer> aCollection) {
Collection<Integer> values = aCollection;
for ( int i = 0, prime = 2; prime * prime <= aNumber; i++ ) {
while ( aNumber % prime == 0 ) {
aNumber /= prime;
prime = primes.get(i + 1);
if ( aNumber > 1 ) {
return, ( l, r ) -> l + r );
private static List<Integer> listPrimeNumbersUpTo(int aNumber) {
BitSet sieve = new BitSet(aNumber + 1);
sieve.set(2, aNumber + 1);
final int squareRoot = (int) Math.sqrt(aNumber);
for ( int i = 2; i <= squareRoot; i = sieve.nextSetBit(i + 1) ) {
for ( int j = i * i; j <= aNumber; j += i ) {
List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>(sieve.cardinality());
for ( int i = 2; i >= 0; i = sieve.nextSetBit(i + 1) ) {
return result;
private static int primeSumOne, primeSumTwo, primeSumThree;
private static List<Integer> primes = listPrimeNumbersUpTo(50_000);
{{ out }}
The first 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (factors):
5 8 15 77 125 714 948 1330 1520 1862 2491 3248 4185 4191 5405
5560 5959 6867 8280 8463 10647 12351 14587 16932 17080 18490 20450 24895 26642 26649
The first 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (divisors):
5 24 49 77 104 153 369 492 714 1682 2107 2299 2600 2783 5405
6556 6811 8855 9800 12726 13775 18655 21183 24024 24432 24880 25839 26642 35456 40081
First Ruth-Aaron triple (factors): 417163
First Ruth-Aaron triple (divisors): 89460295
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="julia">using Lazy
using Primes
Line 238 ⟶ 979:
println("\nRuth Aaron triple starts at: ", findfirst(ruthaarontriple, 1:100000000))
println("\nRuth Aaron factor triple starts at: ", findfirst(ruthaaronfactorstriple, 1:10000000))
30 Ruth Aaron numbers:
Line 253 ⟶ 994:
Ruth Aaron factor triple starts at: 417162
=={{header|Mathematica}}/{{header|Wolfram Language}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="Mathematica">
SumPrimeDivisors[n_] := Total[First /@ FactorInteger[n]]
RuthAaron[n_] := SumPrimeDivisors[n] == SumPrimeDivisors[n + 1]
SumPrimeFactors[n_] :=
Total[First[#] * Last[#] & /@ FactorInteger[n]]
RuthAaronFactors[n_] :=
SumPrimeFactors[n] == SumPrimeFactors[n + 1]
RuthAaronSeq := Select[Range[100000], RuthAaron]
RuthAaronFactorSeq := Select[Range[100000], RuthAaronFactors]
Print["30 Ruth Aaron numbers:"]
Print[Take[RuthAaronSeq, 30]]
Print["\n30 Ruth Aaron factor numbers:"]
Print[Take[RuthAaronFactorSeq, 30]]
30 Ruth Aaron numbers:
{5, 24, 49, 77, 104, 153, 369, 492, 714, 1682, 2107, 2299, 2600, 2783, 5405, 6556, 6811, 8855, 9800, 12726, 13775, 18655, 21183, 24024, 24432, 24880, 25839, 26642, 35456, 40081}
30 Ruth Aaron factor numbers:
{5, 8, 15, 77, 125, 714, 948, 1330, 1520, 1862, 2491, 3248, 4185, 4191, 5405, 5560, 5959, 6867, 8280, 8463, 10647, 12351, 14587, 16932, 17080, 18490, 20450, 24895, 26642, 26649}
<syntaxhighlight lang="Nim">import std/strformat
template isEven(n: Natural): bool = (n and 1) == 0
func primeFactorSum(n: int): int =
var n = n
while n.isEven:
inc result, 2
n = n shr 1
var p = 3
var sq = 9
while sq <= n:
while n mod p == 0:
inc result, p
n = n div p
inc sq, (p + 1) shl 2
inc p, 2
if n > 1:
inc result, n
func primeDivisorSum(n: int): int =
var n = n
