Rosetta Code/Count examples/Full list: Difference between revisions

Update full list output
m (Whoops, re-add index)
(Update full list output)
Line 21:
<div style="height:40em;overflow:scroll;">
{|class="wikitable sortable"
|+ As of 2021-0102-31T2107T21:0237:46Z37Z :: Tasks: 10831085 ::<span style="background-color:#ffd"> Draft Tasks:226229 </span>:: Total Tasks: 13091314 :: Total Examples: 7271272898
Line 52:
| 262263
| [[A%2BB|A+B]]
Line 68:
| 223224
| [[Reverse%20a%20string|Reverse a string]]
| [[Loops%2FWhile|Loops/While]]
| 223
| [[Loops%2FWhile|Loops/While]]
| [[Reverse%20a%20string|Reverse a string]]
Line 120:
| 182183
| [[Averages%2FArithmetic%20mean|Averages/Arithmetic mean]]
Line 128:
| 176177
| [[Hello%20world%2FGraphical|Hello world/Graphical]]
Line 144:
| 165166
| [[Sieve%20of%20Eratosthenes|Sieve of Eratosthenes]]
| [[Apply%20a%20callback%20to%20an%20array|Apply a callback to an array]]
| 165
| [[Apply%20a%20callback%20to%20an%20array|Apply a callback to an array]]
| [[Sieve%20of%20Eratosthenes|Sieve of Eratosthenes]]
| 164
| [[Character%20codes|Character codes]]
| 163
| [[Loops%2FDo-while|Loops/Do-while]]
Line 169 ⟶ 173:
| 162
| [[Hello%20world%2FNewline%20omission|Hello world/Newline omission]]
| [[Loops%2FDo-while|Loops/Do-while]]
Line 182 ⟶ 186:
| 162
| [[Sum%20and%20product%20of%20an%20array|Sum and product of an array]]
| 161
| [[Hello%20world%2FNewline%20omission|Hello world/Newline omission]]
Line 204:
| 157158
| [[Palindrome%20detection|Palindrome detection]]
Line 396:
| 127128
| [[Pascal%27s%20triangle|Pascal's triangle]]
| [[Date%20format|Date format]]
| 127
| [[FlattenDate%20a%20list20format|Flatten aDate listformat]]
| 127
| [[PascalFlatten%27s20a%20triangle20list|Pascal'sFlatten trianglea list]]
Line 477:
| 118
| [[Averages%2FRoot%20mean%20square|Averages/Root mean square]]
| [[Null%20object|Null object]]
| 117118
| [[Null%20object|Null object]]
| [[Averages%2FRoot%20mean%20square|Averages/Root mean square]]
Line 550:
| 114
| [[Real%20constants%20and%20functions|Real constants and functions]]
| 113
| [[Identity%20matrix|Identity matrix]]
Line 566 ⟶ 570:
| 112
| [[Environment%20variables|Environment variables]]
| 112
| [[Identity%20matrix|Identity matrix]]
Line 586:
| 111
| [[Averages%2FMedian|Averages/Median]]
| 111
| [[Find%20limit%20of%20recursion|Find limit of recursion]]
Line 598 ⟶ 602:
| 111
| [[Random%20numbers|Random numbers]]
| 110
| [[Find%20limit%20of%20recursion|Find limit of recursion]]
Line 622:
| 109
| [[Haversine%20formula|Haversine formula]]
| 109
| [[Pangram%20checker|Pangram checker]]
Line 634 ⟶ 638:
| 108
| [[Accumulator%20factory|Accumulator factory]]
| 108
| [[Pangram%20checker|Pangram checker]]
Line 650:
| 106
| [[Catalan%20numbers|Catalan numbers]]
| 106
| [[Temperature%20conversion|Temperature conversion]]
Line 662 ⟶ 666:
| 105
| [[Permutations|Permutations]]
| 105
| [[Temperature%20conversion|Temperature conversion]]
Line 730:
| 100
| [[Combinations|Combinations]]
| 100
| [[Nth%20root|Nth root]]
Line 757 ⟶ 761:
| 99
| [[Reverse%20words%20in%20a%20string|Reverse words in a string]]
| [[Nth%20root|Nth root]]
| 99
| [[Sierpinski%20triangle|Sierpinski triangle]]
| [[Reverse%20words%20in%20a%20string|Reverse words in a string]]
| 99
| [[Sorting%20algorithms%2FMerge%20sort|Sorting algorithms/Merge sort]]
| 98
| [[Ordered%20words|Ordered words]]
Line 785 ⟶ 793:
| 97
| [[Interactive%20programming|Interactive programming]]
| [[Ordered%20words|Ordered words]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 97
Line 799 ⟶ 807:
| [[Call%20a%20function|Call a function]]
| 96
| [[Interactive%20programming|Interactive programming]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 96
| [[Middle%20three%20digits|Middle three digits]]
| 96
| [[Sierpinski%20triangle|Sierpinski triangle]]
Line 894:
| 91
| [[Averages%2FMode|Averages/Mode]]
| 91
| [[One-dimensional%20cellular%20automata|One-dimensional cellular automata]]
| 91
| [[Sequence%20of%20non-squares|Sequence of non-squares]]
| 91
| [[Sierpinski%20carpet|Sierpinski carpet]]
Line 914 ⟶ 922:
| 90
| 90
| [[One-dimensional%20cellular%20automata|One-dimensional cellular automata]]
| 90
| [[Sierpinski%20carpet|Sierpinski carpet]]
Line 1,022:
| 84
| [[CSV%20to%20HTML%20translation|CSV to HTML translation]]
| 84
| [[Hello%20world%2FNewbie|Hello world/Newbie]]
Line 1,042 ⟶ 1,046:
| 83
| [[Compare%20a%20list%20of%20strings|Compare a list of strings]]
| 83
| [[Hello%20world%2FNewbie|Hello world/Newbie]]
Line 1,066:
| 82
| [[Last%20Friday%20of%20each%20month|Last Friday of each month]]
| 82
| [[Non-decimal%20radices%2FConvert|Non-decimal radices/Convert]]
Line 1,078 ⟶ 1,082:
| 81
| [[Monte%20Carlo%20methods|Monte Carlo methods]]
| 81
| [[Number%20reversal%20game|Number reversal game]]
| 81
| [[Queue%2FUsage|Queue/Usage]]
| 81
| [[Walk%20a%20directory%2FRecursively|Walk a directory/Recursively]]
Line 1,102 ⟶ 1,114:
| 80
| [[Literals%2FFloating%20point|Literals/Floating point]]
| 80
| [[Non-decimal%20radices%2FConvert|Non-decimal radices/Convert]]
| 80
| [[Number%20reversal%20game|Number reversal game]]
Line 1,126 ⟶ 1,130:
| 79
| [[Count%20the%20coins|Count the coins]]
| 79
| [[Long%20multiplication|Long multiplication]]
Line 1,138 ⟶ 1,146:
| 79
| [[URL%20decoding|URL decoding]]
| 79
| [[Walk%20a%20directory%2FRecursively|Walk a directory/Recursively]]
Line 1,154 ⟶ 1,158:
| 78
| [[Hello%20world%2FLine%20printer|Hello world/Line printer]]
| 78
| [[Read%20a%20specific%20line%20from%20a%20file|Read a specific line from a file]]
Line 1,190 ⟶ 1,198:
| 77
|data-sort-value="crc-0C32"| [[CRC-32|CRC-32]]
| 77
| [[Call%20an%20object%20method|Call an object method]]
Line 1,209 ⟶ 1,221:
| 77
| [[Multifactorial|Multifactorial]]
| [[Long%20multiplication|Long multiplication]]
| 77
| [[Order%20two%20numerical%20lists|Order two numerical lists]]
| [[Multifactorial|Multifactorial]]
| 77
| [[Playing%20cards|Playing cards]]
| 77
| [[Read%20a%20specific%20line%20from%20a%20file|Read a specific line from a file]]
Line 1,234 ⟶ 1,242:
| 77
| [[Terminal%20control%2FRinging%20the%20terminal%20bell|Terminal control/Ringing the terminal bell]]
| 76
| [[Call%20an%20object%20method|Call an object method]]
Line 1,250 ⟶ 1,254:
| 76
| [[Linear%20congruential%20generator|Linear congruential generator]]
| 76
| [[Order%20two%20numerical%20lists|Order two numerical lists]]
Line 1,282:
| 75
| [[Man%20or%20boy%20test|Man or boy test]]
| 75
| [[Operator%20precedence|Operator precedence]]
Line 1,325 ⟶ 1,329:
| 74
| [[Non-decimal%20radices%2FOutput|Non-decimal radices/Output]]
| [[Operator%20precedence|Operator precedence]]
| 74
| [[Proper%20divisors|Proper divisors]]
| 73
| [[Anagrams%2FDeranged%20anagrams|Anagrams/Deranged anagrams]]
Line 1,345 ⟶ 1,353:
| 73
| [[Parsing%2FRPN%20calculator%20algorithm|Parsing/RPN calculator algorithm]]
| [[Non-decimal%20radices%2FOutput|Non-decimal radices/Output]]
Line 1,362 ⟶ 1,370:
| 73
| [[Unicode%20variable%20names|Unicode variable names]]
| 72
| [[Anagrams%2FDeranged%20anagrams|Anagrams/Deranged anagrams]]
Line 1,430 ⟶ 1,434:
| 71
| [[Longest%20common%20subsequence|Longest common subsequence]]
| 71
| [[Parsing%2FRPN%20calculator%20algorithm|Parsing/RPN calculator algorithm]]
Line 1,610:
| 67
| [[Maze%20generation|Maze generation]]
| 67
| [[Old%20lady%20swallowed%20a%20fly|Old lady swallowed a fly]]
Line 1,642 ⟶ 1,646:
| 65
| [[Nested%20function|Nested function]]
| 65
| [[One%20of%20n%20lines%20in%20a%20file|One of n lines in a file]]
Line 1,701 ⟶ 1,709:
| 64
| [[One%20of%20nRemove%20lines%20in20from%20a%20file|One of nRemove lines infrom a file]]
Line 1,707 ⟶ 1,715:
| [[Runtime%20evaluation|Runtime evaluation]]
|①|| ||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 64
| [[Sorting%20algorithms%2FPancake%20sort|Sorting algorithms/Pancake sort]]
| 64
Line 1,718 ⟶ 1,730:
| 63
| [[Narcissistic%20decimal%20number|Narcissistic decimal number]]
| 63
| [[Remove%20lines%20from%20a%20file|Remove lines from a file]]
Line 1,734 ⟶ 1,742:
| 63
| [[Singly-linked%20list%2FElement%20insertion|Singly-linked list/Element insertion]]
| 63
| [[Sorting%20algorithms%2FPancake%20sort|Sorting algorithms/Pancake sort]]
Line 1,758 ⟶ 1,762:
| 62
| 62
| [[Non-decimal%20radices%2FInput|Non-decimal radices/Input]]
| 62
| [[Pernicious%20numbers|Pernicious numbers]]
| 62
| [[Probabilistic%20choice|Probabilistic choice]]
Line 1,778 ⟶ 1,790:
| 62
|data-sort-value="write language name in 0B3d ascii"| [[Write%20language%20name%20in%203D%20ASCII|Write language name in 3D ASCII]]
| 61
| [[Angle%20difference%20between%20two%20bearings|Angle difference between two bearings]]
Line 1,790 ⟶ 1,806:
| 61
| [[Get%20system%20command%20output|Get system command output]]
| 61
| [[Non-decimal%20radices%2FInput|Non-decimal radices/Input]]
| 61
| [[Probabilistic%20choice|Probabilistic choice]]
Line 1,818 ⟶ 1,826:
| 61
| [[Van%20der%20Corput%20sequence|Van der Corput sequence]]
| 60
| [[Angle%20difference%20between%20two%20bearings|Angle difference between two bearings]]
