Rosetta Code/Count examples/Full list: Difference between revisions

Update full list output
(Update full list output)
(Update full list output)
Line 19:
<pre>First ten programming languages by number of task examples completed:
① Phix ② Julia ③ GoWren Go Wren ⑤ Raku
⑥ Nim ⑦ Perl ⑧ Python ⑨ C ⑩ REXX
Line 25:
<div style="height:40em;overflow:scroll;">
{|class="wikitable sortable"
|+ As of 2021-11-21T2129T01:2612:21Z34Z :: Tasks: 11421143 ::<span style="background-color:#ffd"> Draft Tasks:332337 </span>:: Total Tasks: 14741480 :: Total Examples: 8159081944
| 507508
| [[Hello%20world%2FText|Hello world/Text]]
Line 36:
| 327328
| [[FizzBuzz|FizzBuzz]]
Line 44:
| 297298
| [[Fibonacci%20sequence|Fibonacci sequence]]
| 292293
| [[Factorial|Factorial]]
Line 60:
| 264265
| [[Empty%20program|Empty program]]
| 243244
| [[Function%20definition|Function definition]]
| 236237
| [[Loops%2FInfinite|Loops/Infinite]]
Line 76:
| 230231
| [[Loops%2FWhile|Loops/While]]
| 230231
| [[Reverse%20a%20string|Reverse a string]]
Line 88:
| 216217
| [[Loops%2FFor|Loops/For]]
Line 100:
| 204205
| [[Greatest%20common%20divisor|Greatest common divisor]]
| 199200
| [[Greatest%20element%20of%20a%20list|Greatest element of a list]]
| 196197
| [[Even%20or%20odd|Even or odd]]
| [[Array%20concatenation|Array concatenation]]
| 196
| [[Array%20concatenation|Array concatenation]]
| [[Even%20or%20odd|Even or odd]]
Line 120:
| 188189
| [[Integer%20comparison|Integer comparison]]
| 186188
| [[Repeat%20a%20string|Repeat a string]]
| 183184
| [[Increment%20a%20numerical%20string|Increment a numerical string]]
| 180181
| [[Hello%20world%2FGraphical|Hello world/Graphical]]
| 179180
| [[Copy%20a%20string|Copy a string]]
| 178179
| [[Sieve%20of%20Eratosthenes|Sieve of Eratosthenes]]
Line 156:
| 170171
| [[Binary%20digits|Binary digits]]
Line 169:
| 169
| [[Integer%20sequence|Integer sequence]]
| [[Towers%20of%20Hanoi|Towers of Hanoi]]
| 168169
| [[Towers%20of%20Hanoi|Towers of Hanoi]]
| [[Integer%20sequence|Integer sequence]]
Line 180:
| 166167
| [[Loops%2FDo-while|Loops/Do-while]]
| 166167
| [[Loops%2FFor%20with%20a%20specified%20step|Loops/For with a specified step]]
| 166
| [[Hello%20world%2FNewline%20omission|Hello world/Newline omission]]
|data-sort-value="rot-0C13"| [[Rot-13|Rot-13]]
| 166
| [[StringLoops%20length2FForeach|String lengthLoops/Foreach]]
| 166
| [[Loops%2FN%20plus%20one%20half|Loops/N plus one half]]
| [[Sum%20and%20product%20of%20an%20array|Sum and product of an array]]
| 165166
|data-sort-value="rot-0C13"| [[Rot-13|Rot-13]]
| [[Hello%20world%2FNewline%20omission|Hello world/Newline omission]]
| 165166
| [[LoopsString%2FForeach20length|Loops/ForeachString length]]
| 165166
| [[Sum%20and%20product%20of%20an%20array|Sum and product of an array]]
| [[Loops%2FN%20plus%20one%20half|Loops/N plus one half]]
Line 216:
| 163164
| [[Tokenize%20a%20string|Tokenize a string]]
| 162163
| [[Loops%2FBreak|Loops/Break]]
| 161162
| [[Empty%20string|Empty string]]
| 161162
| [[String%20case|String case]]
| 161162
| [[Sum%20of%20a%20series|Sum of a series]]
| 160161
| [[Generic%20swap|Generic swap]]
| 159
| [[Leap%20year|Leap year]]
Line 246 ⟶ 250:
| 158
| [[Dot%20product|Dot product]]
| 157
| [[Leap%20year|Leap year]]
Line 256:
| 155156
| [[Hailstone%20sequence|Hailstone sequence]]
| 155156
| [[Logical%20operations|Logical operations]]
| 154155
| [[Filter|Filter]]
Line 285:
| 150
| [[Factors%20of%20an%20integer|Factors of an integer]]
| [[Roman%20numerals%2FEncode|Roman numerals/Encode]]
| 149150
| [[Roman%20numerals%2FEncode|Roman numerals/Encode]]
| [[Factors%20of%20an%20integer|Factors of an integer]]
| 147148
| [[Execute%20a%20system%20command|Execute a system command]]
| 146147
| [[Loop%20over%20multiple%20arrays%20simultaneously|Loop over multiple arrays simultaneously]]
Line 309:
| 145
| [[Guess%20the%20number|Guess the number]]
| [[Higher-order%20functions|Higher-order functions]]
| 144145
| [[Higher-order%20functions|Higher-order functions]]
| [[Guess%20the%20number|Guess the number]]
Line 329:
| 142
| [[Luhn%20test%20of%20credit%20card%20numbers|Luhn test of credit card numbers]]
| [[Sorting%20algorithms%2FQuicksort|Sorting algorithms/Quicksort]]
| 141142
| [[Sorting%20algorithms%2FQuicksort|Sorting algorithms/Quicksort]]
| [[User%20input%2FText|User input/Text]]
| 140141
| [[File%20input%2Foutput|File input/output]]
| 140141
| [[User%20input%2FText|User input/Text]]
| [[Luhn%20test%20of%20credit%20card%20numbers|Luhn test of credit card numbers]]
Line 352:
| 137138
| [[Generate%20lower%20case%20ASCII%20alphabet|Generate lower case ASCII alphabet]]
| [[Day%20of%20the%20week|Day of the week]]
| 138
| [[Happy%20numbers|Happy numbers]]
| 137
| [[Day%20of%20the%20week|Day of the week]]
| [[Generate%20lower%20case%20ASCII%20alphabet|Generate lower case ASCII alphabet]]
| 137
| [[HappyMutual%20numbers20recursion|HappyMutual numbersrecursion]]
Line 378 ⟶ 382:
| 135
| [[Loops%2FContinue|Loops/Continue]]
| 135
| [[Mutual%20recursion|Mutual recursion]]
Line 396:
| 132133
| [[Least%20common%20multiple|Least common multiple]]
Line 413:
| 131
| [[Balanced%20brackets|Balanced brackets]]
| [[Literals%2FString|Literals/String]]
| 130131
| [[Literals%2FString|Literals/String]]
| [[Balanced%20brackets|Balanced brackets]]
Line 426:
| 130
| [[Flatten%20a%20list|Flatten a list]]
| 129
| [[Ethiopian%20multiplication|Ethiopian multiplication]]
Line 432 ⟶ 436:
| 128127
| [[Include%20a%20file|Include a file]]
| [[Ethiopian%20multiplication|Ethiopian multiplication]]
Line 442 ⟶ 446:
| 126
| [[Compound%20data%20type|Compound data type]]
| 126
| [[Include%20a%20file|Include a file]]
Line 468:
| 123124
| [[Knuth%20shuffle|Knuth shuffle]]
| [[Count%20occurrences%20of%20a%20substring|Count occurrences of a substring]]
| 123124
| [[Loops%2FNested|Loops/Nested]]
| [[Formatted%20numeric%20output|Formatted numeric output]]
| 124
| [[Mandelbrot%20set|Mandelbrot set]]
| 123
| [[Count%20occurrences%20of%20a%20substring|Count occurrences of a substring]]
| [[Knuth%20shuffle|Knuth shuffle]]
| 123
| [[Formatted%20numeric%20output|Formatted numeric output]]
| [[Loops%2FNested|Loops/Nested]]
| 123
| [[N-queens%20problem|N-queens problem]]
| [[Mandelbrot%20set|Mandelbrot set]]
Line 500 ⟶ 504:
| 122121
| [[Case-sensitivity%20of%20identifiers|Case-sensitivity of identifiers]]
| [[N-queens%20problem|N-queens problem]]
| 121
| [[Null%20object|Null object]]
| [[Case-sensitivity%20of%20identifiers|Case-sensitivity of identifiers]]
Line 517 ⟶ 521:
| 120
| [[Matrix%20multiplication|Matrix multiplication]]
| [[Null%20object|Null object]]
| 120
| [[Pick%20random%20element|Pick random element]]
| 120
| [[Read%20a%20file%20line%20by%20line|Read a file line by line]]
Line 529 ⟶ 537:
| 119
| [[Identity%20matrix|Identity matrix]]
| [[Matrix%20multiplication|Matrix multiplication]]
| 119
| [[Matrix%20transposition|Matrix transposition]]
| [[Read%20a%20file%20line%20by%20line|Read a file line by line]]
| 118119
| [[Multiplication%20tables|Multiplication tables]]
| [[Identity%20matrix|Identity matrix]]
| 118
| [[Guess%20the%20number%2FWith%20feedback|Guess the number/With feedback]]
| [[Matrix%20transposition|Matrix transposition]]
| 118117
| [[Averages%2FMedian|Averages/Median]]
| [[Multiplication%20tables|Multiplication tables]]
| 117
| [[AveragesFile%2FMedian20size|Averages/MedianFile size]]
| 117
| [[Hash%20from%20two%20arrays|Hash from two arrays]]
| [[Guess%20the%20number%2FWith%20feedback|Guess the number/With feedback]]
| 117
| [[Letter%20frequency|Letter frequency]]
Line 581 ⟶ 593:
| 116
| [[Look-and-say%20sequence|Look-and-say sequence]]
| [[File%20size|File size]]
| 116
| [[Hash%20from%20two%20arrays|Hash from two arrays]]
| 116
| [[Letter%20frequency|Letter frequency]]
Line 610 ⟶ 614:
| 115
| [[Find%20limit%20of%20recursion|Find limit of recursion]]
| 115
| [[Look-and-say%20sequence|Look-and-say sequence]]
Line 629:
| 114
| [[RenameInput%20a%20file20loop|Rename aInput fileloop]]
| 113114
| [[Rename%20a%20file|Rename a file]]
| [[Arithmetic%2FComplex|Arithmetic/Complex]]
| 113
| [[Arithmetic%2FComplex|Arithmetic/Complex]]
| [[Input%20loop|Input loop]]
Line 678:
| 109
| [[Levenshtein%20distance|Levenshtein distance]]
| 109
| [[String%20append|String append]]
| 108
| [[Horner%27s%20rule%20for%20polynomial%20evaluation|Horner's rule for polynomial evaluation]]
Line 689 ⟶ 697:
| 108
| [[Strip%20a%20set%20of%20characters%20from%20a%20string|Strip a set of characters from a string]]
| [[String%20append|String append]]
| 108
| [[Substring%2FTop%20and%20tail|Substring/Top and tail]]
| [[Strip%20a%20set%20of%20characters%20from%20a%20string|Strip a set of characters from a string]]
Line 702 ⟶ 710:
| 107
| [[Averages%2FPythagorean%20means|Averages/Pythagorean means]]
| 107
| [[Horner%27s%20rule%20for%20polynomial%20evaluation|Horner's rule for polynomial evaluation]]
