Rosetta Code/Count examples: Difference between revisions

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<lang clojure>(ns count-examples
(:use [clojure.contrib.http.agent :only (http-agent string)]
[clojure.contrib.json :only (read-json)]
[clojure.contrib.string :only (join)]))

(defn rosettacode-get [path params]
(let [param-string (join "&"
(map (fn [[n v]]
(str (if (keyword? n) (name n) n)
( (str v) "utf-8")))
(string (http-agent (format "" path param-string)))))

(defn rosettacode-query [params]
(read-json (rosettacode-get "api.php" (merge {:action "query" :format "json"} params))))

(defn list-cm
([params] (list-cm params nil))
([params continue]
(let [cm-params (merge {:list "categorymembers"} params (if continue continue {}))
result (rosettacode-query cm-params)]
(concat (-> result (:query) (:categorymembers))
(if-let [cmcontinue (-> result (:query-continue) (:categorymembers))]
(list-cm params cmcontinue))))))

(defn programming-tasks []
(let [result (list-cm {:cmtitle "Category:Programming_Tasks" :cmlimit 50})]
(map #(:title %) result)))

(defn task-count [task]
[task (count
(re-seq #"==\{\{header"
(rosettacode-get "index.php" {:action "raw" :title task})))])

(defn print-result []
(let [task-counts (map task-count (programming-tasks))]
(doseq [[task count] task-counts]
(println (str task ":") count)
(println "Total: " (reduce #(+ %1 (second %2)) 0 task-counts))))
<lang clojure>count-examples> (print-result)
100 doors: 73
24 game: 18
24 game/Solve: 14
99 Bottles of Beer: 89
Abstract type: 27
Accumulator factory: 23
Ackermann function: 73
Active Directory/Connect: 4
Active Directory/Search for a user: 3
Active object: 14
Add a variable to a class instance at runtime: 21
Address of a variable: 20
Total: 11216
