Rock-paper-scissors: Difference between revisions

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<lang Swift>enum Choice: CaseIterable {
case rock
case paper
case scissors
case lizard
case spock
extension Choice {
var weaknesses: Set<Choice> {
switch self {
case .rock:
return [.paper, .spock]
case .paper:
return [.scissors, .lizard]
case .scissors:
return [.rock, .spock]
case .lizard:
return [.rock, .scissors]
case .spock:
return [.paper, .lizard]
struct Game {
private(set) var history: [(Choice, Choice)] = []
private(set) var p1Score: Int = 0
private(set) var p2Score: Int = 0
mutating func play(_ p1Choice: Choice, against p2Choice: Choice) {
history.append((p1Choice, p2Choice))
if p2Choice.weaknesses.contains(p1Choice) {
p1Score += 1
} else if p1Choice.weaknesses.contains(p2Choice) {
p2Score += 1
func aiChoice(for game: Game) -> Choice {
if let weightedWeekness = game.history.flatMap({ $0.0.weaknesses }).randomElement() {
return weightedWeekness
} else {
// If history is empty, return random Choice
return Choice.allCases.randomElement()!
var game = Game()
print("Type your choice to play a round, or 'q' to quit")
loop: while true {
let choice: Choice
switch readLine().map({ $0.lowercased() }) {
case "r", "rock":
choice = .rock
case "p", "paper":
choice = .paper
case "scissors":
choice = .scissors
case "l", "lizard":
choice = .lizard
case "spock":
choice = .spock
case "q", "quit", "exit":
break loop
case "s":
print("Do you mean Spock, or scissors?")
print("Unknown choice. Type 'q' to quit")
let p2Choice = aiChoice(for: game)
print("You played \(choice) against \(p2Choice)"), against: p2Choice)
print("Current score: \(game.p1Score) : \(game.p2Score)")
'''Sample run:'''
Type your choice to play a round, or 'q' to quit
You played rock against paper
Current score: 0 : 1
You played paper against paper
Current score: 0 : 1
You played spock against lizard
Current score: 0 : 2
You played lizard against paper
Current score: 1 : 2
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