| 107
| [[Run-length%20encoding|Run-length encoding]]
| 107
| [[Substring%2FTop%20and%20tail|Substring/Top and tail]]
Line 726:
| 106
| [[Comma%20quibbling|Comma quibbling]]
| 106
| [[Harshad%20or%20Niven%20series|Harshad or Niven series]]
Line 741 ⟶ 745:
| 105
| [[Nth%20root|Nth root]]
| [[Harshad%20or%20Niven%20series|Harshad or Niven series]]
Line 749 ⟶ 753:
| 105
| [[Regular%20expressions|Regular expressions]]
| [[Strip%20whitespace%20from%20a%20string%2FTop%20and%20tail|Strip whitespace from a string/Top and tail]]
| 104105
| [[Strip%20whitespace%20from%20a%20string%2FTop%20and%20tail|Strip whitespace from a string/Top and tail]]
| [[Nth%20root|Nth root]]
| 104
| [[Regular%20expressions|Regular expressions]]
Line 802:
| 101
| [[Create%20a%20two-dimensional%20array%20at%20runtime|Create a two-dimensional array at runtime]]
| 101
| [[N%27th|N'th]]
Line 814 ⟶ 818:
| 100
| [[Middle%20three%20digits|Middle three digits]]
| 100
| [[N%27th|N'th]]
Line 861:
| 98
| [[Interactive%20programming|Interactive programming]]
| 97
| [[Execute%20Brain%2A%2A%2A%2A|Execute Brain****]]
| 98
| [[Interactive%20programming|Interactive programming]]
| 97
Line 898:
| 95
| [[Create%20an%20HTML%20table|Create an HTML table]]
| 95
| [[Exponentiation%20operator|Exponentiation operator]]
Line 913 ⟶ 917:
| 94
| [[Dragon%20curve|Dragon curve]]
| [[Evolutionary%20algorithm|Evolutionary algorithm]]
| 94
| [[Evolutionary%20algorithm|Evolutionary algorithm]]
| [[Exponentiation%20operator|Exponentiation operator]]
Line 933 ⟶ 937:
| 93
| [[Hofstadter%20Q%20sequence|Hofstadter Q sequence]]
| [[Dragon%20curve|Dragon curve]]
Line 950 ⟶ 954:
| 92
| [[Cumulative%20standard%20deviation|Cumulative standard deviation]]
| 92
| [[Hofstadter%20Q%20sequence|Hofstadter Q sequence]]
Line 974:
| 91
| [[Forward%20difference|Forward difference]]
| 91
| [[Langton%27s%20ant|Langton's ant]]
Line 990 ⟶ 994:
| 90
| [[Entropy|Entropy]]
| 90
| [[Gray%20code|Gray code]]
Line 995 ⟶ 1,003:
| 90
| [[Langton%27s%20ant|Langton's ant]]
| 90
Line 1,013 ⟶ 1,017:
| 89
| [[GrayHamming%20code20numbers|GrayHamming codenumbers]]
| 89
| [[HammingJosephus%20numbers20problem|HammingJosephus numbersproblem]]
| 89
| [[JosephusMap%20problem20range|JosephusMap problemrange]]
| 89
| [[Menu|Menu]]
Line 1,037 ⟶ 1,045:
| 88
| [[MapFive%20range20weekends|MapFive rangeweekends]]
| 88
| [[Greatest%20subsequential%20sum|Greatest subsequential sum]]
| [[Menu|Menu]]
| 88
| [[Last%20Friday%20of%20each%20month|Last Friday of each month]]
Line 1,061 ⟶ 1,073:
| 87
| [[FiveFloyd%20weekends27s%20triangle|FiveFloyd's weekendstriangle]]
| 87
| [[Greatest%20subsequential%20sum|Greatest subsequential sum]]
| 87
| [[Last%20Friday%20of%20each%20month|Last Friday of each month]]
Line 1,085 ⟶ 1,089:
| 86
| [[Non-decimal%20radices%2FConvert|Non-decimal radices/Convert]]
| [[Floyd%27s%20triangle|Floyd's triangle]]
Line 1,094 ⟶ 1,098:
| 85
| [[Count%20in%20factors|Count in factors]]
| 85
| [[Non-decimal%20radices%2FConvert|Non-decimal radices/Convert]]
Line 1,122:
| 84
| [[Closures%2FValue%20capture|Closures/Value capture]]
| 84
| [[Find%20the%20last%20Sunday%20of%20each%20month|Find the last Sunday of each month]]
| 84
| [[Monte%20Carlo%20methods|Monte Carlo methods]]
Line 1,137 ⟶ 1,145:
| 83
| [[Hello%20world%2FLine%20printer|Hello world/Line printer]]
| [[Find%20the%20last%20Sunday%20of%20each%20month|Find the last Sunday of each month]]
| 83
| [[Monte%20Carlo%20methods|Monte Carlo methods]]
Line 1,158 ⟶ 1,162:
| 82
| [[File%20modification%20time|File modification time]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧||⑨||⑩
| 82
| [[Hello%20world%2FLine%20printer|Hello world/Line printer]]
| 82
Line 1,174:
| 82
| [[Set|Set]]
| 82
| [[Show%20ASCII%20table|Show ASCII table]]
Line 1,197 ⟶ 1,201:
| 81
| [[Munchausen%20numbers|Munchausen numbers]]
| [[Operator%20precedence|Operator precedence]]
| 81
| [[Operator%20precedence|Operator precedence]]
| [[Read%20a%20specific%20line%20from%20a%20file|Read a specific line from a file]]
| 81
| [[Read%20a%20specific%20line%20from%20a%20file|Read a specific line from a file]]
| [[Show%20ASCII%20table|Show ASCII table]]
Line 1,234 ⟶ 1,238:
| 80
| [[Lucas-Lehmer%20test|Lucas-Lehmer test]]
| 80
| [[Munchausen%20numbers|Munchausen numbers]]
Line 1,270:
| 79
| [[Jensen%27s%20Device|Jensen's Device]]
| 79
| [[Keyboard%20input%2FObtain%20a%20Y%20or%20N%20response|Keyboard input/Obtain a Y or N response]]
Line 1,309 ⟶ 1,313:
| 78
| [[Find%20the%20missing%20permutation|Find the missing permutation]]
| [[Keyboard%20input%2FObtain%20a%20Y%20or%20N%20response|Keyboard input/Obtain a Y or N response]]
| 78
| [[Linear%20congruential%20generator|Linear congruential generator]]
| 78
| [[Modular%20inverse|Modular inverse]]
Line 1,326 ⟶ 1,334:
| 78
| [[URL%20encoding|URL encoding]]
| 77
| [[Find%20the%20missing%20permutation|Find the missing permutation]]
Line 1,338 ⟶ 1,342:
| 77
|data-sort-value="knapsack problem/0B0-0B1"| [[Knapsack%20problem%2F0-1|Knapsack problem/0-1]]
| 77
| [[Modular%20inverse|Modular inverse]]
Line 1,362:
| 76
| [[Empty%20directory|Empty directory]]
| 76
| [[Equilibrium%20index|Equilibrium index]]
| 76
|data-sort-value="execute hq0B9+"| [[Execute%20HQ9%2B|Execute HQ9+]]
| 76
| [[Flow-control%20structures|Flow-control structures]]
| 76
| [[Non-decimal%20radices%2FOutput|Non-decimal radices/Output]]
Line 1,397 ⟶ 1,409:
| 75
| [[Fibonacci%20n-step%20number%20sequences|Fibonacci n-step number sequences]]
| [[Equilibrium%20index|Equilibrium index]]
| 75
|data-sort-value="execute hq0B9+"| [[Execute%20HQ9%2B|Execute HQ9+]]
Line 1,413 ⟶ 1,421:
| 75
| [[Multiple%20distinct%20objects|Multiple distinct objects]]
| [[Non-decimal%20radices%2FOutput|Non-decimal radices/Output]]
Line 1,461 ⟶ 1,469:
| 74
| [[Gamma%20function|Gamma function]]
| [[Fibonacci%20n-step%20number%20sequences|Fibonacci n-step number sequences]]
| 74
| [[Guess%20the%20number%2FWith%20feedback%20%28player%29|Guess the number/With feedback (player)]]
| [[Gamma%20function|Gamma function]]
Line 1,474 ⟶ 1,482:
| 74
| [[List%20comprehensions|List comprehensions]]
| 74
| [[Multiple%20distinct%20objects|Multiple distinct objects]]
Line 1,509 ⟶ 1,513:
| 73
| [[Four%20bit%20adder|Four bit adder]]
| [[Guess%20the%20number%2FWith%20feedback%20%28player%29|Guess the number/With feedback (player)]]
| 73
| [[Fractal%20tree|Fractal tree]]
| 73
Line 1,530 ⟶ 1,538:
| 73
| [[Thue-Morse|Thue-Morse]]
| 73
| [[Trabb%20Pardo%E2%80%93Knuth%20algorithm|Trabb Pardo–Knuth algorithm]]
Line 1,547 ⟶ 1,559:
| [[Extend%20your%20language|Extend your language]]
| 72
| [[Four%20bit%20adder|Four bit adder]]
| 72
| [[Fractal%20tree|Fractal tree]]
| 72
Line 1,566 ⟶ 1,570:
| 71
| [[Call%20a%20foreign-language%20function|Call a foreign-language function]]
| 71
| [[Draw%20a%20sphere|Draw a sphere]]
| 71
| [[Horizontal%20sundial%20calculations|Horizontal sundial calculations]]
| 71
Line 1,584 ⟶ 1,596:
| 7170
|data-sort-value="0D100 prisoners"| [[100%20prisoners|100 prisoners]]
| [[Trabb%20Pardo%E2%80%93Knuth%20algorithm|Trabb Pardo–Knuth algorithm]]
Line 1,602 ⟶ 1,614:
| 70
| [[Constrained%20random%20points%20on%20a%20circle|Constrained random points on a circle]]
| 70
| [[Draw%20a%20sphere|Draw a sphere]]
Line 1,613 ⟶ 1,621:
| 70
| [[Largest%20int%20from%20concatenated%20ints|Largest int from concatenated ints]]
| 70
| [[Maze%20generation|Maze generation]]
| [[Largest%20int%20from%20concatenated%20ints|Largest int from concatenated ints]]
Line 1,654 ⟶ 1,662:
| 70
| [[Write%20float%20arrays%20to%20a%20text%20file|Write float arrays to a text file]]
| 69
| [[Angle%20difference%20between%20two%20bearings|Angle difference between two bearings]]
Line 1,665 ⟶ 1,677:
| 69
| [[General%20FizzBuzz|General FizzBuzz]]
| [[Magic%20squares%20of%20odd%20order|Magic squares of odd order]]
| 69
| [[Magic%20squares%20of%20odd%20order|Magic squares of odd order]]
| [[Maze%20generation|Maze generation]]
Line 1,685 ⟶ 1,697:
| 68
| [[Chinese%20remainder%20theorem|Chinese remainder theorem]]
|data-sort-value="0D100 prisoners"| [[100%20prisoners|100 prisoners]]
| 68
| [[Euler%20method|Euler method]]
| [[Angle%20difference%20between%20two%20bearings|Angle difference between two bearings]]
| 68
| [[Morse%20code|Morse code]]
| [[Chinese%20remainder%20theorem|Chinese remainder theorem]]
| 68
| [[Euler%20method|Euler method]]
Line 1,726 ⟶ 1,734:
| 67
| [[Fast%20Fourier%20transform|Fast Fourier transform]]
| 67
| [[General%20FizzBuzz|General FizzBuzz]]
| 67
|data-sort-value="hofstadter-conway $0C10,0D000 sequence"| [[Hofstadter-Conway%20%2410%2C000%20sequence|Hofstadter-Conway $10,000 sequence]]
| 67
| [[Morse%20code|Morse code]]
Line 1,794:
| 66
| [[Jewels%20and%20stones|Jewels and stones]]
| 66
| [[Memory%20allocation|Memory allocation]]
Line 1,818 ⟶ 1,822:
| 65
| [[Best%20shuffle|Best shuffle]]
| 65
