Rock-paper-scissors: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|Go}}: additional weapons
(Added an Algol 68 implementation)
(→‎{{header|Go}}: additional weapons)
Line 1,734:
{{out|Sample output:}}
Rock Paper Scissors
Line 1,752:
My play: p. Paper covers rock. My point.
1:2 Play:
Additional weapons:
<lang go>package main
import (
var help = `rps plays rock-paper-scissors with optional addition weapons.
Usage: rps [-h] [game]
-h display help.
game is a game description file in TOML (
The traditional game can be described as
title = "Rock Paper Scissors"
win = [
"rock breaks scissors",
"paper covers rock",
"scissors cut paper",
The title is optional, it just prints out at the beginning of a game.
The "win" list is statments where the first word wins over the last word.
It's case sensitive so make things easy by using consistent case.
Don't use punctuation, at least not next to a first or last word.
Additionally, you can have a "lose" key where the first word loses to the
the last, for example
lose = ["rock falls into well"]
To organize things with additional weapons, you can just use the winning
weapon with a list of clauses, for example
lizard = ["poisons Spock", "eats paper"]
The progam ignores anything in parentheses when identifying first or last
words. Examples (from RPS-101) with weapons gun, fire, and sword,
win = [
"gun fire(s)"
"(flaming) sword has fire"
Finally, TOML is a hash, so don't duplicate keys. That means no multiple
win or lose keys. You must combine all the win statements and all the lose
var rps = `
title = "Rock Paper Scissors"
win = [
"rock breaks scissors",
"paper covers rock",
"scissors cut paper",
func main() {
h := flag.Bool("h", false, "show help")
if *h {
m := map[string]interface{}{}
var err error
switch flag.NArg() {
case 0:
_, err = toml.Decode(rps, &m)
case 1:
_, err = toml.DecodeFile(flag.Arg(0), &m)
if err != nil {
type decision map[string]map[string]string
type fIndex map[string]int
func parse(m map[string]interface{}) (title string, f fIndex, d decision) {
d = decision{}
for k, v := range m {
switch t := v.(type) {
case []interface{}:
d.parseList(k, t)
case string:
if k == "title" {
title = t
} else {
log.Println("Unknown key:", k)
i := 0
f = fIndex{}
for w, wl := range d {
if _, ok := f[w]; !ok {
f[w] = i
for l := range wl {
if _, ok := f[l]; !ok {
f[l] = i
for fm := range f {
if _, ok := d[fm]; !ok {
log.Println("note,", fm, "always loses!")
balanced := len(f)&1 == 1
for _, l := range d {
if !balanced {
balanced = len(l)*2+1 == len(f)
if !balanced {
log.Print("note, game is unbalanced")
return title, f, d
var r = regexp.MustCompile(`[(].*[)]`)
func (d decision) parseList(kw string, l []interface{}) {
var ww string
for _, e := range l {
st, ok := e.(string)
if !ok {
log.Fatal("invalid", e)
w := strings.Fields(r.ReplaceAllLiteralString(st, ""))
if len(w) == 0 {
log.Fatalln("invalid:", kw, st)
lw := w[len(w)-1]
switch kw {
case "win":
ww = w[0]
case "lose":
ww, lw = lw, w[0]
ww = kw
for i := 0; ; i++ {
if i == len(w) {
st = ww + " " + st
if w[i] == ww {
if lw == ww {
log.Fatalln("invalid:", st)
if cs, ok := d[lw][ww]; ok {
log.Fatalln("conflict:", cs, "and", st)
d1, ok := d[ww]
if !ok {
d1 = map[string]string{}
d1[lw] = st
d[ww] = d1
func play(title string, fx fIndex, d decision) {
if len(fx) == 0 {
form := make([]string, len(fx))
for w, i := range fx {
form[i] = w
fmt.Print("Choices are ", form[0])
for _, w := range form[1:] {
fmt.Printf(", %s", w)
fmt.Println("Enter one of these choices as your play. " +
"Anything else ends the game.")
fmt.Println("Running score shown as <your wins>:<my wins>")
var pw string
var aScore, pScore int
sl := 3
wcf := make([]int, len(form))
wct := 0
ax := rand.Intn(len(form))
aw := form[ax]
for {
fmt.Print("Play: ")
_, err := fmt.Scanln(&pw)
if err != nil {
px, ok := fx[pw]
if !ok {
fmt.Println(pw, "invalid.")
for f, l := range d {
if _, ok := l[pw]; ok {
fmt.Printf("My play:%s%s.\n", strings.Repeat(" ", sl-2), aw)
ast := d[aw][pw]
pst := d[pw][aw]
switch {
case ax == px:
case ast > "" && pst > "":
log.Fatalln("conflict: ", ast, "and", pst)
case ast > "":
fmt.Printf("%s. My point.\n", ast)
fmt.Printf("%s. Your point.\n", pst)
sl, _ = fmt.Printf("%d:%d ", pScore, aScore)
ax = 0
for rn := rand.Intn(wct); ; ax++ {
if f := wcf[ax]; rn < f {
} else {
rn -= f
aw = form[ax]
Example game files:
# example unbalanced game described with both win and lose statements
title = "Rock Paper Scissors Well"
win = [
"rock breaks scissors",
"paper covers rock",
"paper covers well",
"scissors cut paper",
lose = [
"rock falls into well",
"scissors fall into well",
# example with implied wins, parenthetical word.
title = "RPS-7"
rock = [
"pounds out fire",
"crushes scissors",
"crushes sponge",
fire = [
"melts scissors",
"burns paper",
"burns sponge",
scissors = [
"swish through air",
"cut paper",
"cut sponge",
sponge = [
"soaks paper",
"uses air (pockets)",
"absorbs water",
paper = [
"fans air",
"covers rock",
"floats on water",
air = [
"blows out fire",
"erodes rock",
"evaporates water",
water = [
"erodes rock",
"puts out fire",
"rusts scissors",
{{out|Example output}}
> rps rpsw
2014/05/20 20:42:03 note, game is unbalanced
Rock Paper Scissors Well
Choices are rock, scissors, paper, well.
Enter one of these choices as your play. Anything else ends the game.
Running score shown as <your wins>:<my wins>
Play: rock
My play: rock.
0:0 Play: well
My play: paper.
paper covers well. My point.
0:1 Play: scissors
My play: paper.
scissors cut paper. Your point.
1:1 Play: well
My play: paper.
paper covers well. My point.
1:2 Play:
> rps rps7
Choices are rock, scissors, sponge, fire, paper, air, water.
Enter one of these choices as your play. Anything else ends the game.
Running score shown as <your wins>:<my wins>
Play: air
My play: water.
air evaporates water. Your point.
1:0 Play:
