Roots of unity: Difference between revisions

m (→‎{{header|Wren}}: Minor update following changes to complex number formatting.)
(12 intermediate revisions by 8 users not shown)
Line 181:
9 => 1.000+0.000i, 0.766+0.643i, 0.174+0.985i, -0.500+0.866i, -0.940+0.342i, -0.940-0.342i, -0.500-0.866i, 0.174-0.985i, 0.766-0.643i
10 => 1.000+0.000i, 0.809+0.588i, 0.309+0.951i, -0.309+0.951i, -0.809+0.588i, -1.000+0.000i, -0.809-0.588i, -0.309-0.951i, 0.309-0.951i, 0.809-0.588i</pre>
I compute the roots of unity by the formula ''exp(-2*pi*k*sqrt(-1)/n), k = 0, 1, ..., n-1''. Most of the code is to build part of a general infrastructure for supporting standard C complex types.
(ATS code looks like ML code, and has a very unusual and relatively strict type system, but semantically it is essentially C.)
<syntaxhighlight lang="ats">
This program has to be compiled without -std=c99, which patscc will
insert unless you override the setting.
patscc \
--gline \
-atsccomp gcc \
-I"${PATSHOME}/ccomp/runtime" \
-L"${PATSHOME}/ccomp/atslib/lib" \
-o $fname($1) $1 -lm
I use the C _Complex types, but not the newer _Imaginary types.
Thus I demonstrate how one might add new floating point types
(In my opinion, it is good to use m4 or similar tools when writing
such repetitive code. Doing so reduces both work and the frequency
of errors. Also you could then more easily add support for the many
extension types such as "_Float128 complex" (quadruple precision).
One could, of course, define one's own complex types directly in
#include "share/atspre_staload.hats"
#define ATS_EXTERN_PREFIX "myatspre_"
#define NIL list_nil ()
#define :: list_cons
#include <complex.h>
#define myatspre_inline ATSinline ()
typedef float complex myatstype_fcomplex;
typedef double complex myatstype_dcomplex;
typedef long double complex myatstype_lcomplex;
#define myatspre_CMPLXF CMPLXF
#define myatspre_CMPLX CMPLX
#define myatspre_CMPLXL CMPLXL
myatspre_inline atsvoid_t0ype
myatspre_fprint_fcomplex (atstype_ref r,
myatstype_fcomplex x)
double rx = crealf (x);
double ix = cimagf (x);
const char *plus = (ix < 0) ? "" : "+";
fprintf ((FILE *) r, "%f%s%fi", rx, plus, ix);
#define myatspre_print_fcomplex(x) myatspre_fprint_fcomplex (stdout, (x))
#define myatspre_prerr_fcomplex(x) myatspre_fprint_fcomplex (stderr, (x))
myatspre_inline atsvoid_t0ype
myatspre_fprint_dcomplex (atstype_ref r,
myatstype_dcomplex x)
double rx = creal (x);
double ix = cimag (x);
const char *plus = (ix < 0) ? "" : "+";
fprintf ((FILE *) r, "%f%s%fi", rx, plus, ix);
#define myatspre_print_dcomplex(x) myatspre_fprint_dcomplex (stdout, (x))
#define myatspre_prerr_dcomplex(x) myatspre_fprint_dcomplex (stderr, (x))
myatspre_inline atsvoid_t0ype
myatspre_fprint_lcomplex (atstype_ref r,
myatstype_lcomplex x)
long double rx = creall (x);
long double ix = cimagl (x);
const char *plus = (ix < 0) ? "" : "+";
fprintf ((FILE *) r, "%Lf%s%Lfi", rx, plus, ix);
#define myatspre_print_lcomplex(x) myatspre_fprint_lcomplex (stdout, (x))
#define myatspre_prerr_lcomplex(x) myatspre_fprint_lcomplex (stderr, (x))
