Rosetta Code/Count examples/Full list: Difference between revisions

Update full list output
m (Update full list output)
m (Update full list output)
Line 25:
<div style="height:40em;overflow:scroll;">
{|class="wikitable sortable"
|+ As of 2023-11-12T2319T23:1804:17Z10Z :: Tasks: 1261 ::<span style="background-color:#ffd"> Draft Tasks:398 </span>:: Total Tasks: 1659 :: Total Examples: 9419194315
Line 48:
| 302303
| [[Factorial|Factorial]]
Line 92:
| 228229
| [[Conditional%20structures|Conditional structures]]
Line 138:
| 195
| [[Hello%20world%2FGraphical|Hello world/Graphical]]
| 194
| [[Binary%20digits|Binary digits]]
| 192
| [[Copy%20a%20string|Copy a string]]
| 191
| [[Binary%20digits|Binary digits]]
Line 172:
| 185186
| [[Hello%20world%2FNewline%20omission|Hello world/Newline omission]]
| 186
|data-sort-value="rot-0C13"| [[Rot-13|Rot-13]]
Line 185 ⟶ 189:
| 184
| [[Character%20codes|Character codes]]
| [[Loops%2FFor%20with%20a%20specified%20step|Loops/For with a specified step]]
| 184
| [[Loops%2FFor%20with%20a%20specified%20step|Loops/For with a specified step]]
|data-sort-value="rot-0C13"| [[Rot-13|Rot-13]]
| 183
| [[Character%20codes|Character codes]]
Line 276:
| 158159
| [[Leap%20year|Leap year]]
| [[Sort%20an%20integer%20array|Sort an integer array]]
| 157158
| [[Sort%20an%20integer%20array|Sort an integer array]]
| [[Leap%20year|Leap year]]
Line 350:
| 148
| [[Bitwise%20operations|Bitwise operations]]
| 148
| [[Read%20entire%20file|Read entire file]]
Line 361 ⟶ 365:
| 147
| [[Remove%20duplicate%20elements|Remove duplicate elements]]
| [[Read%20entire%20file|Read entire file]]
Line 374 ⟶ 378:
| 146
| [[Mutual%20recursion|Mutual recursion]]
| 146
| [[Remove%20duplicate%20elements|Remove duplicate elements]]
Line 402:
| 144
| [[Sleep|Sleep]]
| 142
| [[File%20input%2Foutput|File input/output]]
Line 417 ⟶ 421:
| 140
| [[Happy%20numbers|Happy numbers]]
| [[File%20input%2Foutput|File input/output]]
| 140
| [[Literals%2FString|Literals/String]]
| [[Happy%20numbers|Happy numbers]]
| 140139
| [[Literals%2FString2FInteger|Literals/StringInteger]]
Line 433 ⟶ 437:
| 138
| [[Pascal%27s%20triangle|Pascal's triangle]]
| [[Literals%2FInteger|Literals/Integer]]
Line 442 ⟶ 446:
| 138
| [[Variables|Variables]]
| 137
| [[Pascal%27s%20triangle|Pascal's triangle]]
Line 482:
| 132
| [[Sorting%20algorithms%2FInsertion%20sort|Sorting algorithms/Insertion sort]]
| 131
| [[Align%20columns|Align columns]]
Line 494 ⟶ 498:
| 131
| [[String%20matching|String matching]]
| 130
| [[Align%20columns|Align columns]]
Line 614:
| 122
| [[Call%20a%20function|Call a function]]
| 122
| [[Find%20limit%20of%20recursion|Find limit of recursion]]
Line 624 ⟶ 628:
| 120121
| [[Sierpinski%20triangle|Sierpinski triangle]]
| [[Assertions|Assertions]]
| 120
| [[Assertions|Assertions]]
| [[Find%20limit%20of%20recursion|Find limit of recursion]]
Line 636 ⟶ 640:
| 120119
| [[Bulls%20and%20cows|Bulls and cows]]
| [[Sierpinski%20triangle|Sierpinski triangle]]
Line 658 ⟶ 662:
| 119
| [[Substring%2FTop%20and%20tail|Substring/Top and tail]]
| 118
| [[Bulls%20and%20cows|Bulls and cows]]
Line 746:
| 113
| [[Program%20name|Program name]]
| 113
| [[Sum%20digits%20of%20an%20integer|Sum digits of an integer]]
| 113
|data-sort-value="sum multiples of 0B3 and 0B5"| [[Sum%20multiples%20of%203%20and%205|Sum multiples of 3 and 5]]
| 112
| [[Sequence%20of%20non-squares|Sequence of non-squares]]
Line 782 ⟶ 790:
| 111
| [[Middle%20three%20digits|Middle three digits]]