| [[Exponentiation%20order|Exponentiation order]]
Line 1,825 ⟶ 1,833:
| 65
| [[Host%20introspection|Host introspection]]
| [[Memory%20allocation|Memory allocation]]
Line 1,858 ⟶ 1,866:
| 64
| [[Cholesky%20decomposition|Cholesky decomposition]]
| 64
| [[Exponentiation%20order|Exponentiation order]]
| 64
| [[Host%20introspection|Host introspection]]
Line 1,894:
| 63
| [[Binary%20strings|Binary strings]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 63
| [[Extract%20file%20extension|Extract file extension]]
Line 1,929 ⟶ 1,933:
| 62
| [[Dutch%20national%20flag%20problem|Dutch national flag problem]]
| [[Emirp%20primes|Emirp primes]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 62
| [[Emirp%20primes|Emirp primes]]
| [[Extract%20file%20extension|Extract file extension]]
Line 1,942 ⟶ 1,946:
| 62
| [[Generator%2FExponential|Generator/Exponential]]
| 62
| [[I%20before%20E%20except%20after%20C|I before E except after C]]
| 62
|data-sort-value="isbn0C13 check digit"| [[ISBN13%20check%20digit|ISBN13 check digit]]
| 62
| [[Integer%20overflow|Integer overflow]]
| 62
|data-sort-value="magic 0B8-ball"| [[Magic%208-ball|Magic 8-ball]]
| 62
| [[Miller%E2%80%93Rabin%20primality%20test|Miller–Rabin primality test]]
Line 1,985 ⟶ 2,005:
| 61
| [[Long%20year|Long year]]
|data-sort-value="magic 0B8-ball"| [[Magic%208-ball|Magic 8-ball]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 61
| [[Longest%20common%20prefix|Longest common prefix]]
| [[Miller%E2%80%93Rabin%20primality%20test|Miller–Rabin primality test]]
Line 2,029 ⟶ 2,049:
| 60
| [[Determine%20if%20a%20string%20is%20collapsible|Determine if a string is collapsible]]
| [[Dutch%20national%20flag%20problem|Dutch national flag problem]]
Line 2,037 ⟶ 2,057:
| 60
| [[JortSort|JortSort]]
|data-sort-value="isbn0C13 check digit"| [[ISBN13%20check%20digit|ISBN13 check digit]]
Line 2,053 ⟶ 2,073:
| 60
| [[LongLeonardo%20year20numbers|LongLeonardo yearnumbers]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 60
| [[Ludic%20numbers|Ludic numbers]]
| [[Longest%20common%20prefix|Longest common prefix]]
Line 2,070 ⟶ 2,090:
| 60
| [[Unicode%20strings|Unicode strings]]
| 59
| [[Determine%20if%20a%20string%20is%20collapsible|Determine if a string is collapsible]]
Line 2,081 ⟶ 2,097:
| 59
| [[Draw%20a%20cuboid|Draw a cuboid]]
| [[JortSort|JortSort]]
| 59
| [[Knight%27s%20tour|Knight's tour]]
| 59
| [[Leonardo%20numbers|Leonardo numbers]]
Line 2,121 ⟶ 2,133:
| 58
| [[Grayscale%20image|Grayscale image]]
| [[Draw%20a%20cuboid|Draw a cuboid]]
Line 2,127 ⟶ 2,139:
| [[Hash%20join|Hash join]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 58
| [[I%20before%20E%20except%20after%20C|I before E except after C]]
| 58
| [[Ludic%20numbers|Ludic numbers]]
| 58
Line 2,189 ⟶ 2,193:
| 57
| [[Kernighans%20large%20earthquake%20problem|Kernighans large earthquake problem]]
| [[Grayscale%20image|Grayscale image]]
| 57
| [[LZW%20compression|LZW compression]]
| 57
| [[McNuggets%20problem|McNuggets problem]]
| 57
| [[Munching%20squares|Munching squares]]
Line 2,234 ⟶ 2,246:
| 56
| [[DNS%20query|DNS query]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧||⑨||⑩
| 56
| [[Dijkstra%27s%20algorithm|Dijkstra's algorithm]]
| 56
| [[Draw%20a%20pixel|Draw a pixel]]
| 56
| [[Extreme%20floating%20point%20values|Extreme floating point values]]
| 56
| [[FASTA%20format|FASTA format]]
Line 2,249 ⟶ 2,269:
| 56
| [[Keyboard%20input%2FKeypress%20check|Keyboard input/Keypress check]]
| [[McNuggets%20problem|McNuggets problem]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 2,255 ⟶ 2,275:
| [[Modulinos|Modulinos]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧||⑨||⑩
| 56
| [[Munching%20squares|Munching squares]]
| 56
Line 2,266 ⟶ 2,282:
| 56
| [[Rosetta%20Code%2FRank%20languages%20by%20popularity|Rosetta Code/Rank languages by popularity]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧||⑨||⑩
| 56
Line 2,282 ⟶ 2,298:
| 55
| [[Copy%20stdin%20to%20stdout|Copy stdin to stdout]]
| 55
| [[Draw%20a%20pixel|Draw a pixel]]
| 55
| [[FASTA%20format|FASTA format]]
Line 2,297 ⟶ 2,305:
| 55
| [[Longest%20common%20substring|Longest common substring]]
| [[Kernighans%20large%20earthquake%20problem|Kernighans large earthquake problem]]
| 55
| [[Keyboard%20input%2FKeypress%20check|Keyboard input/Keypress check]]
Line 2,333 ⟶ 2,337:
| 54
| [[Loops%2FIncrement%20loop%20index%20within%20loop%20body|Loops/Increment loop index within loop body]]
| [[Longest%20common%20substring|Longest common substring]]
| 54
| [[Maximum%20triangle%20path%20sum|Maximum triangle path sum]]
| [[Loops%2FIncrement%20loop%20index%20within%20loop%20body|Loops/Increment loop index within loop body]]
| 54
| [[Non-continuous%20subsequences|Non-continuous subsequences]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 54
| [[Sattolo%20cycle|Sattolo cycle]]
Line 2,393 ⟶ 2,401:
| 53
| [[Move-to-front%20algorithm|Move-to-front algorithm]]
| [[Maximum%20triangle%20path%20sum|Maximum triangle path sum]]
| 53
| [[Nim%20game|Nim game]]
| [[Polynomial%20regression|Polynomial regression]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 53
| [[Polynomial%20regression|Polynomial regression]]
| [[Sattolo%20cycle|Sattolo cycle]]
| 53
| [[Send%20email|Send email]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧||⑨||⑩
| 53
Line 2,445 ⟶ 2,453:
| 52
| [[Find%20the%20intersection%20of%20two%20lines|Find the intersection of two lines]]
| [[Gaussian%20elimination|Gaussian elimination]]
| 52
| [[Fractran|Fractran]]
| [[Holidays%20related%20to%20Easter|Holidays related to Easter]]
| 52
| [[Gaussian%20elimination|Gaussian elimination]]
| [[Longest%20increasing%20subsequence|Longest increasing subsequence]]
| 52
| [[Holidays%20related%20to%20Easter|Holidays related to Easter]]
| [[Move-to-front%20algorithm|Move-to-front algorithm]]
| 52
| [[Longest%20increasing%20subsequence|Longest increasing subsequence]]
| [[Naming%20conventions|Naming conventions]]
| 52
| [[Naming%20conventions|Naming conventions]]
| [[Nim%20game|Nim game]]
Line 2,497 ⟶ 2,505:
| 51
| [[FareyEgyptian%20sequence20division|FareyEgyptian sequencedivision]]
| 51
| [[Farey%20sequence|Farey sequence]]
| [[Find%20the%20intersection%20of%20two%20lines|Find the intersection of two lines]]
| 51
| [[Fractran|Fractran]]
Line 2,541 ⟶ 2,545:
| 50
| [[Hofstadter%20Figure-Figure%20sequences|Hofstadter Figure-Figure sequences]]
| [[Egyptian%20division|Egyptian division]]
| 50
| [[Jaro%20similarity|Jaro similarity]]
| [[Hofstadter%20Figure-Figure%20sequences|Hofstadter Figure-Figure sequences]]
| 50
| [[Kronecker%20product|Kronecker product]]
| [[Jaro%20similarity|Jaro similarity]]
| 50
| [[Metaprogramming|Metaprogramming]]
| 50
| [[Primality%20by%20Wilson%27s%20theorem|Primality by Wilson's theorem]]
Line 2,574 ⟶ 2,582:
| 49
| [[Echo%20server|Echo server]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧||⑨||
| 49
Line 2,591 ⟶ 2,599:
| [[Greyscale%20bars%2FDisplay|Greyscale bars/Display]]
| 49
| [[Kronecker%20product|Kronecker product]]
| 49
Line 2,602 ⟶ 2,606:
| 49
| [[Last%20letter-first%20letter|Last letter-first letter]]
| 49
| [[Primality%20by%20Wilson%27s%20theorem|Primality by Wilson's theorem]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 2,627:
| [[Determine%20if%20a%20string%20is%20squeezable|Determine if a string is squeezable]]
| 48
| [[Elementary%20cellular%20automaton|Elementary cellular automaton]]
| 48
| [[History%20variables|History variables]]
| 48
| [[Image%20noise|Image noise]]
| 48
Line 2,689 ⟶ 2,697:
| 47
|data-sort-value="generate chess0D960 starting position"| [[Generate%20Chess960%20starting%20position|Generate Chess960 starting position]]
| [[Elementary%20cellular%20automaton|Elementary cellular automaton]]
| 47
| [[Image%20noise|Image noise]]
Line 2,725 ⟶ 2,729:
| 46
| [[Flipping%20bits%20game|Flipping bits game]]
|data-sort-value="generate chess0D960 starting position"| [[Generate%20Chess960%20starting%20position|Generate Chess960 starting position]]
Line 2,777 ⟶ 2,781:
| 45
| [[Hilbert%20curve|Hilbert curve]]
| [[Flipping%20bits%20game|Flipping bits game]]
| 45
| [[Isqrt%20%28integer%20square%20root%29%20of%20X|Isqrt (integer square root) of X]]
| 45
| [[Keyboard%20input%2FFlush%20the%20keyboard%20buffer|Keyboard input/Flush the keyboard buffer]]
| 45
| [[Loops%2FWith%20multiple%20ranges|Loops/With multiple ranges]]
| 45
| [[Mertens%20function|Mertens function]]
Line 2,790 ⟶ 2,806:
| 45
| [[Rosetta%20Code%2FCount%20examples|Rosetta Code/Count examples]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
| 45
Line 2,838 ⟶ 2,854:
| 44
| [[Hickerson%20series%20of%20almost%20integers|Hickerson series of almost integers]]
| 44
| [[Hilbert%20curve|Hilbert curve]]
| 44
| [[Keyboard%20input%2FFlush%20the%20keyboard%20buffer|Keyboard input/Flush the keyboard buffer]]
| 44
| [[Loops%2FWith%20multiple%20ranges|Loops/With multiple ranges]]
Line 2,857 ⟶ 2,861:
| 44
| [[MertensMusical%20function20scale|MertensMusical functionscale]]
Line 2,913 ⟶ 2,917:
| 43
| [[Idiomatically%20determine%20all%20the%20lowercase%20and%20uppercase%20letters|Idiomatically determine all the lowercase and uppercase letters]]
| [[Inverted%20index|Inverted index]]
| 43
| [[Inverted%20index|Inverted index]]
| [[Knapsack%20problem%2FBounded|Knapsack problem/Bounded]]
| 43
| [[Knapsack%20problem%2FBounded|Knapsack problem/Bounded]]
| [[Musical%20scale|Musical scale]]
Line 2,971 ⟶ 2,975:
| [[Calendar%20-%20for%20%22REAL%22%20programmers|Calendar - for "REAL" programmers]]
| 42
| [[Colour%20pinstripe%2FDisplay|Colour pinstripe/Display]]
| 42
Line 2,985 ⟶ 2,993:
| 42
| [[Julia%20set|Julia set]]
| [[Idiomatically%20determine%20all%20the%20lowercase%20and%20uppercase%20letters|Idiomatically determine all the lowercase and uppercase letters]]
Line 3,011 ⟶ 3,019:
| [[Approximate%20equality|Approximate equality]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 41
|data-sort-value="base 0C16 numbers needing a to f"| [[Base%2016%20numbers%20needing%20a%20to%20f|Base 16 numbers needing a to f]]
| [[Colour%20pinstripe%2FDisplay|Colour pinstripe/Display]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
| 41
Line 3,027 ⟶ 3,035:
| [[GUI%20enabling%2Fdisabling%20of%20controls|GUI enabling/disabling of controls]]
| 41
| [[Julia%20set|Julia set]]
| 41
Line 3,066 ⟶ 3,070:
| 41
| [[Ray-casting%20algorithm|Ray-casting algorithm]]
| 41
|data-sort-value="read a file character by character/utf0B8"| [[Read%20a%20file%20character%20by%20character%2FUTF8|Read a file character by character/UTF8]]
Line 3,122 ⟶ 3,130:
| 40
| [[Cuban%20primes|Cuban primes]]
| 40
| [[Display%20a%20linear%20combination|Display a linear combination]]
| 40
| [[Feigenbaum%20constant%20calculation|Feigenbaum constant calculation]]
| 40
| [[File%20extension%20is%20in%20extensions%20list|File extension is in extensions list]]
| 40
| [[Humble%20numbers|Humble numbers]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 40
| [[Input%2FOutput%20for%20lines%20of%20text|Input/Output for lines of text]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 40
| [[Input%2FOutput%20for%20pairs%20of%20numbers|Input/Output for pairs of numbers]]
Line 3,146 ⟶ 3,170:
| 40
| [[Pythagorean%20quadruples|Pythagorean quadruples]]
| 40
|data-sort-value="read a file character by character/utf0B8"| [[Read%20a%20file%20character%20by%20character%2FUTF8|Read a file character by character/UTF8]]
Line 3,163 ⟶ 3,183:
| [[Test%20integerness|Test integerness]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 39
|data-sort-value="base 0C16 numbers needing a to f"| [[Base%2016%20numbers%20needing%20a%20to%20f|Base 16 numbers needing a to f]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 39
Line 3,178 ⟶ 3,194:
| 39
| [[Cousin%20primes|Cousin primes]]
| 39
| [[Display%20a%20linear%20combination|Display a linear combination]]
Line 3,197 ⟶ 3,209:
| 39
| [[Find%20the%20intersection%20of%20a%20line%20with%20a%20plane|Find the intersection of a line with a plane]]
| [[File%20extension%20is%20in%20extensions%20list|File extension is in extensions list]]
Line 3,203 ⟶ 3,215:
| [[Floyd-Warshall%20algorithm|Floyd-Warshall algorithm]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 39
| [[Function%20prototype|Function prototype]]
| [[Input%2FOutput%20for%20lines%20of%20text|Input/Output for lines of text]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 39
| [[Input%2FOutput%20for%20pairs%20of%20numbers|Input/Output for pairs of numbers]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 39
Line 3,223 ⟶ 3,231:
| [[Lychrel%20numbers|Lychrel numbers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 39
| [[Maze%20solving|Maze solving]]
| 39
Line 3,283 ⟶ 3,295:
| [[Find%20palindromic%20numbers%20in%20both%20binary%20and%20ternary%20bases|Find palindromic numbers in both binary and ternary bases]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 38
| [[Frobenius%20numbers|Frobenius numbers]]
| [[Find%20the%20intersection%20of%20a%20line%20with%20a%20plane|Find the intersection of a line with a plane]]
| 38
| [[Function%20prototype|Function prototype]]
| 38
| [[Lah%20numbers|Lah numbers]]
| 38
| [[Maze%20solving|Maze solving]]
| 38
Line 3,321 ⟶ 3,325:
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 37
| [[FrobeniusExtra%20numbers20primes|FrobeniusExtra numbersprimes]]
Line 3,346 ⟶ 3,350:
| 37
| [[Pinstripe%2FDisplay|Pinstripe/Display]]
| 37
| [[Pythagoras%20tree|Pythagoras tree]]
Line 3,386 ⟶ 3,394:
| 36
| [[Egyptian%20fractions|Egyptian fractions]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 36
| [[Extra%20primes|Extra primes]]
Line 3,399 ⟶ 3,403:
| [[Multi-dimensional%20array|Multi-dimensional array]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 36
| [[Nice%20primes|Nice primes]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 36
Line 3,415 ⟶ 3,423:
| [[Product%20of%20divisors|Product of divisors]]
| 36
| [[Pythagoras%20tree|Pythagoras tree]]
| 36
Line 3,438 ⟶ 3,442:
| 36
| [[Subset%20sum%20problem|Subset sum problem]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 35
| [[Bacon%20cipher|Bacon cipher]]
Line 3,450 ⟶ 3,458:
| 35
| [[Dice%20game%20probabilities|Dice game probabilities]]
| 35
| [[Diversity%20prediction%20theorem|Diversity prediction theorem]]
Line 3,457 ⟶ 3,469:
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 35
|data-sort-value="find words which contains more than 0B3 e vowels"| [[Find%20words%20which%20contains%20more%20than%203%20e%20vowels|Find words which contains more than 3 e vowels]]
| [[Nice%20primes|Nice primes]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 35
| [[Find%20words%20with%20alternating%20vowels%20and%20consonants|Find words with alternating vowels and consonants]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 35
| [[Length%20of%20an%20arc%20between%20two%20angles|Length of an arc between two angles]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 35
| [[Longest%20common%20suffix|Longest common suffix]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 35
Line 3,470 ⟶ 3,494:
| 35
| [[Parametrized%20SQL%20statement|Parametrized SQL statement]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧||⑨||
| 35
Line 3,495 ⟶ 3,519:
| [[Zumkeller%20numbers|Zumkeller numbers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 34
| [[Bacon%20cipher|Bacon cipher]]
| 34
Line 3,519 ⟶ 3,539:
| [[Decimal%20floating%20point%20number%20to%20binary|Decimal floating point number to binary]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 34
| [[Diversity%20prediction%20theorem|Diversity prediction theorem]]
| 34
| [[Eban%20numbers|Eban numbers]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 34
|data-sort-value="find words which contains more than 0B3 e vowels"| [[Find%20words%20which%20contains%20more%20than%203%20e%20vowels|Find words which contains more than 3 e vowels]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 34
| [[Find%20words%20with%20alternating%20vowels%20and%20consonants|Find words with alternating vowels and consonants]]
Line 3,547 ⟶ 3,555:
| [[Halt%20and%20catch%20fire|Halt and catch fire]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 34
| [[Koch%20curve|Koch curve]]
| [[Longest%20common%20suffix|Longest common suffix]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 34
Line 3,562 ⟶ 3,570:
| 34
| [[Multiplicative%20order|Multiplicative order]]
| 34
| [[Negative%20base%20numbers|Negative base numbers]]
Line 3,627 ⟶ 3,639:
| [[Faulhaber%27s%20triangle|Faulhaber's triangle]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 33
| [[Implicit%20type%20conversion|Implicit type conversion]]
| [[Mian-Chowla%20sequence|Mian-Chowla sequence]]
| 33
| [[Long%20literals%2C%20with%20continuations|Long literals, with continuations]]
| [[Negative%20base%20numbers|Negative base numbers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 33
| [[Mian-Chowla%20sequence|Mian-Chowla sequence]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 3,698 ⟶ 3,714:
| 32
| [[Chat%20server|Chat server]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧||⑨||
| 32
Line 3,729 ⟶ 3,745:
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 32
| [[Find%20first%20and%20last%20set%20bit%20of%20a%20long%20integer|Find first and last set bit of a long integer]]
| [[Implicit%20type%20conversion|Implicit type conversion]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧||⑨||⑩
| 32
| [[Jacobi%20symbol|Jacobi symbol]]
| 32
| [[Keyboard%20macros|Keyboard macros]]
| 32
| [[Law%20of%20cosines%20-%20triples|Law of cosines - triples]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 32
| [[Minimum%20number%20of%20cells%20after%2C%20before%2C%20above%20and%20below%20NxN%20squares|Minimum number of cells after, before, above and below NxN squares]]
