Rosetta Code talk:Village Pump/Suggest a language

Just wanted to note that "Cucumber" is not a language per/se. It is more of an IDE. Like Eclipse is not a language.

About the navigation. It is (most?) common to want to see how X task is done in Y language. For Example I wanted to see how "Associative Arrays" were done in JavaScript. I went to Languages, then JavaScript, looked down the list and clicked "Associative Arrays". I expected to go right to the JavaScript of "Associative Arrays" but instead landed at the TOP of "Associative Arrays". I had to again list my JavaScript preference to get where I wanted. If there was a good search facility, I suppose I could have entered: "JavaScript Associative" and get right there. Could your people spend some time on this issue to save us all some time? Thanks,

That is a limitation of MediaWiki. It has been discussed here, but we have not had success. If you want to sign up and help us that would be great. As we are now (and for the forseeable future), we rely on volunteers, so it's tough to do much more than "default" with our setup. --Mwn3d 19:43, 27 June 2011 (UTC)

Thanks for the quick response. I was also looking for "Create an Object" for JavaScript and realized "Object-Oriented" Category was a bit hard to find. Until a "Google-like" search mechanism becomes available, a good organization is needed. I was thinking maybe splitting Languages into 1. Legacy Languages 2. Object-Oriented Languages 3. Scripting Languages, etc. Yes, there might be some overlap, but major categories would not be "hidden". I have been trying to help since meeting Michael Mol over the phone. I've been in the industry for 30 years so have about 20 languages under my belt. I'll look into MediaWiki to see what they have. Thanks, RR

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