Rutgers ALGOL 68: Difference between revisions

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=== Using upper stropping ===
As mentioned above, Rutgers Algol 68 uses quote-stropping. The following program will convert an upper-stropping source to Rutgers style quote-stropping. ThisAdditionally, shouldit beremoved placedany in the installation folderpragmats (\algol\RutgersAlgol68i.e. ispragmatic assumedcomments here)delimited andby called'''pr''' or '''upperToQuote.r68pragma''') from the source.
This should be placed in the installation folder (\algol\RutgersAlgol68 is assumed here) and called '''upperToQuote.r68'''.
<lang algol68>'begin' # convert an upper-stropped source to Rutgers quote stropping #