| [[Length%20of%20an%20arc%20between%20two%20angles|Length of an arc between two angles]]
| 32
| [[Long%20literals%2C%20with%20continuations|Long literals, with continuations]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 32
Line 3,755 ⟶ 3,775:
| [[Numeric%20error%20propagation|Numeric error propagation]]
| 32
| [[Parallel%20brute%20force|Parallel brute force]]
| 32
Line 3,762 ⟶ 3,786:
| 32
| [[Rosetta%20Code%2FFind%20unimplemented%20tasks|Rosetta Code/Find unimplemented tasks]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
| 32
Line 3,787 ⟶ 3,811:
| [[Word%20break%20problem|Word break problem]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 31
| [[Alternade%20words|Alternade words]]
| 31
Line 3,810 ⟶ 3,838:
| 31
| [[Chemical%20calculator|Chemical calculator]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 31
| [[Count%20how%20many%20vowels%20and%20consonants%20occur%20in%20a%20string|Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 3,835 ⟶ 3,867:
| [[HTTPS%2FAuthenticated|HTTPS/Authenticated]]
| 31
| [[Jacobi%20symbol|Jacobi symbol]]
| 31
| [[Koch%20curve|Koch curve]]
| 31
| [[Law%20of%20cosines%20-%20triples|Law of cosines - triples]]
| 31
| [[Memory%20layout%20of%20a%20data%20structure|Memory layout of a data structure]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 31
| [[Minimum%20number%20of%20cells%20after%2C%20before%2C%20above%20and%20below%20NxN%20squares|Minimum number of cells after, before, above and below NxN squares]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 3,859 ⟶ 3,875:
|data-sort-value="numbers with prime digits whose sum is 0C13"| [[Numbers%20with%20prime%20digits%20whose%20sum%20is%2013|Numbers with prime digits whose sum is 13]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 31
| [[Parallel%20brute%20force|Parallel brute force]]
| 31
Line 3,878 ⟶ 3,890:
| 31
| [[Rosetta%20Code%2FFix%20code%20tags|Rosetta Code/Fix code tags]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 31
Line 3,935 ⟶ 3,947:
| [[AVL%20tree|AVL tree]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 30
| [[Alternade%20words|Alternade words]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 30
Line 3,951 ⟶ 3,959:
| [[Fermat%20numbers|Fermat numbers]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 30
| [[Find%20words%20which%20contains%20all%20the%20vowels|Find words which contains all the vowels]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 30
| [[Find%20words%20whose%20first%20and%20last%20three%20letters%20are%20equal|Find words whose first and last three letters are equal]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 30
| [[Generate%20random%20chess%20position|Generate random chess position]]
| 30
| [[Kronecker%20product%20based%20fractals|Kronecker product based fractals]]
| 30
| [[Machine%20code|Machine code]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||
| 30
| [[Magnanimous%20numbers|Magnanimous numbers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 30
| [[Mayan%20numerals|Mayan numerals]]
| 30
| [[Nonoblock|Nonoblock]]
| 30
Line 3,979 ⟶ 4,015:
| [[Active%20Directory%2FConnect|Active Directory/Connect]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧||⑨||
| 29
| [[Calkin-Wilf%20sequence|Calkin-Wilf sequence]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 29
Line 3,985 ⟶ 4,025:
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 29
| [[Finite%20state%20machine|Finite state machine]]
| [[Find%20first%20and%20last%20set%20bit%20of%20a%20long%20integer|Find first and last set bit of a long integer]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 29
| [[Find%20words%20which%20contains%20all%20the%20vowels|Find words which contains all the vowels]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 29
| [[Find%20words%20whose%20first%20and%20last%20three%20letters%20are%20equal|Find words whose first and last three letters are equal]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 29
Line 4,006 ⟶ 4,038:
| 29
| [[Fraction%20reduction|Fraction reduction]]
| 29
| [[Generate%20random%20chess%20position|Generate random chess position]]
Line 4,018 ⟶ 4,046:
| 29
| [[Increasing%20gaps%20between%20consecutive%20Niven%20numbers|Increasing gaps between consecutive Niven numbers]]
| 29
| [[Kronecker%20product%20based%20fractals|Kronecker product based fractals]]
| 29
| [[Machine%20code|Machine code]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||
| 29
| [[Mayan%20numerals|Mayan numerals]]
Line 4,041 ⟶ 4,057:
| 29
| [[Partition%20function%20P|Partition function P]]
| [[Nonoblock|Nonoblock]]
Line 4,107 ⟶ 4,123:
| [[Find%20largest%20left%20truncatable%20prime%20in%20a%20given%20base|Find largest left truncatable prime in a given base]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 28
| [[Finite%20state%20machine|Finite state machine]]
| 28
Line 4,123 ⟶ 4,135:
| [[Hunt%20the%20Wumpus|Hunt the Wumpus]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
| 28
| [[Image%20convolution|Image convolution]]
| 28
Line 4,138 ⟶ 4,154:
| 28
| [[Palindromic%20gapful%20numbers|Palindromic gapful numbers]]
| 28
| [[Partition%20function%20P|Partition function P]]
Line 4,179 ⟶ 4,191:
| [[Welch%27s%20t-test|Welch's t-test]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 28
| [[Wieferich%20primes|Wieferich primes]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 27
| [[Abelian%20sandpile%20model|Abelian sandpile model]]
| 27
| [[Calkin-Wilf%20sequence|Calkin-Wilf sequence]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 27
Line 4,195 ⟶ 4,207:
| [[Color%20wheel|Color wheel]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 27
| [[Common%20list%20elements|Common list elements]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 27
| [[Distributed%20programming|Distributed programming]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧||⑨||
| 27
| [[Find%20if%20a%20point%20is%20within%20a%20triangle|Find if a point is within a triangle]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 27
| [[Find%20prime%20n%20such%20that%20reversed%20n%20is%20also%20prime|Find prime n such that reversed n is also prime]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 27
Line 4,211 ⟶ 4,231:
| [[Idiomatically%20determine%20all%20the%20characters%20that%20can%20be%20used%20for%20symbols|Idiomatically determine all the characters that can be used for symbols]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 27
| [[Image%20convolution|Image convolution]]
| 27
| [[Intersecting%20number%20wheels|Intersecting number wheels]]
| 27
| [[Merge%20and%20aggregate%20datasets|Merge and aggregate datasets]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 27
Line 4,247 ⟶ 4,267:
| [[Video%20display%20modes|Video display modes]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 27
| [[Wieferich%20primes|Wieferich primes]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 27
| [[Yahoo%21%20search%20interface|Yahoo! search interface]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 26
Line 4,270 ⟶ 4,286:
| 26
| [[Changeable%20words|Changeable words]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 26
| [[Common%20list%20elements|Common list elements]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 26
| [[Count%20how%20many%20vowels%20and%20consonants%20occur%20in%20a%20string|Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string]]
Line 4,289 ⟶ 4,297:
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 26
| [[Find%20prime20minimum%20n20number%20such20of%20coins%20that%20reversed20make%20n20a%20is20given%20also%20prime20value|Find primeminimum nnumber suchof thatcoins reversedthat nmake isa alsogiven primevalue]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||⑩
| 26
| [[Hough%20transform|Hough transform]]
| 26
| [[K-means%2B%2B%20clustering|K-means++ clustering]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||
| 26
Line 4,314 ⟶ 4,326:
| 26
| [[Make%20a%20backup%20file|Make a backup file]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 26
| [[Merge%20and%20aggregate%20datasets|Merge and aggregate datasets]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
Line 4,351 ⟶ 4,359:
| [[Almkvist-Giullera%20formula%20for%20pi|Almkvist-Giullera formula for pi]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 25
| [[Cistercian%20numerals|Cistercian numerals]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 25
Line 4,363 ⟶ 4,375:
| [[Elementary%20cellular%20automaton%2FRandom%20Number%20Generator|Elementary cellular automaton/Random Number Generator]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 25
| [[Find%20first%20missing%20positive|Find first missing positive]]
| [[K-means%2B%2B%20clustering|K-means++ clustering]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧|| ||