if n.isEven:
inc result, 2
n = n shr 1
while n.isEven:
n = n shr 1
var p = 3
var sq = 9
while sq <= n:
if n mod p == 0:
inc result, p
n = n div p
while n mod p == 0:
n = n div p
inc sq, (p + 1) shl 2
inc p, 2
if n > 1:
inc result, n
const Limit = 30
proc firstRuthAaronByFactors() =
echo &"First {Limit} Ruth-Aaron numbers (factors):"
var fsum1, fsum2 = 0
var n = 2
var count = 0
while count < Limit:
fsum2 = primeFactorSum(n)
if fsum1 == fsum2:
inc count
stdout.write &"{n - 1:5}", if count mod 10 == 0: '\n' else: ' '
fsum1 = fsum2
inc n
proc firstRuthAaronByDivisors() =
echo &"\nFirst {Limit} Ruth-Aaron numbers (divisors):"
var dsum1, dsum2 = 0
var n = 2
var count = 0
while count < Limit:
dsum2 = primeDivisorSum(n)
if dsum1 == dsum2:
inc count
stdout.write &"{n - 1:5}", if count mod 10 == 0: '\n' else: ' '
dsum1 = dsum2
inc n
proc firstRuthAaronTripleByFactors() =
var fsum1, fsum2 = 0
var n = 2
while true:
let fsum3 = primeFactorSum(n)
if fsum1 == fsum3 and fsum2 == fsum3:
echo &"\nFirst Ruth-Aaron triple (factors): {n - 2}"
fsum1 = fsum2
fsum2 = fsum3
inc n
proc firstRuthAaronTripleByDivisors() =
var dsum1, dsum2 = 0
var n = 2
while true:
let dsum3 = primeDivisorSum(n)
if dsum1 == dsum3 and dsum2 == dsum3:
echo &"\nFirst Ruth-Aaron triple (divisors): {n - 2}"
dsum1 = dsum2
dsum2 = dsum3
inc n
<pre>First 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (factors):
5 8 15 77 125 714 948 1330 1520 1862
2491 3248 4185 4191 5405 5560 5959 6867 8280 8463
10647 12351 14587 16932 17080 18490 20450 24895 26642 26649
First 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (divisors):
5 24 49 77 104 153 369 492 714 1682
2107 2299 2600 2783 5405 6556 6811 8855 9800 12726
13775 18655 21183 24024 24432 24880 25839 26642 35456 40081
First Ruth-Aaron triple (factors): 417162
First Ruth-Aaron triple (divisors): 89460294
Line 258 ⟶ 1,145:
==={{header|Free Pascal}}===
all depends on fast prime decomposition.
<syntaxhighlight lang ="pascal">program RuthAaronNumb;
program RuthAaronNumb;
// gets factors of consecutive integers fast
// limited to 1.2e11
Line 653 ⟶ 1,541:
until false
T1,T0 : Int64;
T0 := GetTickCount64;
writeln;('used time: ',GettickCount64-T0,' ms');
writeln('First Ruth-Aaron triple (factors) :');
T0 := GetTickCount64;
writeln(findfirstTripplesFactor(true):10,' in ',GettickCount64-T0,' ms');
writeln('First Ruth-Aaron triple (divisors):');
T0 := GetTickCount64;
writeln(findfirstTripplesFactor(false):10,' in ',GettickCount64-T0,' ms');
Real time: 6.811 s CPU share: 99.35 %
First 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (divisors ):
5 24 49 77 104 153 369 492
Line 678 ⟶ 1,572:
5959 6867 8280 8463 10647 12351 14587 16932
17080 18490 20450 24895 26642 26649
used time: 8 ms
First Ruth-Aaron triple (factors) :
417162 in 28 ms
First Ruth-Aaron triple (divisors):
89460294 in 6817 ms
Real time: 7.011 s CPU share: 99.03 %</pre>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="perl">#!/usr/bin/perl
use strict;
Line 712 ⟶ 1,608:
print "divisors:\n\n@answers\n" =~ s/.{60}\K /\n/gr;</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 731 ⟶ 1,627:
You can run this online [ here].