myatspre_inline myatstype_fcomplex
myatspre_g0float_cmplx_float_fcomplex (atstype_float x,
atstype_float y)
return myatspre_CMPLXF (x, y);
myatspre_inline myatstype_dcomplex
myatspre_g0float_cmplx_double_dcomplex (atstype_double x,
atstype_double y)
return myatspre_CMPLX (x, y);
myatspre_inline myatstype_lcomplex
myatspre_g0float_cmplx_ldouble_lcomplex (atstype_ldouble x,
atstype_ldouble y)
return myatspre_CMPLXL (x, y);
myatspre_inline myatstype_fcomplex
myatspre_g0int2float_int_fcomplex (atstype_int x)
return x;
myatspre_inline myatstype_dcomplex
myatspre_g0int2float_int_dcomplex (atstype_int x)
return x;
myatspre_inline myatstype_lcomplex
myatspre_g0int2float_int_lcomplex (atstype_int x)
return x;
myatspre_inline myatstype_fcomplex
myatspre_g0float_mul_fcomplex (myatstype_fcomplex x,
myatstype_fcomplex y)
return x * y;
myatspre_inline myatstype_dcomplex
myatspre_g0float_mul_dcomplex (myatstype_dcomplex x,
myatstype_dcomplex y)
return x * y;
myatspre_inline myatstype_lcomplex
myatspre_g0float_mul_lcomplex (myatstype_lcomplex x,
myatstype_lcomplex y)
return x * y;
myatspre_inline myatstype_fcomplex
myatspre_exp_fcomplex (myatstype_fcomplex x)
return cexpf (x);
myatspre_inline myatstype_dcomplex
myatspre_exp_dcomplex (myatstype_dcomplex x)
return cexp (x);
myatspre_inline myatstype_lcomplex
myatspre_exp_lcomplex (myatstype_lcomplex x)
return cexpl (x);
myatspre_inline myatstype_fcomplex
myatspre_pow_fcomplex (myatstype_fcomplex x,
myatstype_fcomplex y)
return cpowf (x, y);
myatspre_inline myatstype_dcomplex
myatspre_pow_dcomplex (myatstype_dcomplex x,
myatstype_dcomplex y)
return cpow (x, y);
myatspre_inline myatstype_lcomplex
myatspre_pow_lcomplex (myatstype_lcomplex x,
myatstype_lcomplex y)
return cpowl (x, y);
tkindef fcomplex_kind = "myatstype_fcomplex"
stadef fcmplxknd = fcomplex_kind
stadef fcomplex = g0float fcmplxknd
tkindef dcomplex_kind = "myatstype_dcomplex"
stadef dcmplxknd = dcomplex_kind
stadef dcomplex = g0float dcmplxknd
tkindef lcomplex_kind = "myatstype_lcomplex"
stadef lcmplxknd = lcomplex_kind
stadef lcomplex = g0float lcmplxknd
extern fn print_fcomplex : fcomplex -<1> void = "mac#%"
extern fn prerr_fcomplex : fcomplex -<1> void = "mac#%"
extern fn fprint_fcomplex : fprint_type fcomplex = "mac#%"
overload print with print_fcomplex
overload prerr with prerr_fcomplex
overload fprint with fprint_fcomplex
implement fprint_val<fcomplex> = fprint_fcomplex
extern fn print_dcomplex : dcomplex -<1> void = "mac#%"
extern fn prerr_dcomplex : dcomplex -<1> void = "mac#%"
extern fn fprint_dcomplex : fprint_type dcomplex = "mac#%"
overload print with print_dcomplex
overload prerr with prerr_dcomplex
overload fprint with fprint_dcomplex
implement fprint_val<dcomplex> = fprint_dcomplex
extern fn print_lcomplex : lcomplex -<1> void = "mac#%"
extern fn prerr_lcomplex : lcomplex -<1> void = "mac#%"
extern fn fprint_lcomplex : fprint_type lcomplex = "mac#%"
overload print with print_lcomplex
overload prerr with prerr_lcomplex
overload fprint with fprint_lcomplex