| 111
| [[Sum%20digits%20of%20an%20integer|Sum digits of an integer]]
Line 798 ⟶ 802:
| 110
| [[Random%20numbers|Random numbers]]
| 110
| [[Sequence%20of%20non-squares|Sequence of non-squares]]
Line 858:
| 106
| [[Prime%20decomposition|Prime decomposition]]
| 105
| [[Evolutionary%20algorithm|Evolutionary algorithm]]
Line 870 ⟶ 874:
| 105
| [[Symmetric%20difference|Symmetric difference]]
| 104
| [[Evolutionary%20algorithm|Evolutionary algorithm]]
Line 986:
| 97
| [[Langton%27s%20ant|Langton's ant]]
| 97
| [[Number%20reversal%20game|Number reversal game]]
Line 1,006 ⟶ 1,010:
| 96
| [[Menu|Menu]]
| 96
| [[Number%20reversal%20game|Number reversal game]]
Line 1,106:
| 92
| [[Literals%2FFloating%20point|Literals/Floating point]]
| 92
| [[Multifactorial|Multifactorial]]
Line 1,118 ⟶ 1,122:
| 91
| [[Non-decimal%20radices%2FConvert|Non-decimal radices/Convert]]
| 91
| [[Population%20count|Population count]]
Line 1,185 ⟶ 1,193:
| 88
| [[Josephus%20problem|Josephus problem]]
| [[Order%20two%20numerical%20lists|Order two numerical lists]]
| 88
| [[Order%20two%20numerical%20lists|Order two numerical lists]]
| [[Population%20count|Population count]]
Line 1,230 ⟶ 1,238:
| 87
| [[Here%20document|Here document]]
| 87
| [[Josephus%20problem|Josephus problem]]
| 87
| [[Multifactorial|Multifactorial]]
Line 1,250:
| 87
| [[URL%20encoding|URL encoding]]
| 86
| [[Additive%20primes|Additive primes]]
Line 1,265 ⟶ 1,269:
| 85
|data-sort-value="0D100 prisoners"| [[100%20prisoners|100 prisoners]]
| [[Additive%20primes|Additive primes]]
Line 1,306 ⟶ 1,310:
| 85
| [[Thue-Morse|Thue-Morse]]
| 84
|data-sort-value="0D100 prisoners"| [[100%20prisoners|100 prisoners]]
Line 1,462:
| 81
| [[Phrase%20reversals|Phrase reversals]]
| 81
| [[Singly-linked%20list%2FElement%20definition|Singly-linked list/Element definition]]
Line 1,486 ⟶ 1,490:
| 80
| [[Currying|Currying]]
| 80
| [[Exponentiation%20order|Exponentiation order]]
Line 1,510 ⟶ 1,518:
| 80
| [[Semordnilap|Semordnilap]]
| 80
| [[Singly-linked%20list%2FElement%20definition|Singly-linked list/Element definition]]
Line 1,621 ⟶ 1,625:
| 76
| [[General%20FizzBuzz|General FizzBuzz]]
| [[Exponentiation%20order|Exponentiation order]]
| 76
| [[Largest%20int%20from%20concatenated%20ints|Largest int from concatenated ints]]
| [[General%20FizzBuzz|General FizzBuzz]]
| 76
| [[McNuggets%20problem|McNuggets problem]]
| [[Largest%20int%20from%20concatenated%20ints|Largest int from concatenated ints]]
Line 1,650 ⟶ 1,654:
| 75
| [[I%20before%20E%20except%20after%20C|I before E except after C]]
| 75
|data-sort-value="isbn0C13 check digit"| [[ISBN13%20check%20digit|ISBN13 check digit]]
Line 1,694 ⟶ 1,702:
| 74
| [[Continued%20fraction|Continued fraction]]
| 74
|data-sort-value="isbn0C13 check digit"| [[ISBN13%20check%20digit|ISBN13 check digit]]
Line 1,833 ⟶ 1,837:
| 71
| [[Modular%20exponentiation|Modular exponentiation]]
| [[McNuggets%20problem|McNuggets problem]]
| 71
| [[RPG%20attributes%20generator|RPG attributes generator]]
| [[Modular%20exponentiation|Modular exponentiation]]
| 71
| [[Singly-linked%20list%2FElement%20insertion|Singly-linked list/Element insertion]]
| [[RPG%20attributes%20generator|RPG attributes generator]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 1,885 ⟶ 1,889:
| 70
| [[Smith%20numbers|Smith numbers]]
| [[Singly-linked%20list%2FElement%20insertion|Singly-linked list/Element insertion]]
| 70
| [[SmithSort%20numbers20stability|SmithSort numbersstability]]
| 70
