Roman numerals/Encode: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|Perl}}: missed one)
(Add 8080 assembly version)
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* 1666 uses each Roman symbol in descending order: MDCLXVI
* 1666 uses each Roman symbol in descending order: MDCLXVI

=={{header|8080 Assembly}}==
<lang 8080asm> org 100h
jmp test
;; Takes a 16-bit integer in HL, and stores it
;; as a 0-terminated string starting at BC.
;; On exit, all registers destroyed; BC pointing at
;; end of string.
mkroman: push h ; put input on stack
lxi h,mkromantab
mkromandgt: mov a,m ; scan ahead to next entry
ana a
inx h
jnz mkromandgt
xthl ; load number
mov a,h ; if zero, we're done
ora l
jz mkromandone
xthl ; load next entry from table
mov e,m ; de = number
inx h
mov d,m
inx h
xthl ; load number
xra a ; find how many we need
subtract: inr a ; with trial subtraction
dad d
jc subtract
push psw ; keep counter
mov a,d ; we subtracted one too many
cma ; so we need to add one back
mov d,a
mov a,e
mov e,a
inx d
dad d
pop d ; restore counter (into D)
xthl ; load table pointer
stringouter: dcr d ; do we need to include one?
jz mkromandgt
push h ; keep string location
stringinner: mov a,m ; copy string into target
stax b
ana a ; done yet?
jz stringdone
inx h
inx b ; copy next character
jmp stringinner
stringdone: pop h ; restore string location
jmp stringouter
mkromandone: pop d ; remove temporary variable from stack
mkromantab: db 0
db 18h,0fch,'M',0 ; The value for each entry
db 7ch,0fch,'CM',0 ; is stored already negated
db 0ch,0feh,'D',0 ; so that it can be immediately
db 70h,0feh,'CD',0 ; added using `dad'.
db 9ch,0ffh,'C',0 ; This also has the convenient
db 0a6h,0ffh,'XC',0 ; property of not having any
db 0ceh,0ffh,'L',0 ; zero bytes except the string
db 0d8h,0ffh,'XL',0 ; and row terminators.
db 0f6h,0ffh,'X',0
db 0f7h,0ffh,'IX',0
db 0fbh,0ffh,'V',0
db 0fch,0ffh,'IV',0
db 0ffh,0ffh,'I',0
;; Test code
test: mvi c,10 ; read string from console
lxi d,dgtbufdef
call 5
lxi h,0 ; convert to integer
lxi b,dgtbuf
readdgt: ldax b
ana a
jz convert
dad h ; hl *= 10
mov d,h
mov e,l
dad h
dad h
dad d
sui '0'
mov e,a
mvi d,0
dad d
inx b
jmp readdgt
convert: lxi b,romanbuf ; convert to roman
call mkroman
mvi a,'$' ; switch string terminator
stax b
mvi c,9 ; output result
lxi d,romanbuf
jmp 5
nl: db 13,10,'$'
dgtbufdef: db 5,0
dgtbuf: ds 6