<!--<langsyntaxhighlight Phixlang="phix">(phixonline)-->
<span style="color: #008080;">with</span> <span style="color: #008080;">javascript_semantics</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">procedure</span> <span style="color: #000000;">ruth_aaron</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #004080;">bool</span> <span style="color: #000000;">d</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #004080;">integer</span> <span style="color: #000000;">n</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">30</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">l</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">2</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
Line 765 ⟶ 1,661:
<span style="color: #000000;">ruth_aaron</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #004600;">true</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">3</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">89460000</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- (0.1s)
--ruth_aaron(true, 1, 3) -- (24 minutes 30s)</span>
Line 779 ⟶ 1,675:
First Ruth-Aaron triple (divisors):
<code>primefactors</code> is defined at [[Prime decomposition#Quackery]].
<syntaxhighlight lang="quackery"> [ behead dup dip nested rot
[ tuck != if
[ dup dip
[ nested join ] ] ]
drop ] is -duplicates ( [ --> [ )
[ primefactors -duplicates ] is primedivisors ( n --> n )
[ 0 swap witheach + ] is sum ( [ --> n )
[ [] temp put
3 2 primefactors sum
[ over primefactors sum
tuck = if
[ over 1 -
temp take
swap join
temp put ]
dip 1+
temp share size 30 = until ]
temp take ] is raf ( --> )
[ [] temp put
3 2 primedivisors sum
[ over primedivisors sum
tuck = if
[ over 1 -
temp take
swap join
temp put ]
dip 1+
temp share size 30 = until ]
temp take ] is rad ( --> )
raf echo
cr cr
rad echo</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>[ 5 8 15 77 125 714 948 1330 1520 1862 2491 3248 4185 4191 5405 5560 5959 6867 8280 8463 10647 12351 14587 16932 17080 18490 20450 24895 26642 26649 ]
[ 5 24 49 77 104 153 369 492 714 1682 2107 2299 2600 2783 5405 6556 6811 8855 9800 12726 13775 18655 21183 24024 24432 24880 25839 26642 35456 40081 ]
<syntaxhighlight lang="raku" perl6line>use Prime::Factor;
my @pf = lazy (^∞).hyper(:1000batch).map: *.&prime-factors.sum;
Line 801 ⟶ 1,749:
# Really, really, _really_ slow. 186(!) minutes... but with no cheating or "leg up".
put "\nFirst Ruth-Aaron triple (Divisors):\n" ~
(1..∞).first: { @upf[$_] == @upf[$_ + 1] == @upf[$_ + 2] }</langsyntaxhighlight>
<pre>First 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (Factors):
Line 816 ⟶ 1,764:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="ruby">say "First 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (factors):"
say {|n| (sopfr(n) == sopfr(n+1)) && (n > 0) }.join(' ')
say "\nFirst 30 Ruth-Aaron numbers (divisors):"
say {|n| ( sopf(n) == sopf(n+1)) && (n > 0) }.join(' ')</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 838 ⟶ 1,786:
However, with nearly 90 million trios of numbers to slog through, it takes around 68 minutes to find the first triple based on divisors.
<langsyntaxhighlight ecmascriptlang="wren">import "./math" for Int, Nums
import "./seq" for Lst
import "./fmt" for Fmt
Line 915 ⟶ 1,863:
System.print("\nFirst Ruth-Aaron triple (divisors):")
Line 933 ⟶ 1,881:
<langsyntaxhighlight XPL0lang="xpl0">func DivSum(N, AllDiv); \Return sum of divisors
int N, AllDiv; \all divisors vs. only prime divisors
int F, F0, S, Q;
Line 968 ⟶ 1,916:
