Rock-paper-scissors: Difference between revisions

Added Wren
m (Changed "Successors" to "Successor".)
(Added Wren)
Line 6,262:
<lang ecmascript>import "random" for Random
import "/str" for Str
import "/ioutil" for Input
var choices = "rpsq"
var rand =
var pWins = 0 // player wins
var cWins = 0 // computer wins
var draws = 0 // neither wins
var games = 0 // games played
var pFreqs = [0, 0, 0] // player frequencies for each choice (rps)
var printScore = {
System.print("Wins: You %(pWins), Computer %(cWins), Neither %(draws)\n")
var getComputerChoice = {
// make a completely random choice until 3 games have been played
if (games < 3) return choices[]
var num =
return (num < pFreqs[0]) ? "p" :
(num < pFreqs[0] + pFreqs[1]) ? "s" : "r"
System.print("Enter: (r)ock, (p)aper, (s)cissors or (q)uit\n")
while (true) {
var pChoice = Str.lower(Input.option("Your choice r/p/s/q : ", "rpsqRPSQ"))
if (pChoice == "q") {
System.print("OK, quitting")
var cChoice =
System.print("Computer's choice : %(cChoice)")
if (pChoice == "r" && cChoice == "s") {
System.print("Rock breaks scissors - You win!")
pWins = pWins + 1
} else if (pChoice == "p" && cChoice == "r") {
System.print("Paper covers rock - You win!")
pWins = pWins + 1
} else if (pChoice == "s" && cChoice == "p") {
System.print("Scissors cut paper - You win!")
pWins = pWins + 1
} else if (pChoice == "s" && cChoice == "r") {
System.print("Rock breaks scissors - Computer wins!")
cWins = cWins + 1
} else if (pChoice == "r" && cChoice == "p") {
System.print("Paper covers rock - Computer wins!")
cWins = cWins + 1
} else if (pChoice == "p" && cChoice == "s") {
System.print("Scissors cut paper - Computer wins!")
cWins = cWins + 1
} else {
System.print("It's a draw!")
draws = draws + 1
var pf = pFreqs[choices.indexOf(pChoice)]
pFreqs[choices.indexOf(pChoice)] = pf + 1
games = games + 1
Sample game:
Enter: (r)ock, (p)aper, (s)cissors or (q)uit
Wins: You 0, Computer 0, Neither 0
Your choice r/p/s/q : r
Computer's choice : r
It's a draw!
Wins: You 0, Computer 0, Neither 1
Your choice r/p/s/q : p
Computer's choice : s
Scissors cut paper - Computer wins!
Wins: You 0, Computer 1, Neither 1
Your choice r/p/s/q : s
Computer's choice : p
Scissors cut paper - You win!
Wins: You 1, Computer 1, Neither 1
Your choice r/p/s/q : q
OK, quitting