Line 1,850 ⟶ 1,854:
| 60
| [[Modular%20exponentiation|Modular exponentiation]]
| 60
| [[Old%20lady%20swallowed%20a%20fly|Old lady swallowed a fly]]
Line 1,906:
| 59
| [[Test%20a%20function|Test a function]]
| 59
| [[Tic-tac-toe|Tic-tac-toe]]
Line 1,949 ⟶ 1,953:
| 58
| [[Odd%20word%20problem|Odd word problem]]
| [[Tic-tac-toe|Tic-tac-toe]]
Line 1,982 ⟶ 1,986:
| 57
| [[Delegates|Delegates]]
| 57
| [[Draw%20a%20cuboid|Draw a cuboid]]
Line 2,019 ⟶ 2,027:
| [[Doubly-linked%20list%2FElement%20definition|Doubly-linked list/Element definition]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 56
| [[Extract%20file%20extension|Extract file extension]]
| [[Draw%20a%20cuboid|Draw a cuboid]]
Line 2,043 ⟶ 2,051:
| [[Matrix-exponentiation%20operator|Matrix-exponentiation operator]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 56
| [[Odd%20word%20problem|Odd word problem]]
| 56
Line 2,098 ⟶ 2,102:
| 55
| [[Discordian%20date|Discordian date]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 55
| [[Extract%20file%20extension|Extract file extension]]
Line 2,147:
| [[Grayscale%20image|Grayscale image]]
| 54
| [[Long%20year|Long year]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨|| 
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 54
Line 2,185 ⟶ 2,189:
| 53
| [[Convert%20decimal%20number%20to%20rational|Convert decimal number to rational]]
| [[Draw%20a%20pixel|Draw a pixel]]
| 53
| [[LongDraw%20year20a%20pixel|LongDraw a yearpixel]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨|| 
| 53
Line 2,203 ⟶ 2,207:
| [[Modulinos|Modulinos]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||⑩
| 53
| [[Non-continuous%20subsequences|Non-continuous subsequences]]
| 53
Line 2,234 ⟶ 2,242:
| 52
| [[Bernoulli%20numbers|Bernoulli numbers]]
| 52
| [[Convert%20decimal%20number%20to%20rational|Convert decimal number to rational]]
Line 2,258 ⟶ 2,262:
| 52
| [[Keyboard%20input%2FKeypress%20check|Keyboard input/Keypress check]]
| 52
| [[Longest%20increasing%20subsequence|Longest increasing subsequence]]
Line 2,273 ⟶ 2,281:
| 51
| [[Loops%2FIncrement%20loop%20index%20within%20loop%20body|Loops/Increment loop index within loop body]]
| [[Longest%20increasing%20subsequence|Longest increasing subsequence]]
| 51
| [[Non-continuous%20subsequences|Non-continuous subsequences]]
Line 2,330 ⟶ 2,334:
| 50
| [[Heronian%20triangles|Heronian triangles]]
| 50
| [[Loops%2FIncrement%20loop%20index%20within%20loop%20body|Loops/Increment loop index within loop body]]
Line 2,339:
| [[Respond%20to%20an%20unknown%20method%20call|Respond to an unknown method call]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||⑩
| 50
| [[Seven-sided%20dice%20from%20five-sided%20dice|Seven-sided dice from five-sided dice]]
| 50
Line 2,365 ⟶ 2,369:
| 49
| [[Last%20letter-first%20letter|Last letter-first letter]]
| [[Seven-sided%20dice%20from%20five-sided%20dice|Seven-sided dice from five-sided dice]]
| 49
| [[Longest%20common%20substring|Longest common substring]]
Line 2,398 ⟶ 2,406:
| 48
| [[Jaro%20distance|Jaro distance]]
| 48
| [[Last%20letter-first%20letter|Last letter-first letter]]
| 48
| [[Longest%20common%20substring|Longest common substring]]
Line 2,470:
| 47
| [[Holidays%20related%20to%20Easter|Holidays related to Easter]]
| 47
| [[Kernighans%20large%20earthquake%20problem|Kernighans large earthquake problem]]
| 47
| [[Longest%20string%20challenge|Longest string challenge]]
Line 2,479 ⟶ 2,487:
| [[Naming%20conventions|Naming conventions]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 47
| [[Pascal%20matrix%20generation|Pascal matrix generation]]
| 47
Line 2,509 ⟶ 2,521:
| 46
| [[Kronecker%20product|Kronecker product]]
| [[Longest%20string%20challenge|Longest string challenge]]
| 46
| [[Stable%20marriage%20problem|Stable marriage problem]]
| [[Pascal%20matrix%20generation|Pascal matrix generation]]
| 46
| [[Water%20collected%20between%20towers|Water collected between towers]]
| [[Stable%20marriage%20problem|Stable marriage problem]]
Line 2,537 ⟶ 2,549:
| 45
| [[OpenGL|OpenGL]]
| [[Kernighans%20large%20earthquake%20problem|Kernighans large earthquake problem]]
| 45
| [[Parsing%2FShunting-yard%20algorithm|Parsing/Shunting-yard algorithm]]
| [[OpenGL|OpenGL]]
Line 2,554 ⟶ 2,566:
| 45
| [[Pig%20the%20dice%20game|Pig the dice game]]
| 45
| [[Polynomial%20long%20division|Polynomial long division]]
Line 2,565 ⟶ 2,581:
| 45
| [[Square%20but%20not%20cube|Square but not cube]]
| [[Water%20collected%20between%20towers|Water collected between towers]]
Line 2,597 ⟶ 2,613:
| 44
|data-sort-value="generate chess0D960 starting position"| [[Generate%20Chess960%20starting%20position|Generate Chess960 starting position]]
| [[Kronecker%20product|Kronecker product]]
Line 2,606 ⟶ 2,622:
| 44
| [[Narcissist|Narcissist]]
| 44
| [[Polynomial%20long%20division|Polynomial long division]]
Line 2,642 ⟶ 2,654:
| 43
| [[Bulls%20and%20cows%2FPlayer|Bulls and cows/Player]]
| 43
|data-sort-value="generate chess0D960 starting position"| [[Generate%20Chess960%20starting%20position|Generate Chess960 starting position]]
Line 2,662 ⟶ 2,670:
| 43
|data-sort-value="md0B5/implementation"| [[MD5%2FImplementation|MD5/Implementation]]
| 43
| [[Parsing%2FShunting-yard%20algorithm|Parsing/Shunting-yard algorithm]]
Line 2,722 ⟶ 2,726:
| 42
| [[Voronoi%20diagram|Voronoi diagram]]
| 41
| [[Balanced%20ternary|Balanced ternary]]
Line 2,791 ⟶ 2,799:
| [[Variable%20size%2FSet|Variable size/Set]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 40
| [[Balanced%20ternary|Balanced ternary]]
| 40
Line 2,814 ⟶ 2,818:
| 40
| [[Problem%20of%20Apollonius|Problem of Apollonius]]
| 40
| [[S-expressions|S-expressions]]
Line 2,854 ⟶ 2,862:
| 39
| [[Cramer%27s%20rule|Cramer's rule]]
| 39
| [[Fivenum|Fivenum]]
Line 2,869 ⟶ 2,881:
| 39
| [[Parsing%2FRPN%20to%20infix%20conversion|Parsing/RPN to infix conversion]]
| [[S-expressions|S-expressions]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 39
| [[Remove%20vowels%20from%20a%20string|Remove vowels from a string]]
| 39
Line 2,905 ⟶ 2,921:
| 38
| [[Flipping%20bits%20game|Flipping bits game]]
| [[Fivenum|Fivenum]]
| 38
| [[LU%20decomposition|LU decomposition]]
| [[Flipping%20bits%20game|Flipping bits game]]
Line 2,915 ⟶ 2,931:
| [[Musical%20scale|Musical scale]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 38
| [[Order%20disjoint%20list%20items|Order disjoint list items]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 38
Line 2,931 ⟶ 2,951:
| [[Primorial%20numbers|Primorial numbers]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 38
| [[Remove%20vowels%20from%20a%20string|Remove vowels from a string]]
| 38
Line 2,973 ⟶ 2,989:
| 37
| [[Loops%2FWrong%20ranges|Loops/Wrong ranges]]
| [[LU%20decomposition|LU decomposition]]
| 37
| [[MAC%20Vendor%20Lookup|MAC Vendor Lookup]]
| [[Magic%20squares%20of%20doubly%20even%20order|Magic squares of doubly even order]]
| 37
|data-sort-value="md0B4"| [[MD4|MD4]]
| [[Order%20disjoint%20list%20items|Order disjoint list items]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 37
| [[Magic%20squares%20of%20doubly%20even%20order|Magic squares of doubly even order]]
| [[Parsing%2FRPN%20to%20infix%20conversion|Parsing/RPN to infix conversion]]
| 37
Line 3,006 ⟶ 3,022:
| 37
| [[Ray-casting%20algorithm|Ray-casting algorithm]]
| 37
|data-sort-value="read a file character by character/utf0B8"| [[Read%20a%20file%20character%20by%20character%2FUTF8|Read a file character by character/UTF8]]
Line 3,071 ⟶ 3,091:
| [[Lychrel%20numbers|Lychrel numbers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 36
| [[MAC%20Vendor%20Lookup|MAC Vendor Lookup]]
| 36
|data-sort-value="md0B4"| [[MD4|MD4]]
| 36
Line 3,097 ⟶ 3,109:
| 36
| [[Ranking%20methods|Ranking methods]]
|data-sort-value="read a file character by character/utf0B8"| [[Read%20a%20file%20character%20by%20character%2FUTF8|Read a file character by character/UTF8]]
| 36
| [[Solve%20the%20no%20connection%20puzzle|Solve the no connection puzzle]]
| 36
| [[Square%20but%20not%20cube|Square but not cube]]
Line 3,149 ⟶ 3,157:
| 35
| [[Long%20primes|Long primes]]
| [[Loops%2FWrong%20ranges|Loops/Wrong ranges]]
| 35
| [[Metronome|Metronome]]
Line 3,209 ⟶ 3,221:
| 34
| [[Loops%2FWith%20multiple%20ranges|Loops/With multiple ranges]]
| [[Long%20primes|Long primes]]
| 34
| [[Maze%20solving|Maze solving]]
| 34
| [[Metronome|Metronome]]
Line 3,223 ⟶ 3,231:
| [[Ordered%20partitions|Ordered partitions]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 34
| [[Pentagram|Pentagram]]
| 34
|data-sort-value="ripemd-0D160"| [[RIPEMD-160|RIPEMD-160]]
| 34
| [[Square-free%20integers|Square-free integers]]
Line 3,247 ⟶ 3,263:
| [[Integer%20roots|Integer roots]]
| 33
| [[Loops%2FWith%20multiple%20ranges|Loops/With multiple ranges]]
| 33
Line 3,267 ⟶ 3,279:
| [[Pattern%20matching|Pattern matching]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦|| || ||⑩
| 33
| [[Pentagram|Pentagram]]
| 33
| [[RSA%20code|RSA code]]