| 25
Line 4,379 ⟶ 4,391:
| [[Matrix%20chain%20multiplication|Matrix chain multiplication]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 25
| [[Maximum%20difference%20between%20adjacent%20elements%20of%20list|Maximum difference between adjacent elements of list]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 25
Line 4,399 ⟶ 4,415:
| [[Playfair%20cipher|Playfair cipher]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 25
| [[Pseudo-random%20numbers%2FXorshift%20star|Pseudo-random numbers/Xorshift star]]
| 25
Line 4,423 ⟶ 4,443:
| [[Assertions%20in%20design%20by%20contract|Assertions in design by contract]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||⑩
| 24
| [[Cistercian%20numerals|Cistercian numerals]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||⑩
| 24
Line 4,439 ⟶ 4,455:
| [[Doomsday%20rule|Doomsday rule]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 24
| [[File%20size%20distribution|File size distribution]]
| [[Find%20first%20missing%20positive|Find first missing positive]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 24
| [[Mastermind|Mastermind]]
| [[Maximum%20difference%20between%20adjacent%20elements%20of%20list|Maximum difference between adjacent elements of list]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
Line 4,483 ⟶ 4,499:
| [[Piprimes|Piprimes]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 24
| [[Pseudo-random%20numbers%2FXorshift%20star|Pseudo-random numbers/Xorshift star]]
| 24
Line 4,531 ⟶ 4,543:
| [[Create%20an%20object%2FNative%20demonstration|Create an object/Native demonstration]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 23
| [[Erd%C5%91s-primes|Erdős-primes]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||⑩
| 23
| [[Exponentiation%20with%20infix%20operators%20in%20%28or%20operating%20on%29%20the%20base|Exponentiation with infix operators in (or operating on) the base]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 23
| [[File%20size%20distribution|File size distribution]]
| 23
Line 4,547 ⟶ 4,559:
| [[Index%20finite%20lists%20of%20positive%20integers|Index finite lists of positive integers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 23
| [[Joystick%20position|Joystick position]]
|①||②|| ||④||⑤|| || ||⑧||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 23
Line 4,559 ⟶ 4,575:
|data-sort-value="main step of gost 0F28147-0C89"| [[Main%20step%20of%20GOST%2028147-89|Main step of GOST 28147-89]]
| 23
| [[Mastermind|Mastermind]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 23
Line 4,587 ⟶ 4,599:
| [[Polynomial%20synthetic%20division|Polynomial synthetic division]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 23
| [[Rare%20numbers|Rare numbers]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 23
Line 4,626 ⟶ 4,642:
| 22
| [[Data%20Encryption%20Standard|Data Encryption Standard]]
| 22
| [[EKG%20sequence%20convergence|EKG sequence convergence]]
Line 4,637 ⟶ 4,657:
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 22
| [[Find%20words%20which%20contain%20the%20most%20consonants|Find words which contain the most consonants]]
| [[Find%20minimum%20number%20of%20coins%20that%20make%20a%20given%20value|Find minimum number of coins that make a given value]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 22
| [[Generate%20random%20numbers%20without%20repeating%20a%20value|Generate random numbers without repeating a value]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 22
| [[Joystick%20position|Joystick position]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤|| || ||⑧||⑨||
| 22
| [[Kosaraju|Kosaraju]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 22
| [[Line%20circle%20intersection|Line circle intersection]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 22
Line 4,679 ⟶ 4,703:
|data-sort-value="pseudo-random numbers/combined recursive generator mrg0C32k0B3a"| [[Pseudo-random%20numbers%2FCombined%20recursive%20generator%20MRG32k3a|Pseudo-random numbers/Combined recursive generator MRG32k3a]]
| 22
| [[Rare%20numbers|Rare numbers]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥|| ||⑧|| ||⑩
| 22
Line 4,711 ⟶ 4,731:
| [[Vogel%27s%20approximation%20method|Vogel's approximation method]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 21
|data-sort-value="0F10001th prime"| [[10001th%20prime|10001th prime]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤|| ||⑦|| ||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 21
Line 4,718 ⟶ 4,742:
| 21
| [[Concatenate%20two%20primes%20is%20also%20prime|Concatenate two primes is also prime]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||⑩
| 21
| [[EKG%20sequence%20convergence|EKG sequence convergence]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 21
| [[Erd%C5%91s-primes|Erdős-primes]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 21
| [[Find%20words%20which%20contain%20the%20most%20consonants|Find words which contain the most consonants]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 4,751 ⟶ 4,763:
| [[Latin%20Squares%20in%20reduced%20form|Latin Squares in reduced form]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 21
| [[Line%20circle%20intersection|Line circle intersection]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 21
Line 4,763 ⟶ 4,771:
| [[Names%20to%20numbers|Names to numbers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 21
| [[Next%20special%20primes|Next special primes]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 21
Line 4,771 ⟶ 4,783:
| [[Pancake%20numbers|Pancake numbers]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 21
|data-sort-value="positive decimal integers with the digit 0B1 occurring exactly twice"| [[Positive%20decimal%20integers%20with%20the%20digit%201%20occurring%20exactly%20twice|Positive decimal integers with the digit 1 occurring exactly twice]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 21
Line 4,787 ⟶ 4,803:
| [[Readline%20interface|Readline interface]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 21
| [[Reverse%20the%20order%20of%20lines%20in%20a%20text%20file%20while%20preserving%20the%20contents%20of%20each%20line|Reverse the order of lines in a text file while preserving the contents of each line]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 21
Line 4,798 ⟶ 4,818:
| 21
| [[Window%20management|Window management]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧||⑨||
| 21
| [[Zeckendorf%20arithmetic|Zeckendorf arithmetic]]
| 20
Line 4,811 ⟶ 4,835:
| [[Compiler%2Fcode%20generator|Compiler/code generator]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 20
| [[Longest%20substrings%20without%20repeating%20characters|Longest substrings without repeating characters]]
| 20
Line 4,823 ⟶ 4,851:
| [[Most%20frequent%20k%20chars%20distance|Most frequent k chars distance]]
|①|| ||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 20
| [[Next%20special%20primes|Next special primes]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 20
Line 4,851 ⟶ 4,875:
|data-sort-value="primes whose first and last number is 0B3"| [[Primes%20whose%20first%20and%20last%20number%20is%203|Primes whose first and last number is 3]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 20
|data-sort-value="pseudo-random numbers/splitmix0C64"| [[Pseudo-random%20numbers%2FSplitmix64|Pseudo-random numbers/Splitmix64]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 20
Line 4,879 ⟶ 4,907:
| [[Word%20search|Word search]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
| 20
| [[Zeckendorf%20arithmetic|Zeckendorf arithmetic]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 19
Line 4,898 ⟶ 4,922:
| 19
| [[Compare%20length%20of%20two%20strings|Compare length of two strings]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧||⑨||
| 19
Line 4,917 ⟶ 4,941:
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 19
| [[Find%20square%20difference|Find square difference]]
| [[Generate%20random%20numbers%20without%20repeating%20a%20value|Generate random numbers without repeating a value]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 19
| [[Getting%20the%20number%20of%20decimals|Getting the number of decimals]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧||⑨||⑩
| 19
Line 4,927 ⟶ 4,955:
| [[Imaginary%20base%20numbers|Imaginary base numbers]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 19
| [[Longest%20substrings%20without%20repeating%20characters|Longest substrings without repeating characters]]
| 19
Line 4,942 ⟶ 4,966:
| 19
| [[Peaceful%20chess%20queen%20armies|Peaceful chess queen armies]]
| 19
| [[Percolation%2FMean%20cluster%20density|Percolation/Mean cluster density]]
Line 4,951 ⟶ 4,979:
| [[Permuted%20multiples|Permuted multiples]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 19