implement fprint_val<lcomplex> = fprint_lcomplex
extern fn g0int2float_int_fcomplex : int -<> fcomplex = "mac#%"
extern fn g0int2float_int_dcomplex : int -<> dcomplex = "mac#%"
extern fn g0int2float_int_lcomplex : int -<> lcomplex = "mac#%"
implement g0int2float<intknd,fcmplxknd> = g0int2float_int_fcomplex
implement g0int2float<intknd,dcmplxknd> = g0int2float_int_dcomplex
implement g0int2float<intknd,lcmplxknd> = g0int2float_int_lcomplex
extern fn g0float_cmplx_float_fcomplex : (float, float) -<> fcomplex = "mac#%"
extern fn g0float_cmplx_double_dcomplex : (double, double) -<> dcomplex = "mac#%"
extern fn g0float_cmplx_ldouble_lcomplex : (ldouble, ldouble) -<> lcomplex = "mac#%"
extern fn {tk2 : tkind} {tk1 : tkind} g0float_cmplx : (g0float tk1, g0float tk1) -<> g0float tk2
implement g0float_cmplx<fcmplxknd><fltknd> = g0float_cmplx_float_fcomplex
implement g0float_cmplx<dcmplxknd><dblknd> = g0float_cmplx_double_dcomplex
implement g0float_cmplx<lcmplxknd><ldblknd> = g0float_cmplx_ldouble_lcomplex
overload cmplx with g0float_cmplx
extern fn g0float_mul_fcomplex : g0float_aop_type fcmplxknd = "mac#%"
extern fn g0float_mul_dcomplex : g0float_aop_type dcmplxknd = "mac#%"
extern fn g0float_mul_lcomplex : g0float_aop_type lcmplxknd = "mac#%"
implement g0float_mul<fcmplxknd> = g0float_mul_fcomplex
implement g0float_mul<dcmplxknd> = g0float_mul_dcomplex
implement g0float_mul<lcmplxknd> = g0float_mul_lcomplex
(* Most "math" functions are not defined in the prelude. Here we will
follow the conventions of libats/libc, which does not use the
floating point typekinds. *)
staload "libats/libc/SATS/math.sats"
staload _ = "libats/libc/DATS/math.dats"
extern fn exp_fcomplex : fcomplex -<> fcomplex = "mac#%"
extern fn exp_dcomplex : dcomplex -<> dcomplex = "mac#%"
extern fn exp_lcomplex : lcomplex -<> lcomplex = "mac#%"
implement exp<fcomplex> = exp_fcomplex
implement exp<dcomplex> = exp_dcomplex
implement exp<lcomplex> = exp_lcomplex
extern fn pow_fcomplex : (fcomplex, fcomplex) -<> fcomplex = "mac#%"
extern fn pow_dcomplex : (dcomplex, dcomplex) -<> dcomplex = "mac#%"
extern fn pow_lcomplex : (lcomplex, lcomplex) -<> lcomplex = "mac#%"
implement pow<fcomplex> = pow_fcomplex
implement pow<dcomplex> = pow_dcomplex
implement pow<lcomplex> = pow_lcomplex
{n : pos}
(n : int n)
:<> list (dcomplex, n) =
val C = cmplx (0.0, ~((2.0 * M_PI) / g0i2f n))
loop {k : nat | k <= n}
(k : int k,
accum : list (dcomplex, n - k))
:<> list (dcomplex, n) =
if k = 0 then
loop (pred k, exp (g0i2f (pred k) * C) :: accum)
loop (n, NIL)
nth_powers {m : int}
{n : pos}
(lst : list (dcomplex, m),
n : int n)
:<1> list (dcomplex, m) =
val nth : dcomplex = g0i2f n
implement list_map$fopr<dcomplex><dcomplex> x = pow (x, nth)
list_vt2t (list_map<dcomplex><dcomplex> lst)
{n : pos}
(n : int n)
:<1> void =
val nth_roots = nth_roots_of_unity n
val ones = nth_powers (nth_roots, n)
println! ();
println! ("roots of unity = ", nth_roots);
println! ("roots raised ", n, " = ", ones)
{argc : int}
{k : pos | k <= argc}
{p_args : addr}
.<argc - k>.