| [[SortTau%20stability20function|SortTau stabilityfunction]]
Line 1,923 ⟶ 1,927:
| [[Integer%20overflow|Integer overflow]]
| 69
| [[Mouse%20position|Mouse position]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 69
Line 1,938 ⟶ 1,946:
| 68
| 68
| [[Disarium%20numbers|Disarium numbers]]
Line 1,963 ⟶ 1,975:
| [[Miller%E2%80%93Rabin%20primality%20test|Miller–Rabin primality test]]
| 68
| [[Mouse%20position|Mouse position]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 68
Line 1,986 ⟶ 1,994:
| 68
| [[Sorting%20algorithms%2FSleep%20sort|Sorting algorithms/Sleep sort]]
| 68
| [[Tau%20function|Tau function]]
Line 2,010 ⟶ 2,014:
| 67
| [[Determine%20if%20a%20string%20has%20all%20the%20same%20characters|Determine if a string has all the same characters]]
| 67
| [[Disarium%20numbers|Disarium numbers]]
Line 2,050:
| 66
| [[Averages%2FMean%20time%20of%20day|Averages/Mean time of day]]
| 66
| [[Draw%20a%20pixel|Draw a pixel]]
Line 2,094 ⟶ 2,098:
| 65
| [[Bitmap%2FWrite%20a%20PPM%20file|Bitmap/Write a PPM file]]
| 65
| [[Draw%20a%20pixel|Draw a pixel]]
Line 2,166:
| 64
| [[Primality%20by%20Wilson%27s%20theorem|Primality by Wilson's theorem]]
| 64
| [[Tau%20number|Tau number]]
Line 2,247 ⟶ 2,251:
| [[Odd%20word%20problem|Odd word problem]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 62
| [[TauSum%20number20of%20divisors|TauSum of numberdivisors]]
Line 2,259 ⟶ 2,263:
| [[Code%20Golf%3A%20Code%20Golf|Code Golf: Code Golf]]
| 61
| [[Convert%20decimal%20number%20to%20rational|Convert decimal number to rational]]
| 61
Line 2,294 ⟶ 2,302:
| 61
| [[Sorting%20algorithms%2FBead%20sort|Sorting algorithms/Bead sort]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 61
| [[Sum%20of%20divisors|Sum of divisors]]
Line 2,314 ⟶ 2,318:
| 60
| [[Bernoulli%20numbers|Bernoulli numbers]]
| 60
| [[Convert%20decimal%20number%20to%20rational|Convert decimal number to rational]]
Line 2,334:
| 60
| [[Keyboard%20input%2FKeypress%20check|Keyboard input/Keypress check]]
| 60
| [[Largest%20proper%20divisor%20of%20n|Largest proper divisor of n]]
| 60
| [[Multisplit|Multisplit]]
| 60
| [[Pig%20the%20dice%20game|Pig the dice game]]
Line 2,382 ⟶ 2,390:
| 59
| [[Holidays%20related%20to%20Easter|Holidays related to Easter]]
| 59
| [[Largest%20proper%20divisor%20of%20n|Largest proper divisor of n]]
Line 2,450 ⟶ 2,454:
| 58
| [[Seven-sided%20dice%20from%20five-sided%20dice|Seven-sided dice from five-sided dice]]
| 58
| [[Sort%20numbers%20lexicographically|Sort numbers lexicographically]]
Line 2,502 ⟶ 2,510:
| 57
| [[Sierpinski%20triangle%2FGraphical|Sierpinski triangle/Graphical]]
| 57
| [[Sort%20numbers%20lexicographically|Sort numbers lexicographically]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 2,522 ⟶ 2,526:
| 56
| [[Compare%20length%20of%20two%20strings|Compare length of two strings]]
| 56
| [[Egyptian%20division|Egyptian division]]
Line 2,533 ⟶ 2,541:
| 56
| [[Hofstadter%20Figure-Figure%20sequences|Hofstadter Figure-Figure sequences]]
| [[Non-continuous%20subsequences|Non-continuous subsequences]]
| 56
| [[Non-continuous%20subsequences|Non-continuous subsequences]]
| [[Pig%20the%20dice%20game|Pig the dice game]]
Line 2,562 ⟶ 2,570:
| 56
| [[Wireworld|Wireworld]]
| 55
| [[Egyptian%20division|Egyptian division]]
Line 2,574 ⟶ 2,578:
| 55
| [[Halt%20and%20catch%20fire|Halt and catch fire]]
| 55
| [[Hofstadter%20Figure-Figure%20sequences|Hofstadter Figure-Figure sequences]]
Line 2,670:
| 53
| [[Average%20loop%20length|Average loop length]]
| 53
| [[Convex%20hull|Convex hull]]
Line 2,726 ⟶ 2,730:
| 52
| [[Casting%20out%20nines|Casting out nines]]
| 52
| [[Convex%20hull|Convex hull]]
Line 2,762:
| 52
|data-sort-value="text processing/0B1"| [[Text%20processing%2F1|Text processing/1]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 51
| [[ABC%20words|ABC words]]
Line 2,770 ⟶ 2,774:
| 51
| [[Chowla%20numbers|Chowla numbers]]
| 51
| [[Colour%20bars%2FDisplay|Colour bars/Display]]
| 51
| [[Colour%20pinstripe%2FDisplay|Colour pinstripe/Display]]
| 51
| [[Currency|Currency]]
Line 2,802 ⟶ 2,818:
| 51
| [[Taxicab%20numbers|Taxicab numbers]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 50
| [[ABC%20words|ABC words]]
Line 2,814 ⟶ 2,826:
| 50
| [[Bitmap%2FMidpoint%20circle%20algorithm|Bitmap/Midpoint circle algorithm]]
| 50
| [[Colour%20bars%2FDisplay|Colour bars/Display]]
| 50
| [[Currency|Currency]]
Line 2,839 ⟶ 2,843:
| [[Send%20an%20unknown%20method%20call|Send an unknown method call]]
| 50
| [[Sequence%3A%20smallest%20number%20with%20exactly%20n%20divisors|Sequence: smallest number with exactly n divisors]]
| 50
Line 2,878 ⟶ 2,886:
| 49
| [[Brazilian%20numbers|Brazilian numbers]]
| 49
| [[Colour%20pinstripe%2FDisplay|Colour pinstripe/Display]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 2,970 ⟶ 2,974:
| 48
| [[Parsing%2FShunting-yard%20algorithm|Parsing/Shunting-yard algorithm]]
| 48
| [[Pseudo-random%20numbers%2FMiddle-square%20method|Pseudo-random numbers/Middle-square method]]
Line 3,007 ⟶ 3,015:
| [[Ascending%20primes|Ascending primes]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 47
|data-sort-value="base 0C16 numbers needing a to f"| [[Base%2016%20numbers%20needing%20a%20to%20f|Base 16 numbers needing a to f]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 47
Line 3,063 ⟶ 3,075:
| [[Permutations%20by%20swapping|Permutations by swapping]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 47
| [[Product%20of%20divisors|Product of divisors]]
| [[Pseudo-random%20numbers%2FMiddle-square%20method|Pseudo-random numbers/Middle-square method]]
| 47
| [[Sequence%3A%20smallest%20number%20with%20exactly%20n%20divisors|Sequence: smallest number with exactly n divisors]]
Line 3,095 ⟶ 3,103:
| [[Atomic%20updates|Atomic updates]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 46
|data-sort-value="base 0C16 numbers needing a to f"| [[Base%2016%20numbers%20needing%20a%20to%20f|Base 16 numbers needing a to f]]
| 46
Line 3,131 ⟶ 3,135:
| [[Pascal%27s%20triangle%2FPuzzle|Pascal's triangle/Puzzle]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 46
| [[Rosetta%20Code%2FCount%20examples|Rosetta Code/Count examples]]
| [[Product%20of%20divisors|Product of divisors]]
| 46
| [[Sequence%3A%20smallest%20number%20greater%20than%20previous%20term%20with%20exactly%20n%20divisors|Sequence: smallest number greater than previous term with exactly n divisors]]
| [[Rosetta%20Code%2FCount%20examples|Rosetta Code/Count examples]]
Line 3,315 ⟶ 3,319:
| [[Sorting%20algorithms%2FStrand%20sort|Sorting algorithms/Strand sort]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 44
| [[Steady%20squares|Steady squares]]
| 44
Line 3,339 ⟶ 3,347:
| [[Cousin%20primes|Cousin primes]]
| 43
| [[Eban%20numbers|Eban numbers]]
| 43
Line 3,365 ⟶ 3,377:
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 43
|data-sort-value="numbers with prime digits whose sum is 0C13"| [[Numbers%20with%20prime%20digits%20whose%20sum%20is%2013|Numbers with prime digits whose sum is 13]]
| [[Permutations%20with%20repetitions|Permutations with repetitions]]
| 43
| [[Penney%27s%20game|Penney's game]]
| [[Prime%20conspiracy|Prime conspiracy]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 43
| [[Permutations%20with%20repetitions|Permutations with repetitions]]
| [[Pythagoras%20tree|Pythagoras tree]]
| 43
| [[Prime%20conspiracy|Prime conspiracy]]
| [[Sequence%3A%20smallest%20number%20greater%20than%20previous%20term%20with%20exactly%20n%20divisors|Sequence: smallest number greater than previous term with exactly n divisors]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 3,387 ⟶ 3,399:
| [[Statistics%2FNormal%20distribution|Statistics/Normal distribution]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 43
| [[Steady%20squares|Steady squares]]
| 43
| [[Topswops|Topswops]]
| 43
| [[Vampire%20number|Vampire number]]
Line 3,410 ⟶ 3,422:
| 42
| [[Circular%20primes|Circular primes]]
| 42
| [[Eban%20numbers|Eban numbers]]
Line 3,445 ⟶ 3,453:
| 42
| [[Permutation%20test|Permutation test]]
| [[Penney%27s%20game|Penney's game]]
| 42
| [[PermutationPythagoras%20test20tree|PermutationPythagoras testtree]]
Line 3,517 ⟶ 3,525:
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 41
|data-sort-value="numbers in base-0C16 representation that cannot be written with decimal digits"| [[Numbers%20in%20base-16%20representation%20that%20cannot%20be%20written%20with%20decimal%20digits|Numbers in base-16 representation that cannot be written with decimal digits]]
| [[Numbers%20whose%20binary%20and%20ternary%20digit%20sums%20are%20prime|Numbers whose binary and ternary digit sums are prime]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 41
| [[Numbers%20whose%20binary%20and%20ternary%20digit%20sums%20are%20prime|Numbers whose binary and ternary digit sums are prime]]
|data-sort-value="numbers with prime digits whose sum is 0C13"| [[Numbers%20with%20prime%20digits%20whose%20sum%20is%2013|Numbers with prime digits whose sum is 13]]
| 41
Line 3,554 ⟶ 3,562:
| 41
| [[Sum%20of%20elements%20below%20main%20diagonal%20of%20matrix|Sum of elements below main diagonal of matrix]]
| 41
| [[Vampire%20number|Vampire number]]
Line 3,571 ⟶ 3,575:
| [[Break%20OO%20privacy|Break OO privacy]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 40
| [[Change%20e%20letters%20to%20i%20in%20words|Change e letters to i in words]]
| 40
Line 3,583 ⟶ 3,591:
| [[Events|Events]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 40
|data-sort-value="first 0B9 prime fibonacci number"| [[First%209%20prime%20Fibonacci%20number|First 9 prime Fibonacci number]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 40
Line 3,599 ⟶ 3,611:
| [[M%C3%B6bius%20function|Möbius function]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 40
|data-sort-value="numbers in base-0C16 representation that cannot be written with decimal digits"| [[Numbers%20in%20base-16%20representation%20that%20cannot%20be%20written%20with%20decimal%20digits|Numbers in base-16 representation that cannot be written with decimal digits]]
| 40
Line 3,619 ⟶ 3,627:
| [[Polyspiral|Polyspiral]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 40
|data-sort-value="positive decimal integers with the digit 0B1 occurring exactly twice"| [[Positive%20decimal%20integers%20with%20the%20digit%201%20occurring%20exactly%20twice|Positive decimal integers with the digit 1 occurring exactly twice]]
| 40
Line 3,647 ⟶ 3,659:
| [[Bitmap%2FB%C3%A9zier%20curves%2FQuadratic|Bitmap/Bézier curves/Quadratic]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 39
| [[Change%20e%20letters%20to%20i%20in%20words|Change e letters to i in words]]
| 39
Line 3,685 ⟶ 3,693:
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 39
| [[Find%20minimum%20number%20of%20coins%20that%20make%20a%20given%20value|Find minimum number of coins that make a given value]]
|data-sort-value="first 0B9 prime fibonacci number"| [[First%209%20prime%20Fibonacci%20number|First 9 prime Fibonacci number]]
| 39
Line 3,782 ⟶ 3,790:
| 38
|data-sort-value="md0B4"| [[MD4|MD4]]
| 38
| [[Minimum%20multiple%20of%20m%20where%20digital%20sum%20equals%20m|Minimum multiple of m where digital sum equals m]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 3,791 ⟶ 3,803:
| [[Negative%20base%20numbers|Negative base numbers]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 38
|data-sort-value="numbers in base 0C10 that are palindromic in bases 0B2, 0B4, and 0C16"| [[Numbers%20in%20base%2010%20that%20are%20palindromic%20in%20bases%202%2C%204%2C%20and%2016|Numbers in base 10 that are palindromic in bases 2, 4, and 16]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 38
|data-sort-value="numbers with same digit set in base 0C10 and base 0C16"| [[Numbers%20with%20same%20digit%20set%20in%20base%2010%20and%20base%2016|Numbers with same digit set in base 10 and base 16]]
| 38
Line 3,814 ⟶ 3,834:
| 38
| [[Zumkeller%20numbers|Zumkeller numbers]]
| 37
| [[Angles%20%28geometric%29%2C%20normalization%20and%20conversion|Angles (geometric), normalization and conversion]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 3,822 ⟶ 3,846:
| 37
| [[Common%20list%20elements|Common list elements]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 37
| [[Find%20minimum%20number%20of%20coins%20that%20make%20a%20given%20value|Find minimum number of coins that make a given value]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 3,850 ⟶ 3,870:
| 37
| [[Neighbour%20primes|Neighbour primes]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 37
|data-sort-value="numbers in base 0C10 that are palindromic in bases 0B2, 0B4, and 0C16"| [[Numbers%20in%20base%2010%20that%20are%20palindromic%20in%20bases%202%2C%204%2C%20and%2016|Numbers in base 10 that are palindromic in bases 2, 4, and 16]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 37
|data-sort-value="numbers with same digit set in base 0C10 and base 0C16"| [[Numbers%20with%20same%20digit%20set%20in%20base%2010%20and%20base%2016|Numbers with same digit set in base 10 and base 16]]
Line 3,871 ⟶ 3,883:
| [[Poker%20hand%20analyser|Poker hand analyser]]
| 37
| [[Rosetta%20Code%2FFind%20unimplemented%20tasks|Rosetta Code/Find unimplemented tasks]]
| 37
Line 3,885 ⟶ 3,901:
| 36
| [[Bin%20given%20limits|Bin given limits]]
| [[Angles%20%28geometric%29%2C%20normalization%20and%20conversion|Angles (geometric), normalization and conversion]]
Line 3,938 ⟶ 3,954:
| 36
| [[Mayan%20numerals|Mayan numerals]]
| 36
| [[Minimum%20multiple%20of%20m%20where%20digital%20sum%20equals%20m|Minimum multiple of m where digital sum equals m]]
Line 3,947 ⟶ 3,959:
| [[Partition%20function%20P|Partition function P]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 36
|data-sort-value="positive decimal integers with the digit 0B1 occurring exactly twice"| [[Positive%20decimal%20integers%20with%20the%20digit%201%20occurring%20exactly%20twice|Positive decimal integers with the digit 1 occurring exactly twice]]
| 36
Line 3,958 ⟶ 3,966:
| 36
| [[Product%20of%20min%20and%20max%20prime%20factors|Product of min and max prime factors]]
| 36
| [[Rosetta%20Code%2FFind%20unimplemented%20tasks|Rosetta Code/Find unimplemented tasks]]
Line 3,994 ⟶ 3,998:
| 36
| [[Words%20from%20neighbour%20ones|Words from neighbour ones]]
| 35
| [[Bin%20given%20limits|Bin given limits]]
Line 4,007:
| [[Check%20input%20device%20is%20a%20terminal|Check input device is a terminal]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 35
| [[Day%20of%20the%20week%20of%20Christmas%20and%20New%20Year|Day of the week of Christmas and New Year]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 35
Line 4,123 ⟶ 4,127:
| [[Cullen%20and%20Woodall%20numbers|Cullen and Woodall numbers]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 34
| [[Day%20of%20the%20week%20of%20Christmas%20and%20New%20Year|Day of the week of Christmas and New Year]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧||⑨||
| 34
Line 4,439:
| [[Numeric%20separator%20syntax|Numeric separator syntax]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 31
| [[Ramer-Douglas-Peucker%20line%20simplification|Ramer-Douglas-Peucker line simplification]]
| 31
Line 4,698 ⟶ 4,702:
| 28
| [[Elliptic%20curve%20arithmetic|Elliptic curve arithmetic]]
| 28
| [[Euclid-Mullin%20sequence|Euclid-Mullin sequence]]
Line 4,734 ⟶ 4,742:
| 28
| [[Next%20special%20primes|Next special primes]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 28
| [[Orbital%20elements|Orbital elements]]
Line 4,771 ⟶ 4,783:
|data-sort-value="pseudo-random numbers/splitmix0C64"| [[Pseudo-random%20numbers%2FSplitmix64|Pseudo-random numbers/Splitmix64]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 28
| [[Ramer-Douglas-Peucker%20line%20simplification|Ramer-Douglas-Peucker line simplification]]
| 28
| [[Riordan%20numbers|Riordan numbers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧||⑨||⑩
| 28
| [[Self%20numbers|Self numbers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 28
Line 4,839 ⟶ 4,851:
| [[Getting%20the%20number%20of%20decimal%20places|Getting the number of decimal places]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 27
| [[Hex%20words|Hex words]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧||⑨||⑩
| 27
Line 4,887 ⟶ 4,903:
| [[Reverse%20the%20gender%20of%20a%20string|Reverse the gender of a string]]
| 27
| [[Self%20numbers|Self numbers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 27
Line 4,917 ⟶ 4,929:
| 26
| [[Hough%20transform|Hough transform]]
| [[Euclid-Mullin%20sequence|Euclid-Mullin sequence]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 26
| [[Largest%20difference%20between%20adjacent%20primes|Largest difference between adjacent primes]]
| [[Hex%20words|Hex words]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧||⑨||
| 26
| [[Hough%20transform|Hough transform]]
| 26
Line 4,939 ⟶ 4,947:
| [[Mastermind|Mastermind]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 26
| [[Orbital%20elements|Orbital elements]]
| 26
Line 4,999 ⟶ 5,003:
| [[Joystick%20position|Joystick position]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥|| ||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 25
| [[Largest%20difference%20between%20adjacent%20primes|Largest difference between adjacent primes]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 25
Line 5,123:
| [[Metallic%20ratios|Metallic ratios]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 24
| [[Minimum%20primes|Minimum primes]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 24
Line 5,135 ⟶ 5,139:
| [[Prime%20numbers%20p%20for%20which%20the%20sum%20of%20primes%20less%20than%20or%20equal%20to%20p%20is%20prime|Prime numbers p for which the sum of primes less than or equal to p is prime]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||
| 24
| [[Round-robin%20tournament%20schedule|Round-robin tournament schedule]]
| 24
| [[Sequence%3A%20nth%20number%20with%20exactly%20n%20divisors|Sequence: nth number with exactly n divisors]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 24
| [[Singly-linked%20list%2FElement%20removal|Singly-linked list/Element removal]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧|| ||
| 24
Line 5,203 ⟶ 5,215:
| [[Line%20circle%20intersection|Line circle intersection]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 23
| [[Minimum%20primes|Minimum primes]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 23
Line 5,251 ⟶ 5,259:
| [[Safe%20and%20Sophie%20Germain%20primes|Safe and Sophie Germain primes]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 23
| [[Singly-linked%20list%2FElement%20removal|Singly-linked list/Element removal]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 23
Line 5,299 ⟶ 5,303:
| [[Logistic%20curve%20fitting%20in%20epidemiology|Logistic curve fitting in epidemiology]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 22
| [[Long%20stairs|Long stairs]]
| 22
Line 5,306 ⟶ 5,314:
| 22
| [[Modified%20random%20distribution|Modified random distribution]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 22
| [[Nimber%20arithmetic|Nimber arithmetic]]
Line 5,339 ⟶ 5,351:
| [[Radical%20of%20an%20integer|Radical of an integer]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧||⑨||⑩
| 22
| [[Round-robin%20tournament%20schedule|Round-robin tournament schedule]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 22
Line 5,415 ⟶ 5,423:
| [[Just%20in%20time%20processing%20on%20a%20character%20stream|Just in time processing on a character stream]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 21
| [[Long%20stairs|Long stairs]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 21
| [[Nimber%20arithmetic|Nimber arithmetic]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 21
Line 5,515:
| [[XML%20validation|XML validation]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 19
| [[Bifid%20cipher|Bifid cipher]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧||⑨||⑩
| 19
Line 5,619 ⟶ 5,623:
| [[Bernstein%20basis%20polynomials|Bernstein basis polynomials]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧|| ||⑩
| 18
| [[Bifid%20cipher|Bifid cipher]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 18
Line 6,523:
| [[Wave%20function%20collapse|Wave function collapse]]
|①||②|| ||④||⑤|| ||⑦|| ||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 6
| [[CLI-based%20maze-game|CLI-based maze-game]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤|| || || || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 6
Line 6,567 ⟶ 6,571:
| [[Visitor%20pattern|Visitor pattern]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| || ||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 5
| [[CLI-based%20maze-game|CLI-based maze-game]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤|| || || || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 5