|data-sort-value="positive decimal integers with the digit 0B1 occurring exactly twice"| [[Positive%20decimal%20integers%20with%20the%20digit%201%20occurring%20exactly%20twice|Positive decimal integers with the digit 1 occurring exactly twice]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 19
Line 4,966 ⟶ 4,990:
| 19
| [[Print%20itself|Print itself]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 19
| [[Reverse%20the%20order%20of%20lines%20in%20a%20text%20file%20while%20preserving%20the%20contents%20of%20each%20line|Reverse the order of lines in a text file while preserving the contents of each line]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 19
| [[SQL-based%20authentication|SQL-based authentication]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧||⑨||
| 19
Line 5,015 ⟶ 5,035:
| [[Free%20polyominoes%20enumeration|Free polyominoes enumeration]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 18
| [[Getting%20the%20number%20of%20decimals|Getting the number of decimals]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 18
| [[Logistic%20curve%20fitting%20in%20epidemiology|Logistic curve fitting in epidemiology]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 18
| [[Minimum%20primes|Minimum primes]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 18
Line 5,039 ⟶ 5,059:
| [[Particle%20swarm%20optimization|Particle swarm optimization]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 18
| [[Percolation%2FMean%20cluster%20density|Percolation/Mean cluster density]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 18
Line 5,051 ⟶ 5,067:
| [[Proof|Proof]]
|①|| ||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||O||O||
| 18
|data-sort-value="pseudo-random numbers/splitmix0C64"| [[Pseudo-random%20numbers%2FSplitmix64|Pseudo-random numbers/Splitmix64]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 18
Line 5,103 ⟶ 5,115:
| [[Compiler%2Fsyntax%20analyzer|Compiler/syntax analyzer]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥||⑦||⑧||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 17
| [[Find%20square%20difference|Find square difference]]
|①||②|| ||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 17
Line 5,119 ⟶ 5,127:
| [[Juggler%20sequence|Juggler sequence]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 17
| [[Largest%20difference%20between%20adjacent%20primes|Largest difference between adjacent primes]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 17
| [[Last%20list%20item|Last list item]]
| 17
Line 5,134 ⟶ 5,150:
| 17
| [[Rendezvous|Rendezvous]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||
| 17
| [[Retrieve%20and%20search%20chat%20history|Retrieve and search chat history]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 17
Line 5,151 ⟶ 5,167:
| [[Singly-linked%20list%2FElement%20removal|Singly-linked list/Element removal]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 17
| [[Smallest%20multiple|Smallest multiple]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 17
Line 5,163 ⟶ 5,183:
| [[XML%20validation|XML validation]]
| ||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 16
| [[Append%20numbers%20at%20same%20position%20in%20strings|Append numbers at same position in strings]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧||⑨||
| 16
| [[Compiler%2FAST%20interpreter|Compiler/AST interpreter]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥||⑦||⑧||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 16
| [[Find%20adjacents%20primes%20which%20difference%20is%20square%20integer|Find adjacents primes which difference is square integer]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧||⑨||
| 16
Line 5,175 ⟶ 5,203:
| [[Largest%20prime%20factor|Largest prime factor]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦|| ||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 16
| [[Legendre%20prime%20counting%20function|Legendre prime counting function]]
| [[Last%20list%20item|Last list item]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 16
| [[Longest%20palindromic%20substrings|Longest palindromic substrings]]
| [[Minimum%20primes|Minimum primes]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||
| 16
Line 5,223 ⟶ 5,251:
| [[Factorial%20base%20numbers%20indexing%20permutations%20of%20a%20collection|Factorial base numbers indexing permutations of a collection]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
| 15
| [[Fortunate%20numbers|Fortunate numbers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 15
Line 5,235 ⟶ 5,267:
| [[Interactive%20help|Interactive help]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||⑩
| 15
| [[Legendre%20prime%20counting%20function|Legendre prime counting function]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 15
| [[Longest%20palindromic%20substrings|Longest palindromic substrings]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 15
Line 5,255 ⟶ 5,279:
| [[Non-transitive%20dice|Non-transitive dice]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 15
| [[Odd%20and%20square%20numbers|Odd and square numbers]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧|| ||
| 15
Line 5,263 ⟶ 5,291:
|data-sort-value="sha-0D256 merkle tree"| [[SHA-256%20Merkle%20tree|SHA-256 Merkle tree]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 15
| [[Smallest%20multiple|Smallest multiple]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧|| ||
| 15
| [[Untouchable%20numbers|Untouchable numbers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 14
|data-sort-value="0F10001th prime"| [[10001th%20prime|10001th prime]]
|①||②|| ||④||⑤|| ||⑦|| ||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 14
| [[Append%20numbers%20at%20same%20position%20in%20strings|Append numbers at same position in strings]]
|①||②|| ||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧||⑨||
| 14
Line 5,287 ⟶ 5,303:
|data-sort-value="deconvolution/0B2d+"| [[Deconvolution%2F2D%2B|Deconvolution/2D+]]
| 14
| [[Fortunate%20numbers|Fortunate numbers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 14
| [[Generalised%20floating%20point%20addition|Generalised floating point addition]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦|| || ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 14
| [[Geohash|Geohash]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 14
| [[Largest%20palindrome%20product|Largest palindrome product]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧|| ||
| 14
| [[Minkowski%20question-mark%20function|Minkowski question-mark function]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 14
| [[Pandigital%20prime|Pandigital prime]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦|| || ||⑩
| 14
| [[Pisano%20period|Pisano period]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 14
| [[Rodrigues%E2%80%99%20rotation%20formula|Rodrigues’ rotation formula]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 14
| [[Run%20as%20a%20daemon%20or%20service|Run as a daemon or service]]
|①|| || || ||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 14
Line 5,346 ⟶ 5,374:
| 13
| [[Execute%20CopyPasta%20Language|Execute CopyPasta Language]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 13
| [[Geohash|Geohash]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
Line 5,358 ⟶ 5,382:
| 13
| [[Greed|Greed]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 13
| [[Largest%20difference%20between%20adjacent%20primes|Largest difference between adjacent primes]]
|①||②|| ||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 13
Line 5,371 ⟶ 5,391:
| [[Launch%20rocket%20with%20countdown%20and%20acceleration%20in%20stdout|Launch rocket with countdown and acceleration in stdout]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||⑩
| 13
| [[Minkowski%20question-mark%20function|Minkowski question-mark function]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 13
| [[One-time%20pad|One-time pad]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 13
| [[Pandigital%20prime|Pandigital prime]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦|| || ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 13
Line 5,399 ⟶ 5,411:
| [[Railway%20circuit|Railway circuit]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 13
| [[Rodrigues%E2%80%99%20rotation%20formula|Rodrigues’ rotation formula]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 13
Line 5,439 ⟶ 5,447:
| [[Faces%20from%20a%20mesh|Faces from a mesh]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 12
| [[Find%20adjacents%20primes%20which%20difference%20is%20square%20integer|Find adjacents primes which difference is square integer]]
|①||②|| ||④||⑤|| || ||⑧||⑨||
| 12
Line 5,454 ⟶ 5,458:
| 12
| [[Long%20stairs|Long stairs]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 12
Line 5,470 ⟶ 5,474:
| 12
| [[Tetris|Tetris]]
|①||②|| || || || ||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 12