(pf_args : !array_v (string, p_args, argc) |
argc : int argc,
p_args : ptr p_args,
k : int k)
:<1> void =
if k <> argc then
macdef args = !p_args
val argument = args[k]
val n = $extfcall ([n : int] int n, "atoi", argument)
if 0 < n then
show_results n;
loop_over_args (pf_args | argc, p_args, succ k)
main0 {argc} (argc, argv) =
val [p_args : addr]
@(pf_args, pf_minus | p_args) =
argv_takeout_strarr {argc} argv
val () = loop_over_args {argc} {1} {p_args}
(pf_args | argc, p_args, 1)
prval () = minus_addback (pf_minus, pf_args | argv)
println! ()
<pre>$ myatscc roots-of-unity.dats && ./roots-of-unity 1 2 3 4 5
roots of unity = 1.000000+0.000000i
roots raised 1 = 1.000000+0.000000i
roots of unity = 1.000000+0.000000i, -1.000000-0.000000i
roots raised 2 = 1.000000+0.000000i, 1.000000+0.000000i
roots of unity = 1.000000+0.000000i, -0.500000-0.866025i, -0.500000+0.866025i
roots raised 3 = 1.000000+0.000000i, 1.000000+0.000000i, 1.000000+0.000000i
roots of unity = 1.000000+0.000000i, 0.000000-1.000000i, -1.000000-0.000000i, -0.000000+1.000000i
roots raised 4 = 1.000000+0.000000i, 1.000000+0.000000i, 1.000000+0.000000i, 1.000000+0.000000i
roots of unity = 1.000000+0.000000i, 0.309017-0.951057i, -0.809017-0.587785i, -0.809017+0.587785i, 0.309017+0.951057i
roots raised 5 = 1.000000+0.000000i, 1.000000+0.000000i, 1.000000+0.000000i, 1.000000+0.000000i, 1.000000+0.000000i
Line 216 ⟶ 613:
{{works with|QBasic|1.1}}
{{works with|QuickBasic|4.5}}
Line 233 ⟶ 631:
LOOP WHILE angle < 2 * PI</syntaxhighlight>
==={{header|BBC BASICBASIC256}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">twopi = 2 * pi
n = 5
for m = 0 to n-1
theta = m*twopi/n
real = cos(theta)
imag = sin(theta)
if imag >= 0 then
print ljust(string(real),9,"0"); " + "; ljust(string(imag),13,"0"); "i"
print ljust(string(real),9,"0"); " - "; ljust(string(-imag),13,"0"); "i"
end if
next m</syntaxhighlight>
==={{header|BBC BASIC}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="bbcbasic"> @% = &20408
FOR n% = 2 TO 5
Line 252 ⟶ 665:
5: 1.0000 0.0000i, 0.3090 0.9511i, -0.8090 0.5878i, -0.8090 -0.5878i, 0.3090 -0.9511i
==={{header|Craft Basic}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="basic">define theta = 0, real = 0, imag = 0
define pi = 3.14, n = 5
for m = 0 to n - 1
let theta = m * (pi * 2) / n
let real = cos(theta)
let imag = sin(theta)
if imag >= 0 then
print real, comma, " ", imag, "i"
print real, comma, " ", imag * -1, "i"
next m</syntaxhighlight>
{{out| Output}}<pre>
1, 0i
0.31, 0.95i
-0.81, 0.59i
-0.81, 0.59i
0.30, 0.95i
<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">#define twopi 6.2831853071795864769252867665590057684
dim as uinteger m, n
dim as double real, imag, theta
input "n? ", n
for m = 0 to n-1
theta = m*twopi/n
real = cos(theta)
imag = sin(theta)
if imag >= 0 then
print using "#.##### + #.##### i"; real; imag
print using "#.##### - #.##### i"; real; -imag
end if
next m</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">window 1, @"Roots of Unity", (0,0,1050,200)
long n, root
double real, imag
for n = 2 to 7
print n;":" ;
for root = 0 to n-1
real = cos( 2 * pi * root / n)
imag = sin( 2 * pi * root / n)
print using "-##.#####"; real;using "-##.#####"; imag; "i";
if root != n-1 then print ",";
2: 1.00000 0.00000i, -1.00000 0.00000i
3: 1.00000 0.00000i, -0.50000 0.86603i, -0.50000 -0.86603i
4: 1.00000 0.00000i, 0.00000 1.00000i, -1.00000 0.00000i, -0.00000 -1.00000i
5: 1.00000 0.00000i, 0.30902 0.95106i, -0.80902 0.58779i, -0.80902 -0.58779i, 0.30902 -0.95106i
6: 1.00000 0.00000i, 0.50000 0.86603i, -0.50000 0.86603i, -1.00000 0.00000i, -0.50000 -0.86603i, 0.50000 -0.86603i
7: 1.00000 0.00000i, 0.62349 0.78183i, -0.22252 0.97493i, -0.90097 0.43388i, -0.90097 -0.43388i, -0.22252 -0.97493i, 0.62349 -0.78183i
==={{header|Liberty BASIC}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="lb">WindowWidth =400
WindowHeight =400
open "N'th Roots of One" for graphics_nsb_nf as #w
#w "trapclose [quit]"
for n =1 To 10
angle =0
#w "font arial 16 bold"
print n; "th roots."
