Roots of unity: Difference between revisions

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(Added Haskell example)
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<cpp>#include <complex>
#include <iostreamcmath>
#include <ostreamiostream>
double const pi = 4 * std::atan(1);
int main()
for (int n = 2; n <= 10; ++n)
std::cout << n << ": ";
for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k)
std::cout << std::polar(1, 2*pi*k/n) << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
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Java doesn't have a nice way of dealing with complex numbers, so the real and imaginary parts are calculated separately based on the angle and printed together. There are also checks in this implementation to get rid of extremely small values (< 1.0E-3 where scientific notation sets in for <tt>Double</tt>s). Instead, they are simply represented as 0. To remove those checks (for very high <tt>n</tt>'s), remove both if statements.
<java>public static void unity(int n){
//all the way around the circle at even intervals
for(double angle = 0;angle < 2 * Math.PI;angle += (2 * Math.PI) / n){
double real = Math.cos(angle); //real axis is the x axis
if(Math.abs(real) < 1.0E-3) real = 0.0; //get rid of annoying sci notation
double imag = Math.sin(angle); //imaginary axis is the y axis
if(Math.abs(imag) < 1.0E-3) imag = 0.0; //get rid of annoying sci notation
System.out.print(real + " + " + imag + "i\t"); //tab-separated answers
{{works with|Perl|5.8.8}}
<perl>use Math::Complex;
foreach $n (1 .. 10) {
printf "%2d ", $n;
foreach $k (1 .. $n) {
$ret = expcplxe($k1, *2 2*i pi * pi$k / $n);
$ret->display_format('style' => 'cartesian', 'format' => '%.3f');
print "($ret)";
print "\n";
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Function <code>nthroots()</code> returns all n-th roots of unity.
<python>from cmath import exp, pi
def nthroots(n):
return [exp(k * 2j * pi / n) for k in range(1, n + 1)]</python>
>>> f = nthroots
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