| 33
| [[Ranking%20methods|Ranking methods]]
Line 3,287 ⟶ 3,291:
| [[Rosetta%20Code%2FFind%20bare%20lang%20tags|Rosetta Code/Find bare lang tags]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧|| ||⑩
| 33
| [[Square-free%20integers|Square-free integers]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 33
Line 3,343:
| [[Pythagoras%20tree|Pythagoras tree]]
| 32
| [[Safe%20primes%20and%20unsafe%20primes|Safe primes and unsafe primes]]
| 32
Line 3,391 ⟶ 3,395:
| [[Keyboard%20macros|Keyboard macros]]
| 31
| [[Lah%20numbers|Lah numbers]]
| 31
Line 3,402 ⟶ 3,410:
| 31
| [[Numeric%20error%20propagation|Numeric error propagation]]
| 31
| [[Old%20Russian%20measure%20of%20length|Old Russian measure of length]]
Line 3,411 ⟶ 3,423:
| [[Rosetta%20Code%2FFind%20unimplemented%20tasks|Rosetta Code/Find unimplemented tasks]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| || || ||⑩
| 31
| [[Safe%20primes%20and%20unsafe%20primes|Safe primes and unsafe primes]]
| 31
Line 3,447 ⟶ 3,455:
| [[Church%20numerals|Church numerals]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| || ||⑨||⑩
| 30
|data-sort-value="deconvolution/0B1d"| [[Deconvolution%2F1D|Deconvolution/1D]]
| 30
| [[Dice%20game%20probabilities|Dice game probabilities]]
| 30
Line 3,474 ⟶ 3,490:
| 30
| [[Mertens%20function|Mertens function]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨|| 
| 30
| [[Palindrome%20dates|Palindrome dates]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨|| 
Line 3,503 ⟶ 3,523:
| [[Arena%20storage%20pool|Arena storage pool]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 29
| [[Bioinformatics%2Fbase%20count|Bioinformatics/base count]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||⑩
| 29
Line 3,525 ⟶ 3,549:
| 29
| [[Diversity%20prediction%20theorem|Diversity prediction theorem]]
|data-sort-value="deconvolution/0B1d"| [[Deconvolution%2F1D|Deconvolution/1D]]
| 29
| [[Dice%20game%20probabilities|Dice game probabilities]]
| 29
Line 3,563 ⟶ 3,583:
| [[Modular%20arithmetic|Modular arithmetic]]
| 29
| [[Old%20Russian%20measure%20of%20length|Old Russian measure of length]]
| 29
| [[Palindrome%20dates|Palindrome dates]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨|| 
| 29
Line 3,611 ⟶ 3,623:
| [[Bacon%20cipher|Bacon cipher]]
| 28
| [[Bioinformatics%2Fbase%20count|Bioinformatics/base count]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 28
Line 3,623 ⟶ 3,631:
| [[Compiler%2Flexical%20analyzer|Compiler/lexical analyzer]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||⑩
| 28
| [[Diversity%20prediction%20theorem|Diversity prediction theorem]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 28
| [[Find%20first%20and%20last%20set%20bit%20of%20a%20long%20integer|Find first and last set bit of a long integer]]
| 28
| [[Find%20largest%20left%20truncatable%20prime%20in%20a%20given%20base|Find largest left truncatable prime in a given base]]
Line 3,639 ⟶ 3,647:
| [[Honeycombs|Honeycombs]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧||⑨||⑩
| 28
| [[Lah%20numbers|Lah numbers]]
| 28
Line 3,663 ⟶ 3,667:
| [[Strong%20and%20weak%20primes|Strong and weak primes]]
| 28
| [[Sum%20and%20product%20puzzle|Sum and product puzzle]]
| 28
Line 3,678 ⟶ 3,686:
| 27
| [[Chebyshev%20coefficients|Chebyshev coefficients]]
| 27
| [[Find%20largest%20left%20truncatable%20prime%20in%20a%20given%20base|Find largest left truncatable prime in a given base]]
Line 3,726 ⟶ 3,730:
| 27
| [[Sorting%20algorithms%2FCycle%20sort|Sorting algorithms/Cycle sort]]
| 27
| [[Sum%20and%20product%20puzzle|Sum and product puzzle]]
Line 3,763:
| [[Distributed%20programming|Distributed programming]]
|①|| ||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 26
| [[Extra%20primes|Extra primes]]
| 26
Line 3,775 ⟶ 3,779:
| [[Image%20convolution|Image convolution]]
| 26
| [[Kronecker%20product%20based%20fractals|Kronecker product based fractals]]
| 26
| [[Machine%20code|Machine code]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 26
Line 3,827 ⟶ 3,839:
| [[Create%20an%20object%20at%20a%20given%20address|Create an object at a given address]]
|①||②||③||④|| || ||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 25
| [[Extra%20primes|Extra primes]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨|| 
| 25
Line 3,845 ⟶ 3,853:
| 25
| [[Generate%20random%20chess%20position|Generate random chess position]]
| [[Idiomatically%20determine%20all%20the%20characters%20that%20can%20be%20used%20for%20symbols|Idiomatically determine all the characters that can be used for symbols]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨|| 
| 25
| [[Idiomatically%20determine%20all%20the%20characters%20that%20can%20be%20used%20for%20symbols|Idiomatically determine all the characters that can be used for symbols]]
| [[Kronecker%20product%20based%20fractals|Kronecker product based fractals]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨|| 
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 25
| [[Length%20of%20an%20arc%20between%20two%20angles|Length of an arc between two angles]]
| 25
| [[Machine%20code|Machine code]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 25
Line 3,871 ⟶ 3,875:
|data-sort-value="numbers with prime digits whose sum is 0C13"| [[Numbers%20with%20prime%20digits%20whose%20sum%20is%2013|Numbers with prime digits whose sum is 13]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧||⑨|| 
| 25
| [[Perlin%20noise|Perlin noise]]
| 25
Line 3,883 ⟶ 3,891:
| [[Solve%20a%20Holy%20Knight%27s%20tour|Solve a Holy Knight's tour]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 25
| [[Stirling%20numbers%20of%20the%20second%20kind|Stirling numbers of the second kind]]
| 25
Line 3,915 ⟶ 3,927:
| [[Elliptic%20curve%20arithmetic|Elliptic curve arithmetic]]
| 24
| [[Generate%20random%20chess%20position|Generate random chess position]]
| 24
Line 3,939 ⟶ 3,947:
| [[Pell%27s%20equation|Pell's equation]]
| 24
| [[Perlin%20noise|Perlin noise]]
| 24
Line 3,969 ⟶ 3,973:
| 24
| [[Stirling%20numbers%20of%20the%20second20first%20kind|Stirling numbers of the secondfirst kind]]
Line 4,015 ⟶ 4,019:
| [[Intersecting%20number%20wheels|Intersecting number wheels]]
| 23
| [[List%20rooted%20trees|List rooted trees]]
| 23
Line 4,039 ⟶ 4,047:
| [[Monads%2FMaybe%20monad|Monads/Maybe monad]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦|| || ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 23
| [[Numbers%20with%20equal%20rises%20and%20falls|Numbers with equal rises and falls]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧|| || 
| 23
Line 4,051 ⟶ 4,063:
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| || 
| 23
| [[Stirling%20numbers%20of%20the%20first%20kind|Stirling numbers of the first kind]]
| 23
Line 4,103 ⟶ 4,111:
| [[Linux%20CPU%20utilization|Linux CPU utilization]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 22
| [[List%20rooted%20trees|List rooted trees]]
| 22
| [[Lucky%20and%20even%20lucky%20numbers|Lucky and even lucky numbers]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 22
| [[Numbers%20with%20equal%20rises%20and%20falls|Numbers with equal rises and falls]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧|| || 
| 22
Line 4,167:
| [[Next%20highest%20int%20from%20digits|Next highest int from digits]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 21
| [[Numeric%20separator%20syntax|Numeric separator syntax]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 21
Line 4,223 ⟶ 4,227:
| [[Index%20finite%20lists%20of%20positive%20integers|Index finite lists of positive integers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 20
| [[Levenshtein%20distance%2FAlignment|Levenshtein distance/Alignment]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 20
Line 4,239 ⟶ 4,247:
| [[Native%20shebang|Native shebang]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 20
| [[Numeric%20separator%20syntax|Numeric separator syntax]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 20
Line 4,391 ⟶ 4,395:
| [[Imaginary%20base%20numbers|Imaginary base numbers]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 18
| [[Line%20circle%20intersection|Line circle intersection]]
| [[Levenshtein%20distance%2FAlignment|Levenshtein distance/Alignment]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧||⑨|| 
| 18
Line 4,467 ⟶ 4,471:
| [[Just%20in%20time%20processing%20on%20a%20character%20stream|Just in time processing on a character stream]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 17
| [[Long%20literals%2C%20with%20continuations|Long literals, with continuations]]
| [[Line%20circle%20intersection|Line circle intersection]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| || || || || 
| 17
| [[Metallic%20ratios|Metallic ratios]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨|| 
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 17
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 17
Line 4,487 ⟶ 4,495:
| [[Percolation%2FSite%20percolation|Percolation/Site percolation]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 17
| [[Prime%20words|Prime words]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| || || || || 
| 17
Line 4,527 ⟶ 4,539:
| [[Chernick%27s%20Carmichael%20numbers|Chernick's Carmichael numbers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨|| 
| 16
| [[Cistercian%20numerals|Cistercian numerals]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥||⑦||⑧|| || 
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 16
| [[Find%20if%20a%20point%20is%20within%20a%20triangle|Find if a point is within a triangle]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 16
Line 4,535 ⟶ 4,555:
| [[HTTPS%2FClient-authenticated|HTTPS/Client-authenticated]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||⑩
| 16
| [[Latin%20Squares%20in%20reduced%20form|Latin Squares in reduced form]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨|| 
| 16
Line 4,543 ⟶ 4,567:
| [[Most%20frequent%20k%20chars%20distance|Most frequent k chars distance]]
|①||②|| ||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 16
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 16
Line 4,563 ⟶ 4,583:
| [[Polynomial%20synthetic%20division|Polynomial synthetic division]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 16
| [[Prime%20words|Prime words]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| || || || || 
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 16
Line 4,593 ⟶ 4,609:
| 15
| [[Biorhythms|Biorhythms]]
| [[Bitmap%2FPPM%20conversion%20through%20a%20pipe|Bitmap/PPM conversion through a pipe]]
|①|| ||③||④|| ||⑥|| || || || 
| 15
| [[Bitmap%2FPPM%20conversion%20through%20a%20pipe|Bitmap/PPM conversion through a pipe]]
| [[Cistercian%20numerals|Cistercian numerals]]
|①|| ||③||④|| ||⑥||⑦||⑧|| || 
| 15
| [[Cyclotomic%20polynomial|Cyclotomic polynomial]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨|| 
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 15
| [[Find%20if%20a%20point%20is%20within%20a%20triangle|Find if a point is within a triangle]]
| 15
Line 4,615 ⟶ 4,627:
| [[Geometric%20algebra|Geometric algebra]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨|| 
| 15
| [[Latin%20Squares%20in%20reduced%20form|Latin Squares in reduced form]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨|| 
| 15
Line 4,639 ⟶ 4,647:
| [[Percolation%2FMean%20cluster%20density|Percolation/Mean cluster density]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 15
|data-sort-value="pseudo-random numbers/splitmix0C64"| [[Pseudo-random%20numbers%2FSplitmix64|Pseudo-random numbers/Splitmix64]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧|| || 
| 15
Line 4,671 ⟶ 4,683:
| [[Tarjan|Tarjan]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||⑩
| 14
| [[Biorhythms|Biorhythms]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| || || || 
| 14
Line 4,723 ⟶ 4,731:
| [[Permutations%20with%20some%20identical%20elements|Permutations with some identical elements]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| || || || || 
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 14
|data-sort-value="pseudo-random numbers/splitmix0C64"| [[Pseudo-random%20numbers%2FSplitmix64|Pseudo-random numbers/Splitmix64]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧|| || 
| 14
Line 4,749 ⟶ 4,753:
| 13
| [[Exponentiation%20with%20infix%20operators%20in%20%28or%20operating%20on%29%20the%20base|Exponentiation with infix operators in (or operating on) the base]]
| [[Factorial%20base%20numbers%20indexing%20permutations%20of%20a%20collection|Factorial base numbers indexing permutations of a collection]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| || || || 
| 13
| [[Factorial%20base%20numbers%20indexing%20permutations%20of%20a%20collection|Factorial base numbers indexing permutations of a collection]]
| [[Long%20literals%2C%20with%20continuations|Long literals, with continuations]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥|| || || || 
| 13
Line 4,811 ⟶ 4,815:
| [[Simulated%20annealing|Simulated annealing]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| || || || ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 12
| [[Sorting%20algorithms%2FTree%20sort%20on%20a%20linked%20list|Sorting algorithms/Tree sort on a linked list]]
|①||②||③|| || || ||⑦||⑧||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 12
Line 4,823 ⟶ 4,831:
| [[Audio%20frequency%20generator|Audio frequency generator]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤|| || || || || 
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 11
| [[Bin%20given%20limits|Bin given limits]]
| [[Exponentiation%20with%20infix%20operators%20in%20%28or%20operating%20on%29%20the%20base|Exponentiation with infix operators in (or operating on) the base]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥|| || || || 
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 11
Line 4,842 ⟶ 4,850:
| 11
| [[Pentomino%20tiling|Pentomino tiling]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 11
| [[Railway%20circuit|Railway circuit]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 4,855 ⟶ 4,867:
| [[Sierpinski%20square%20curve|Sierpinski square curve]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| || || ||⑨|| 
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 11
| [[Sorting%20algorithms%2FTree%20sort%20on%20a%20linked%20list|Sorting algorithms/Tree sort on a linked list]]
|①||②||③|| || || ||⑦||⑧||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 11
Line 4,915 ⟶ 4,923:
| [[Powerful%20numbers|Powerful numbers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| || || ||⑨|| 
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 10
| [[Railway%20circuit|Railway circuit]]
|①||②||③||④|| || ||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 10
Line 4,927 ⟶ 4,931:
| [[Spoof%20game|Spoof game]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧|| || 
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 10
| [[Three%20word%20location|Three word location]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| || ||⑧|| || 
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 10
| [[Time-based%20one-time%20password%20algorithm|Time-based one-time password algorithm]]
|①|| ||③||④||⑤|| || || || ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 10
| [[Tree%20from%20nesting%20levels|Tree from nesting levels]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| || || || 
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 10
Line 4,955 ⟶ 4,967:
| [[French%20Republican%20calendar|French Republican calendar]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦|| || || 
| 9
| [[Graph%20colouring|Graph colouring]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| || || ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 9
Line 4,999 ⟶ 5,015:
| [[Text%20to%20HTML|Text to HTML]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| || || || ||⑩
| 9
| [[Tree%20datastructures|Tree datastructures]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| || || || 
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 9
| [[ThreeTwo%20word20bullet%20location20roulette|ThreeTwo wordbullet locationroulette]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| || ||⑧|| || 
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 9
Line 5,011 ⟶ 5,031:
|data-sort-value="count the coins/0B0-0B1"| [[Count%20the%20coins%2F0-1|Count the coins/0-1]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| || || || || 
| 8
| [[Graph%20colouring|Graph colouring]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥|| || || ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 8
Line 5,043 ⟶ 5,059:
| [[Sort%20an%20outline%20at%20every%20level|Sort an outline at every level]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤||⑥|| || || || 
| 8
| [[Tree%20datastructures|Tree datastructures]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| || || || 
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 8
| [[User%20defined%20pipe%20and%20redirection%20operators|User defined pipe and redirection operators]]
| [[Two%20bullet%20roulette|Two bullet roulette]]
|①||②|| ||④||⑤|| || || || || 
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 8
| [[Words%20from%20neighbour%20ones|Words from neighbour ones]]
| [[User%20defined%20pipe%20and%20redirection%20operators|User defined pipe and redirection operators]]
| ||②|| ||④|| || || || || || 
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 7
Line 5,215 ⟶ 5,227:
| [[Weather%20routing|Weather routing]]
|①||②||③|| || || || || || || 
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 3
| [[Basic%20p-adic%20numbers|Basic p-adic numbers]]
| ||②|| || || || || || || || 
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 3
| [[Bioinformatics%2Fglobal%20alignment|Bioinformatics/global alignment]]
| ||②||③|| || || || || || || 
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 3