#w "cls"
#w "size 1 ; goto 200 200 ; down ; color lightgray ; circle 150 ; size 10 ; set 200 200 ; size 2"
#w "up ; goto 200 0 ; down ; goto 200 400 ; up ; goto 0 200 ; down ; goto 400 200"
#w "up ; goto 40 20 ; down ; color black"
#w "font arial 6"
#w "\"; n; " roots of 1."
for i = 1 To n
x = cos( Radian( angle))
y = sin( Radian( angle))
print using( "##", i); ": ( " + using( "##.######", x);_
" +i *" +using( "##.######", y); ") or e^( i *"; i -1; " *2 *Pi/ "; n; ")"
#w "color "; 255 *i /n; " 0 "; 256 -255 *i /n
#w "up ; goto 200 200"
#w "down ; goto "; 200 +150 *x; " "; 200 -150 *y
#w "up ; goto "; 200 +165 *x; " "; 200 -165 *y
#w "\"; str$( i)
#w "up"
angle =angle +360 /n
next i
timer 500, [on]
timer 0
next n
close #w
function Radian( theta)
Radian =theta *3.1415926535 /180
end function</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="purebasic">OpenConsole()
For n = 2 To 10
angle = 0
For i = 1 To n
x.f = Cos(Radian(angle))
y.f = Sin(Radian(angle))
PrintN( Str(i) + ": " + StrF(x, 6) + " / " + StrF(y, 6))
angle = angle + (360 / n)
==={{header|Run BASIC}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="runbasic">PI = 3.1415926535
FOR n = 2 TO 5
PRINT n;":" ;
FOR root = 0 TO n-1
real = COS(2*PI * root / n)
imag = SIN(2*PI * root / n)
PRINT using("-##.#####",real);using("-##.#####",imag);"i";
IF root <> n-1 then PRINT "," ;
2: 1.00000 0.00000i, -1.00000 0.00000i
3: 1.00000 0.00000i, -0.50000 0.86603i, -0.50000 -0.86603i
4: 1.00000 0.00000i, 0.00000 1.00000i, -1.00000 0.00000i, 0.00000 -1.00000i
5: 1.00000 0.00000i, 0.30902 0.95106i, -0.80902 0.58779i, -0.80902 -0.58779i, 0.30902 -0.95106i</pre>
==={{header|TI-89 BASIC}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="ti89b">cZeros(x^n - 1, x)</syntaxhighlight>
For n=3 in exact mode, the results are
<syntaxhighlight lang="ti89b">{-1/2+√(3)/2*i, -1/2-√(3)/2*i, 1}</syntaxhighlight>
==={{header|True BASIC}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="qbasic">LET num_pi = 3.1415926
LET n = 5 !this can be changed for any desired n
LET angle = 0 !start at angle 0
LET real = COS(angle) !real axis is the x axis
IF (ABS(real) < 10^(-5)) THEN !get rid of annoying sci notation
LET real = 0
LET imag = SIN(angle) !imaginary axis is the y axis
IF (ABS(imag) < 10^(-5)) THEN !get rid of annoying sci notation
LET imag = 0
PRINT real; "+"; imag; "i" !answer on every line
LET angle = angle+(2*num_pi)/n
!all the way around the circle at even intervals
LOOP WHILE angle < 2*num_pi
<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">twopi = 2 * pi
n = 5
for m = 0 to n-1
theta = m*twopi/n
real = cos(theta)
imag = sin(theta)
if imag >= 0 then
print real using("##.########"), " + ", imag using("#.########"), "i"
print real using("##.########"), " + ", -imag using("#.########"), "i"
end if
next m</syntaxhighlight>
The roots function takes a number n to the nth root of -1, squares it, and iteratively makes a list of its first n powers (oblivious to roundoff error). Complex functions cpow and mul are used, which are called from the host system's standard C library.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ursala">#import std
#import nat
#import flo
roots = ~&htxPC+ c..mul:-0^*DlSiiDlStK9\iota c..mul@iiX+ c..cpow/-1.+ div/1.+ float
#cast %jLL
tests = roots* <1,2,3,4,5,6></syntaxhighlight>
The output is a list of lists of complex numbers.
Line 463 ⟶ 1,125:
-0,5 - 0,866025403784439i
numfmt 4 0
for n = 2 to 5
write n & ": "
for root = 0 to n - 1
real = cos (360 * root / n)
imag = sin (360 * root / n)
write real & " " & imag & "i"
if root <> n - 1
write ", "
print ""
2: 1 0i, -1 0.0000i
3: 1 0i, -0.5000 0.8660i, -0.5000 -0.8660i
4: 1 0i, 0.0000 1i, -1 0.0000i, -0.0000 -1i
5: 1 0i, 0.3090 0.9511i, -0.8090 0.5878i, -0.8090 -0.5878i, 0.3090 -0.9511i
<syntaxhighlight lang="scheme">
Line 598 ⟶ 1,286:
end do
end program unity</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">#define twopi 6.2831853071795864769252867665590057684
dim as uinteger m, n
dim as double real, imag, theta
input "n? ", n
for m = 0 to n-1
theta = m*twopi/n
real = cos(theta)
imag = sin(theta)
if imag >= 0 then
print using "#.##### + #.##### i"; real; imag
print using "#.##### - #.##### i"; real; -imag
end if
next m</syntaxhighlight>
Line 653 ⟶ 1,323:
{1.0, -0.4999999999999998+0.8660254037844387i, -0.5000000000000004-0.8660254037844385i}
<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">window 1, @"Roots of Unity", (0,0,1050,200)
long n, root
double real, imag
for n = 2 to 7
print n;":" ;
for root = 0 to n-1
real = cos( 2 * pi * root / n)
imag = sin( 2 * pi * root / n)
print using "-##.#####"; real;using "-##.#####"; imag; "i";
if root != n-1 then print ",";
2: 1.00000 0.00000i, -1.00000 0.00000i
3: 1.00000 0.00000i, -0.50000 0.86603i, -0.50000 -0.86603i
4: 1.00000 0.00000i, 0.00000 1.00000i, -1.00000 0.00000i, -0.00000 -1.00000i
5: 1.00000 0.00000i, 0.30902 0.95106i, -0.80902 0.58779i, -0.80902 -0.58779i, 0.30902 -0.95106i
6: 1.00000 0.00000i, 0.50000 0.86603i, -0.50000 0.86603i, -1.00000 0.00000i, -0.50000 -0.86603i, 0.50000 -0.86603i
7: 1.00000 0.00000i, 0.62349 0.78183i, -0.22252 0.97493i, -0.90097 0.43388i, -0.90097 -0.43388i, -0.22252 -0.97493i, 0.62349 -0.78183i
Line 1,035 ⟶ 1,677:
=={{header|Liberty BASIC}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="lb">WindowWidth =400
WindowHeight =400
open "N'th Roots of One" for graphics_nsb_nf as #w
#w "trapclose [quit]"
for n =1 To 10
angle =0
#w "font arial 16 bold"
print n; "th roots."
#w "cls"
#w "size 1 ; goto 200 200 ; down ; color lightgray ; circle 150 ; size 10 ; set 200 200 ; size 2"
#w "up ; goto 200 0 ; down ; goto 200 400 ; up ; goto 0 200 ; down ; goto 400 200"
#w "up ; goto 40 20 ; down ; color black"
#w "font arial 6"
#w "\"; n; " roots of 1."
for i = 1 To n
x = cos( Radian( angle))
y = sin( Radian( angle))
print using( "##", i); ": ( " + using( "##.######", x);_
" +i *" +using( "##.######", y); ") or e^( i *"; i -1; " *2 *Pi/ "; n; ")"
#w "color "; 255 *i /n; " 0 "; 256 -255 *i /n
#w "up ; goto 200 200"
#w "down ; goto "; 200 +150 *x; " "; 200 -150 *y
#w "up ; goto "; 200 +165 *x; " "; 200 -165 *y
#w "\"; str$( i)
#w "up"
angle =angle +360 /n
next i
timer 500, [on]
timer 0
next n
close #w
function Radian( theta)
Radian =theta *3.1415926535 /180
end function</syntaxhighlight>
Line 1,526 ⟶ 2,112:
X = [1, exp(i*pi/4), i, exp(3*i*pi/4), -1, exp(... * ... * pi/4), -i, exp(... / ...)].