| [[Time-based%20one-time%20password%20algorithm|Time-based one-time password algorithm]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 11
Line 5,510 ⟶ 5,514:
| 11
| [[Morpion%20solitaire|Morpion solitaire]]
|①||②|| || || ||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 11
| [[Numerical%20and%20alphabetical%20suffixes|Numerical and alphabetical suffixes]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 11
Line 5,518 ⟶ 5,526:
| 11
| [[Polynomial%20derivative|Polynomial derivative]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤|| ||⑦|| || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 11
Line 5,534 ⟶ 5,542:
| 11
| [[Rosetta%20Code%2FRank%20languages%20by%20number%20of%20users|Rosetta Code/Rank languages by number of users]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 11
Line 5,555 ⟶ 5,563:
| [[War%20card%20game|War card game]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 11
| [[What%20weekdays%20will%20Christmas%20and%20New%20Year|What weekdays will Christmas and New Year]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 10
Line 5,563 ⟶ 5,575:
| [[Discrete%20Fourier%20transform|Discrete Fourier transform]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 10
| [[Earliest%20difference%20between%20prime%20gaps|Earliest difference between prime gaps]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧|| ||
| 10
Line 5,570 ⟶ 5,586:
| 10
| [[Euclid-Mullin%20sequence|Euclid-Mullin sequence]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧|| ||
| 10
Line 5,578 ⟶ 5,594:
| 10
| [[IPC%20via%20named%20pipe|IPC via named pipe]]
|①|| || || ||⑤|| ||⑦|| ||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 10
| [[Magic%20constant|Magic constant]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤|| ||⑦|| || ||
| 10
| [[Mayan%20calendar|Mayan calendar]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||
| 10
| [[Numerical%20and%20alphabetical%20suffixes|Numerical and alphabetical suffixes]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 10
Line 5,594 ⟶ 5,610:
| 10
| [[Overloaded%20operators|Overloaded operators]]
|①|| || || ||⑤||⑥|| || || ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 10
Line 5,610 ⟶ 5,626:
| 10
| [[Rosetta%20Code%2FTasks%20without%20examples|Rosetta Code/Tasks without examples]]
|①|| || || ||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||
| 10
Line 5,643 ⟶ 5,659:
| [[Fibonacci%20heap|Fibonacci heap]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 9
| [[Hex%20words|Hex words]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 9
| [[Integer%20long%20division|Integer long division]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 9
| [[Jaccard%20index|Jaccard index]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤|| ||⑦|| || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 9
Line 5,662 ⟶ 5,686:
| 9
| [[User%20defined%20pipe%20and%20redirection%20operators|User defined pipe and redirection operators]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤|| ||⑦|| || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 8
Line 5,669 ⟶ 5,693:
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 8
| [[Camel%20case%20and%20snake%20case|Camel case and snake case]]
| [[Hex%20words|Hex words]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤|| ||⑦|| || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 8
|data-sort-value="euler's constant 0B0.0E5772..."| [[Euler%27s%20constant%200.5772...|Euler's constant 0.5772...]]
| [[Jaccard%20index|Jaccard index]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤|| ||⑦|| || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 8
| [[Magic%20constant|Magic constant]]
|①||②|| ||④||⑤|| ||⑦|| || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 8
Line 5,694 ⟶ 5,714:
| 8
| [[Random%20sentence%20from%20book|Random sentence from book]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 8
Line 5,702 ⟶ 5,722:
| 8
| [[Robots|Robots]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤|| || || || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 8
| [[Rosetta%20Code%2FRun%20examples|Rosetta Code/Run examples]]
|①|| || || ||⑤||⑥|| || || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 8
| [[Round-robin%20tournament%20schedule|Round-robin tournament schedule]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤|| ||⑦|| || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 8
| [[Simple%20turtle%20graphics|Simple turtle graphics]]
|①||②|| || || || ||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 8
Line 5,726 ⟶ 5,746:
| 8
| [[URL%20shortener|URL shortener]]
| ||②|| || ||⑤|| || ||⑧|| ||
| 8
| [[Wordiff|Wordiff]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 7
Line 5,750 ⟶ 5,770:
| 7
| [[Dating%20agency|Dating agency]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 7
Line 5,778 ⟶ 5,798:
| 7
| [[Recursive%20descent%20parser%20generator|Recursive descent parser generator]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤|| ||⑦|| || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 7
| [[Remote%20agent%2FAgent%20logic|Remote agent/Agent logic]]
|①||②|| || || || ||⑦|| ||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 7
| [[Remote%20agent%2FSimulation|Remote agent/Simulation]]
|①||②|| || || || ||⑦|| ||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 7
| [[Solve%20equations%20with%20substitution%20method|Solve equations with substitution method]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤|| ||⑦|| || ||
| 7
Line 5,802 ⟶ 5,822:
| 6
| [[B-spline|B-spline]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤|| ||⑦|| || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 6
| [[Compiler%2FSimple%20file%20inclusion%20pre%20processor|Compiler/Simple file inclusion pre processor]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤|| || || || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 6
| [[Create%20your%20own%20text%20control%20codes|Create your own text control codes]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤|| || || || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 6
| [[Numbers%20which%20are%20not%20the%20sum%20of%20distinct%20squares|Numbers which are not the sum of distinct squares]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤|| || || || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 6
| [[Particle%20fountain|Particle fountain]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤|| ||⑦|| || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 6
| [[Peripheral%20drift%20illusion|Peripheral drift illusion]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 6
| [[Remote%20agent%2FAgent%20interface|Remote agent/Agent interface]]
|①||②|| || || || || || ||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 6
| [[Segmentation%20fault%20protection|Segmentation fault protection]]
|①||②||③|| || || || || || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 6
Line 5,825 ⟶ 5,857:
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 5
| [[Dominoes|Dominoes]]
| [[Create%20your%20own%20text%20control%20codes|Create your own text control codes]]
|①||②|| || || || || || || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 5
| [[Earliest%20difference%20between%20prime%20gaps|Earliest difference between prime gaps]]
|①||②|| ||④||⑤|| || ||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 5
Line 5,838 ⟶ 5,866:
| 5
| [[Number%20triplets%20game|Number triplets game]]
|①||②|| || || || ||⑦|| || ||
| 5
| [[OLE%20automation|OLE automation]]
|①|| || || || || || ||⑧|| ||
| 5
| [[P-Adic%20square%20roots|P-Adic square roots]]
|①||②|| || || ||⑥|| || || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 5
Line 5,875 ⟶ 5,903:
| [[Blackjack%20strategy|Blackjack strategy]]
|①|| ||③||④|| ||⑥|| || || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 4
| [[Dominoes|Dominoes]]
|①||②|| || || || ||⑦|| || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 4
| [[Erd%C5%91s%E2%80%93Woods%20numbers|Erdős–Woods numbers]]
|①||②|| || || || || ||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 4
| [[Multiton|Multiton]]
|①||②|| || ||⑤|| || || || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 4
| [[Rosetta%20Code%2FList%20authors%20of%20task%20descriptions|Rosetta Code/List authors of task descriptions]]
|①|| || || ||⑤||⑥|| || || ||
| 4
Line 5,898 ⟶ 5,922:
| 4
| [[|Using the API]]
| || || || || || || ||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 4
| [[Vidir|Vidir]]
|①|| || || ||⑤|| || || || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 3
Line 5,910 ⟶ 5,934:
| 3
| [[Elevator%20simulation|Elevator simulation]]
|①|| || || || || || || || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 3
Line 5,918 ⟶ 5,942:
| 2
| [[IRC%20gateway|IRC gateway]]
| || || || || || || || || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 1