<syntaxhighlight lang="purebasic">OpenConsole()
For n = 2 To 10
angle = 0
For i = 1 To n
x.f = Cos(Radian(angle))
y.f = Sin(Radian(angle))
PrintN( Str(i) + ": " + StrF(x, 6) + " / " + StrF(y, 6))
angle = angle + (360 / n)
Line 1,639 ⟶ 2,211:
Alternately, you could use the built-in .roots method to find the nth roots of any number.
<syntaxhighlight lang="raku" line>.say for 1.roots(9)</syntaxhighlight>
Line 1,834 ⟶ 2,420:
0.809016994 + 0.587785252i
0.309016994 + 0.951056516i</syntaxhighlight>
≪ → r n
≪ { } 0 n 1 - '''FOR''' q
'r^INV(n)*e^(2*i*π*q/n)' →NUM + '''NEXT'''
1: { (1,0) (-0.5,0.866025403784) (-0.5,-0.866025403784) }
Line 1,846 ⟶ 2,444:
[(1+0.0i), (-0.4999999999999998+0.8660254037844387i), (-0.5000000000000004-0.8660254037844384i)]
=={{header|Run BASIC}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="runbasic">PI = 3.1415926535
FOR n = 2 TO 5
PRINT n;":" ;
FOR root = 0 TO n-1
real = COS(2*PI * root / n)
imag = SIN(2*PI * root / n)
PRINT using("-##.#####",real);using("-##.#####",imag);"i";
IF root <> n-1 then PRINT "," ;
2: 1.00000 0.00000i, -1.00000 0.00000i
3: 1.00000 0.00000i, -0.50000 0.86603i, -0.50000 -0.86603i
4: 1.00000 0.00000i, 0.00000 1.00000i, -1.00000 0.00000i, 0.00000 -1.00000i
5: 1.00000 0.00000i, 0.30902 0.95106i, -0.80902 0.58779i, -0.80902 -0.58779i, 0.30902 -0.95106i</pre>
Line 2,005 ⟶ 2,583:
puts $row
=={{header|TI-89 BASIC}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="ti89b">cZeros(x^n - 1, x)</syntaxhighlight>
For n=3 in exact mode, the results are
<syntaxhighlight lang="ti89b">{-1/2+√(3)/2*i, -1/2-√(3)/2*i, 1}</syntaxhighlight>
The roots function takes a number n to the nth root of -1, squares it, and iteratively makes a list of its first n powers (oblivious to roundoff error). Complex functions cpow and mul are used, which are called from the host system's standard C library.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ursala">#import std
#import nat
#import flo
roots = ~&htxPC+ c..mul:-0^*DlSiiDlStK9\iota c..mul@iiX+ c..cpow/-1.+ div/1.+ float
#cast %jLL
tests = roots* <1,2,3,4,5,6></syntaxhighlight>
The output is a list of lists of complex numbers.
Line 2,122 ⟶ 2,654:
Root 7: 0.17364817766693-0.984807753012208i
Root 8: 0.766044443118978-0.64278760968654i</pre>
=={{header|V (Vlang)}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="Zig">
import math
for n in 2..6 {
print("${n}: ")
for root in 0..n {
real := math.cos(2 * 3.14 * root/n)
imag := math.sin(2 * 3.14 * root/n)
print("${real:.4} ${imag:.4}i")
if root != n - 1 {print(", ")}
Line 2,127 ⟶ 2,676:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">import "./complex" for Complex
import "./fmt" for Fmt
var roots = { |n|
Line 2,138 ⟶ 2,687:
for (n in 2..5) {
Fmt.print("$d roots of 1:", n)
for (r in Fmt.print(" $ 0.14z", r)
